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Swift News #024: US INTEGRAL GOF Newsletter #1
February 15, 2008
Newsletter #1
Welcome to the first US INTEGRAL GOF Newsletter. We have initiated
this newsletter to keep the US INTEGRAL community informed of project
news and relay new science results to the community. Our apologies if
you receive more than one copy of this newsletter.
the members of the US INTEGRAL Guest Observer Facility, NASA/GSFC
GOF home page:
For questions and comments please use:
Mission News
Extended mission operations until December 31, 2012, have recently
been approved for INTEGRAL by ESA. See
for further details.
In October 2007 INTEGRAL celebrated five years in orbit. A science
workshop was held in Sardinia, October 17-19, 2007. Workshop
presentations can be found at
A short movie reporting INTEGRAL results from the first five years has
been produced by ESA
The US INTEGRAL User's committee met on November 27, 2007. The meeting
agenda and presentations can be found at
The US-IUC is currently preparing a proposal to the 2008 NASA
Astrophysics Division Mission Operations and Data Analysis Senior
Review (to be held April 22-25, 2008).
The current members of the US INTEGRAL User's Committee are:
Chryssa Kouveliotou (Chair)
Markus Boettcher
Dieter Hartmann
Kevin Hurley
Mark McConnell
Sumner Starrfield
John Tomsick
AO News
ESA has selected six Key Programs for AO-6, each with an exposure of 2 Msec:
*Weidenspointner - Confirming the Asymmetry of the Positron Annihilation Radiation from the Inner Galactic Disk
*Maccarone - Deep observations of 47 Tuc and the SMC
Stella - Giant Flares from Magnetars in the Virgo Cluster
*Belanger - Deep INTEGRAL Observations of the Central Molecular Zone
Ajello - The ultra-deep INTEGRAL legacy hard X-ray survey
Knoedlseder - Nucleosynthesis and anti-matter annihilation in Cygnus X
The 3 Key Programs marked with an * have US Co-I involvement.
AO-6 is expected to be released in March 2008 with proposals due in April 2008.
The Core Program (ISWT time) will be discontinued in AO-6.
Software News
The current version of the Offline Scientific Analysis software, OSA
7.0, released by the ISDC on September 26, 2007, can be downloaded at
There will be an INTEGRAL special session at the upcoming AAS HEAD
meeting in Los Angeles, March 31 - April 3, 2008
(http://www.confcon.com/head2008/). There will be presentations on
INTEGRAL results on AGN, gamma-ray lines, X-ray binaries, magnetars,
and GRBs. Early registration for the HEAD meeting ends March 1, 2008.
The 7th INTEGRAL Workshop will be held September 8-11, 2008 in
Copenhagen, Denmark (http://www.space.dtu.dk/integral08/). The
pre-registration and abstract deadline is June 6, 2008. The
registration and payment deadline is July 18, 2008.
Science News
Recent Papers:
"An asymmetric distribution of positrons in the Galactic disk revealed
by gamma-rays" - Weidenspointer, G. et al. 2007, Nature, 451, 159
"The Galactic Positron Annihilation Radiation & The Propagation of
Positrons in the Interstellar Medium" - Higdon, J.C., Lingenfelter,
R.E., & Rothschild, R.E. 2007, arXiv:0711.3008 (astro-ph)
We would like to highlight scientific results based on INTEGRAL data
from US investigators. If you would like to have your results
included, please email Steve Sturner (steven.j.sturner@nasa.gov) with
your paper's title, author list, and reference (journal, astro-ph,
etc.). We will include it in the next newsletter.
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