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HEASARC News: 8th INTEGRAL Workshop: The Restless Gamma-Ray Universe
8th INTEGRAL Workshop
27 - 30 September 2010
Dublin, Ireland
Scientific Programme and Aims of the Workshop
take place in Dublin Castle, Dublin, Ireland from 27 to 30 September
2010. The main goal of this workshop is to present and to discuss (via
invited and contributed talks and posters) latest results obtained in
the field of high energy astrophysics using the International
Gamma-Ray Astrophysics Laboratory INTEGRAL, as well as results from
related observations from other ground and space-based high energy
Contributions to the workshop shall cover the following scientific topics:
* X-ray binaries (IGR sources, black holes, neutron stars, white dwarfs)
* Isolated neutron stars (gamma-ray pulsars, magnetars)
* Nucleosynthesis (SNe and SNRs), gamma-ray lines, diffuse line and continuum emission
* Massive black holes in AGNs, elliptical galaxies, nucleus of the Galaxy
* Surveys, source populations and unidentified sources
* Cosmic background radiation
* Gamma-ray bursts
* Coordinated observations with other ground- and space-based
observatories (e.g. XMM, Chandra, RXTE, SWIFT, Suzaku, AGILE, FERMI,
* Science data processing and analysis (posters only)
* Future instruments and missions (posters only)
Workshop web page: http://ssmr.ucd.ie/8thintegralworkshop
Workshop email: 8thintegralworkshop@gmail.com
The INTEGRAL mission
INTEGRAL is ESA's gamma-ray mission within the `Horizon 2000' long
term space-science programme, in collaboration with Russia and
NASA. The spacecraft was launched on 17th October 2002 and is
currently in its extended science operations phase.
INTEGRAL is dedicated to fine spectroscopy (2 keV FWHM @ 1.3 MeV) and
fine imaging (12' FWHM, arcminute source location) of celestial
gamma-ray sources in the energy range from 15 keV to 10 MeV with
concurrent X-ray (3-35 keV) and optical (V, 550 nm) source monitoring.
A large archive with public data exists at the ISDC (Geneva) and at
ESA/ESAC (Madrid).
Detailed information about the INTEGRAL observatory can be found at:
Scientific Advisory Committee
Lorraine Hanlon (chair), UCD, Dublin, Ireland
Angela Bazzano INAF/IASF, Rome, Italy
Tomaso Belloni INAF, Brera Observatory, Italy
S¿ren Brandt, DNSC, Copenhagen, Denmark
Roland Diehl, MPE, Garching, Germany
Neil Gehrels, NASA-GSFC, Greenbelt Md, USA
Andrea Goldwurm, SAp-CEA, Gif-sur-Yvette, France
Sergei Grebenev, Space Research Institute, Moscow, Russia
Wim Hermsen, SRON, Utrecht, The Netherlands
Ed van den Heuvel, University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Peter Kretschmar, ESA-ESAC, Madrid, Spain
Francois Lebrun, SAp-CEA, Gif-sur-Yvette, France
Mark Leising, Clemson University, Clemson SC, USA
Miguel Mas-Hesse, INTA, Madrid, Spain
Brian McBreen, UCD, Dublin, Ireland
Giorgio Palumbo, University of Bologna, Italy
Arvind Parmar, ESA-ESAC, Madrid, Spain
Jacques Paul, SAp-CEA, Gif-sur-Yvette, France
Konstantin Postnov, Sternberg Astr. Inst., Moscow, Russia
Jean-Pierre Roques, CESR, Toulouse, France
Rashid Sunyaev, Space Research Institute, Moscow, Russia
Pietro Ubertini, INAF/IASF Rome, Italy
Roland Walter, Integral Science Data Centre, Geneva, Switzerland
J?rn Wilms, Univ. Erlangen-N?rnberg, Germany
Christoph Winkler, ESA-ESTEC, Noordwijk, The Netherlands
Local Organizing Committee
Brian McBreen (Chair)
Lorraine Hanlon
John Quinn
Sheila McBreen
Suzanne Foley
Antonio Martin-Carrillo
Catherine Handley
General Information
The 8th INTEGRAL workshop will take place in the historic Dublin castle (http://www.dublincastle.ie/home_no_fla.html), located in the heart of the city of Dublin.
Some general information about Dublin, the weather in September and web links for tourist information can be found at:
Information on workshop registration and hotel reservations, instructions for authors and kits for the preparation of abstracts (including examples) will be made available in early 2010 via the internet pages of the Local Organising Committee (LOC):
Final details about registration and abstract submission will also be given in the second circular.
The ESA INTEGRAL pages on the internet will also provide access to the latest workshop information:
All accepted abstracts and the scientific programme will be available on the internet before the workshop.
A registration fee, currently estimated not to exceed 300 Euro,
will be charged to each participant. The conference dinner and an excursion are included in the fee. Students may apply for a reduced fee.
| Preregistration and abstract submission |
| must be done by June 2010 |
The registration and payment deadline is July 2010.
Papers describing instruments, future missions, technology, and data analysis methods can be accepted as posters only.
Workshop Proceedings
All contributions (reviews, invited, contributed oral and posters) will be refereed via the Science Advisory Committee (SAC).
Further information and instructions to authors for the preparation of manuscripts will be provided in due course.
To guarantee publication of a contribution it must have been presented (orally or as a poster) by the lead author or by one of the co-authors during the workshop.
Travel support
As with past INTEGRAL workshops, the organisers will make all efforts to provide some financial support to help participants as needed (e.g. early stage scientists) to attend the workshop.
Travel support relies solely on very limited funds which may become available through sponsors.
Important dates
- Second circular May 2010
- Pre-registration and abstract deadline June 2010
- Programme + abstracts on the WWW July 2010
- Registration and payment deadline July 2010
- Hotel booking deadline see second circular
- WORKSHOP 27 - 30 Sep 2010
- Papers due November 2010
- Publication of proceedings (on-line) February 2011
The second circular will contain details on
+ travelling to Dublin
+ social events
+ registration fee and methods of payment
+ hotel accommodation
+ abstract preparation and submission
+ poster format
+ paper formats and submission
Contact Addresses
Workshop LOC E-mail: 8thintegralworkshop@gmail.com
Workshop page: http://ssmr.ucd.ie/8thintegralworkshop
Prof. Lorraine Hanlon
UCD School of Physics
University College Dublin
Dublin 4
Phone: +353-1-7162214
E-mail: lorraine.hanlon@ucd.ie
Prof. Brian McBreen
UCD School of Physics
University College Dublin
Dublin 4
Phone: +353-1716 2218
E-mail: brian.mcbreen@ucd.ie
Dr. Christoph Winkler
Research and Scientific Support Department
Astrophysics Division
Keplerlaan 1
2201 AZ Noordwijk
The Netherlands
Phone: +31-71-565-3591
E-mail: christoph.winkler@rssd.esa.int
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