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Meeting Announcement: Eight Years of Science with Chandra

Meeting Announcement:  Eight Years of Science with Chandra 

23-25 October, 2007
Marriott Huntsville
Huntsville, Alabama

This meeting will highlight science results from the past eight years of 
operation of the Chandra X-ray Observatory with emphasis on recent results. 
Contributions from the XMM-Newton, Suzaku, and Swift Observatories and related 
results from INTEGRAL, RXTE and AGILE also will be presented.


Sep-16 Sunday 23:59 EDT
Register at http://cxc.harvard.edu/symposium_2007/registration.html.
There is a $75 surcharge for registration after this date.

Sep-16 Sunday 23:59 EDT
Submit abstracts at
http://cxc.harvard.edu/symposium_2007/registration.html requesting oral
or poster presentations. You will need your registration confirmation
number to submit an abstract, so please register first.

Sept-22 Saturday
Reserve event-rate rooms at the Huntsville Marriott. Please visit
http://cxc.harvard.edu/symposium_2007/travel.html for
information---including Government and non-Government rates, rate codes,
and telephone number and web link for reservations.

Oct-22 Monday 19:00 CDT
Attend the opening reception the evening before the Symposium.
Please visit the Symposium web site
(http://cxc.harvard.edu/symposium_2007/) for more
information---including invited speakers and topics, listing of
registrants, and description of special events. Jon Morse, who heads the
NASA Astrophysics Division, will speak at the opening session Oct-23

The Chandra Calibration Workshop (CCW) will occur 25-Oct Thursday
afternoon - the Symposium itself will end ~mid-day. For more
information, to register (at no additional cost) for the CCW, 
and to submit a CCW abstract, please visit http://cxc.harvard.edu/ccw/.

We hope to see you in Huntsville.

Dan Schwartz & Steve O'Dell, Chairs
Science Organizing Committee

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