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GSFC XMM-Newton GOF Status Report #106: XMM-NEWTON NEWS #50

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_/            XMM-NEWTON NEWS #50   ---    02-Aug-2005            _/
_/                                                                _/

              XMM-Newton Science Operations Centre at
               ESA's European Space Astronomy Centre,
            P.O. Box - Apdo. 50727, 28080 Madrid, Spain


SOC Home Page:
Helpdesk web interface:
Helpdesk email address:
News Mailing List:


         - XMM-Newton Science Archive (XSA) version 2.8 on-line
         - Users Group meeting
         - XMM-Newton Users' Handbook update for AO-5
         - 'The X-ray Universe 2005' Symposium Update
         - 5th ESAC SAS Workshop
         - XMM-Newton Image Gallery

XMM-Newton Science Archive (XSA) version 2.8 on-line

Version 2.8 of the XMM-Newton Science Archive (XSA) is now
available at the following URL:


This version includes several improvements and new facilities,
among them being:

- access to a first sample of multi-colour optical images from the
  XMM-Newton Survey Science Center (SSC) X-ray IDentification (XID)
  follow-up program. This first sample comprises images obtained
  with the 2.5m Isaac Newton Telescope (INT) and the Wide Field
  Camera (WFC) prime focus camera. A new query panel ("XID Program
  Observation") enables browsing the XID data products according to
  a wide range of parameters

- a new field in the observation catalog records, flagging
  XMM-Newton observations which were coordinated with other space-
  or ground-based observatories

- coordinate searches take now accurately into account the exact
  shape of the XMM-Newton instrument fields-of-view, instead of
  using a circular approximation

- search on the ODF production date

- access to a data quality report for each observation. Users will
  find details of the XMM-Newton data quality process at the
  following URL:

- a link between observations and the XMM-Newton Image Gallery
  whenever results from the observation are described in the

- a link to the approved A04 target list

- direct launch of the "Aladin" (http://aladin.u-strasbg.fr/aladin.gml)
  tool on the EPIC observation field-of-view images from the XSA
  user interface

- display of EPIC product or INT WFC XID images through "ds9"

- visualization of the 1XMM EPIC Serendipitous Source Catalogue
  sources on the EPIC field-of-view images, when displayed through
  the XSA built-in image viewer (XSPDT)

- search on all query and display fields in the XSA user interface
  ("Find Field" menu item)

- full flexibility in the selection of columns to be included in
  the ASCII catalogue output file ["Save Results (CUSTOM one-line
  format)" menu item]

- visualization of the INT WFC image FITS headers

A short "guided tour" of the XSA is available at the following URL:


... together with a list of "how-to" Frequently Asked Questions:


Users Group meeting

The XMM-Newton Users Group met on the 19th and 20th of May 2005 at
ESAC. Please find the agenda, presentations and minutes of this
meeting at


XMM-Newton Users' Handbook update for AO-5

The XMM-Newton Users' Handbook (UHB) has been updated to version
2.3 in preparation for the next Announcement of Opportunity (AO-5)
and reflecting latest in-flight experience.

The AO-5 will open on the 5th of September 2005 with a due date
for proposals on the 14th of October 2005 (12:00 UT) (for further
details, see XMM-NEWTON NEWS #48).

The UHB contains information on the instrumentation on board
XMM-Newton and serves as the main technical support document for
proposal preparation, based on which potential XMM-Newton users
can assess the technical feasibility of their planned observations.

The XMM-Newton Users' Handbook is available on-line at


Alternatively, postscript and PDF versions of the UHB can be
downloaded from the "XMM-Newton Proposer's Info and Manuals"
portal at


'The X-ray Universe 2005' Symposium Update

We would like to inform you that the outline programme for the
Symposium 'The X-ray Universe 2005' is now available on the web at


It looks like it is going to be a large meeting. There are
currently about 360 registered participants and we have received
an even higher number of abstracts. All authors of proposed
contributed talks and posters have been informed in the meantime
about the results of the evaluation by the Scientific Organizing
Committee. Participants who asked to be considered for financial
support will be contacted by mid-August at the latest.

5th ESAC SAS Workshop

Presentations given at the 5th Science Analysis System (SAS)
Workshop, which was held at ESAC from the 7th to 10th of June
2005 (cf. XMM-Newton NEWS #48) have been made available on-line at


XMM-Newton Image Gallery

To actively participate in communicating the results of your
astronomical research directly to the public, please, do not forget
to make use of the XMM-Newton Image Gallery, available at


Yours sincerely,
XMM-Newton SOC
XMM-NEWS mailing list

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