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Swift News #020: Swift Cycle 4 Proposal Deadline November 9, 2007
Swift Cycle 4 Guest Investigator Program Information
The Swift Web site at http://swift.gsfc.nasa.gov/ has
recently been updated with information about the
Cycle 4 Guest Investigator program, a component of
the NASA Headquarters Research Opportunities in
Space Science (ROSES) 2007 Research Announcement.
The schedule for Swift Cycle 4 is:
* ROSES 2007 NRA released: February 16, 2007
* Notices of Intent due: September 14, 2007
* Proposals due: November 9, 2007
* Proposal Review: January 2008
See the Proposals & Tools link at the Swift Web site for
more information.
New for Cycle 4: limited non-GRB observing time (both TOO and non-TOO)
will be made available to scientists at U.S and non-U.S. institutions.
Funding through the NASA Swift GI Program is available only to
scientists at U.S. institutions. Consistent with Explorer Program policy,
there will be no proprietary data rights to observations conducted with
Swift. All science data will be made freely available through the Swift
Web site as soon as possible.
This Swift GI Program therefore solicits proposals in the following areas:
* New Swift GRB projects not duplicative of team Key Projects and
not requiring GI-specified observatory pointings;
* New Swift pointed observations on non-GRB astrophysical objects
which benefit from Swift's unique capability of simultaneous multiwavelength
* New Swift non-GRB TOO observations which promise large
scientific return and capitalize on Swift's unique capabilities of rapid
repointing and multiwavelength observations;
* Correlative GRB observations with non-Swift instruments and
observatories; and
* Theoretical GRB investigations that will advance the mission
science return of Swift.
It is anticipated that approximately $1.8M will be available for the
support of approximately 30 Swift Guest Investigators located at
US institutions selected under Cycle 4.
Swift Cycle 4 proposal submission is fully electronic. No
paper copies are required. Swift Cycle 4 proposals must be submitted
via NSPIRES, a NASA Web-based proposal management system.
In addition, proposers for non-GRB observations must submit target
information to a separate Web database (AKBAR/RPS). Both
systems require simple registration before use - see the Swift Web
site for details.
Swift Proposal Review in Baltimore/Washington area January 2008: The Swift
Cycle 4 review is expected to take place in the Baltimore/Washington area
during the month of January 2008. If you would like to be considered as a
reviewer, please email peer_review@athena.gsfc.nasa.gov with
your contact information. Reviewers must have a PhD in astrophysics
or a closely related field at the time of the Peer Review.
A service of the Swift Science Center, NASA/GSFC
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