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HEAD Meeting Abstract Deadline Extended to January 25th
HEAD Meeting Abstract Deadline Extended to January 25th.
We wish to alert you to the fact that the HEAD abstract submission deadline
is approaching. We have extended the deadline to January 25th given the
SMEX proposal deadline (today). Please also make your hotel reservations
and register soon. More details are available at:
Urgent questions may be sent to:
The meeting is in downtown Los Angeles with a reception at the train
station downtown that should be very nice. There will be eight special
sessions at this meeting, organized by the following people:
- Chryssa Kouveliotou
** non-Gamma Ray Burst Science with Swift
- Niel Gehrels, Stefan Immler, Dave Burrows
** X-rays and Planet Formation
- Eric Feigelson et al.
** Future X-ray Missions
- Andy Ptak and Josh Grindlay
** GLAST Community Workshop (lunchtime session)
- Steve Ritz
** Astrostatistics (lunchtime session)
- Aneta Siemiginowska & Vinay Kashyap
** Science Impacts of High Resolution X-ray Spectroscopy (lunchtime session)
- David Huenemoerder & Mike Nowak
** Chandra X-ray Data Analysis (lunchtime session)
- Aneta Siemiginowska
So, submit your abstract and we will look forward to seeing you in Los
Thank you,
Ann Hornschemeier
HEAD Secretary-Treasurer
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