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Software Release and Announcements

Included in this email are the following announcements:

1) Profit (V1.0) first look spectral data tool released.
2) Meeting: The Extreme Universe in the Suzaku Era - December 4-8, 2006
3) Updated meetings page.


The HEASARC is pleased to announce the release of Profit version 1.0


A graphical first-look tool for moderate to high-resolution spectral
data, profit can display spectra, identify and label emission lines,
and measure velocity shifts amongst other features.  It can read
spectral files in the common PHA format used for X-ray spectral data
as well as Type II PHA files used for Chandra grating data and simple
ASCII text files.

Profit includes atomic data for both collisional and photoionized plasma
models, and uses this data to identify features and display spectra in
velocity space.  The collisional data are from the ATOMDB database
(http://cxc.harvard.edu/atomdb) and the photoionized data are from the
XSTAR code (http://heasarc.gsfc.nasa.gov/xstar/).

Profit can be downloaded from
in both source and binary form.

Profit should run on most Unix-based systems; pre-compiled binaries
are available for:

        * Mac OSX (v10.3 and 10.4)
        * Solaris 8
        * Linux (libc 2.3)

Profit is still in active development, so comments and suggestions
are welcome; please use the Feedback form on the Profit website
to contact the developers.


                     FIRST ANNOUNCEMENT
                   the Suzaku Conference
           "The Extreme Universe in the Suzaku Era",
              December 4-8, 2006, Kyoto, JAPAN

Dear all,

This is the first Announcement of the Suzaku Conference
"The Extreme Universe in the Suzaku Era",
which will be held on December 4-8 in 2006, the millennium of SN1006.

The conference site, Kyoto is the old capital city of Japan, with
full of beautiful sights
and many World's Cultural Heritage

Furthermore, the early December is the last chance to enjoy beautiful
red and yellow leaves in Kyoto. Not only to enjoy the Suzaku-science
but also the Oriental History, Culture and Nature, please assign the
date (December 4-8 in 2006) for your "Kyoto trip".

Please notify this event to all of your colleagues and neighbor, and
kindly upload this conference information on any of the relevant
Web(s) and/or Board(s).

The outline of the Conference is given below and also in our
Conference Web;

Any inquiries, comments advice should be to the Conference LOC;

On behalf of the SOC and LOC
Katsuji Koyama (SOC chair) and Takeshi Tsuru (LOC chair)


Please check for updates to our meetings page.


Also, let us know via the email address on the above page if there are
other meetings, deadlines or events that should be included here.

Recently added:
10th Summer Synthesis Imaging Workshop - June 13-20, 2006


A service of the
High Energy Astrophysics Science Archive Research Center (HEASARC)

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