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GSFC XMM-Newton GOF Status Report #095: NASA/GSFC XMM-Newton Job Opening


The Universities Space Research Association (USRA), and the Goddard Space
Flight Center's Laboratory for High Energy Astrophysics, seek an
outstanding scientist for the staff of the XMM-Newton Guest Observer
Facility (in association with HEASARC, the High Energy Astrophysics Science
Archival Research Center) in support of the European Space Agency's
XMM-Newton (X-ray Multi-Mirror) mission. The XMM-Newton X-ray observatory,
launched 5 years ago, is in full guest observer mode, with a major archival
research component.  There is substantial US participation in the GO
program and archival support is available through the ADP.

The successful candidate will work closely with the ESA mission team
providing support for the US guest-observer community. He/she will be
involved with related experimental systems, data analysis software, and
documentation; with a major duty component being the design and development
of archival tools and databases. Independent research related to XMM-Newton
data will be an important part of the activities of the selected candidate.

Applicants should hold a Ph.D. in astronomy, astrophysics, or a related
field with a strong background in high-energy astrophysics. Experience in
X-ray astronomy research, and with XMM-Newton, is highly desirable. USRA is
a non-profit university consortium, chartered to broaden opportunities for
collaboration between university and government space research communities.
EOE. Applications received before November 30, 2004 will receive full
consideration. Send curriculum vitae, publication list, and contacts for at
least three professional references to:
u/cpss/resume and/or mail to:

Universities Space Research Association
10211 Wincopin Circle, Suite 620
Columbia, MD 21044

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A service of the XMM-Newton GOF, NASA/GSFC

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