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GSFC XMM-Newton GOF Status Report #131: XMM-Newton Workshop: first announcement

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_/            *  F I R S T   A N N O U N C E M E N T  *           _/
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_/                 "XMM-Newton: The Next Decade"                  _/
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_/             European Space Astronomy Centre (ESAC)             _/
_/                  Villafranca del Castillo                      _/
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_/               Madrid, Spain, June 4 to 6, 2007                 _/
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                 * AIMS AND SCOPE OF THE WORKSHOP *

Thanks to the recent generation of high energy observatories,
astrophysics is witnessing a golden age of discovery in the X-ray
domain. Current technical evaluation demonstrates that the
XMM-Newton spacecraft and its scientific instruments can continue
to provide first class X-ray observations far into the next decade.
Other missions to be launched soon, like Herschel, Planck, GLAST,
as well as new ground-based developments, will open up new
challenging opportunities for multi-wavelength and follow-up
observations to which XMM-Newton is ideally placed to make a major

The workshop will summarise our current knowledge of X-ray
astrophysics, discuss some of the major achievements of the last
years and identify the fundamental questions still to be addressed.
With this starting point, the main focus of the workshop will be to
identify the scientific topics with the highest scientific
importance and impact and the observing programs of maximum
long-term value to the entire astronomical community. These programs
may require large amounts of observing time on one or more targets
or sky areas, collaborations of many astronomers from several
institutions, innovative ideas or applications, or new instrument

The workshop program will include invited speakers, a discussion
panel, and both oral and poster sessions enabling all participants
to present their ideas related to programs for the next decade in
the life of XMM-Newton and their needs for new operating modes.


Monique Arnaud (CEA Saclay, France) Chairperson
Norbert Schartel (XMM-Newton SOC, Spain) Co-Chairperson
Xavier Barcons (Instituto de Fisica de Cantabria, Spain)
Didier Barret (CESR Toulouse, France)
Andrew Fabian (U. Cambridge, United Kingdom)
Massimo Cappi (INAF/IASF-Bologna, Italy)
Paul Green (CFA Cambridge, USA)
Ioannis Georgantopoulos (National Observatory of Athens, Greece)
Richard Griffiths (CMU Pittsburgh, USA)
Guenther Hasinger (MPE Garching, Germany)
Jelle Kaastra (SRON Utrecht, The Netherlands)
Victoria Kaspi (McGill Montreal, Canada)
Brian McBreen (U. Dublin, Ireland)
Juergen Schmitt (U. Hamburg, Germany)
Luigi Stella (INAF Roma, Italy)
Takahashi Tadayuki (U. Tokyo, Japan)
Yoshihiro Ueda (U. Kyoto, Japan)
Mike Watson (U. Leicester, United Kingdom)

                  * LOCAL ORGANISING COMMITTEE *

Matthias Ehle (Chair), Bruno Altieri, Michelle Arpizou, Maria Diaz-
Trigo, Carlos Gabriel, Matteo Guainazzi, Nora Loiseau, Leo Metcalfe,
Richard Saxton, Michael Smith



If you wish to register for this workshop please complete the form
and submit your abstract via the Workshop Website at

The workshop will be limited to no more than 80 participants.

Note the registration & submission deadline of 18th of April 2007.


Most information on this Science Workshop will be disseminated via
the Internet. Abstracts and papers can be submitted electronically
on the Workshop Website and authors will be notified via e-mail.

If you are not on our e-mail distribution list for the XMM-Newton
Newsletter or if your e-mail address has changed meanwhile please
submit your e-mail address to enable us to keep you informed.

A dedicated email address has been established at the XMM-Newton
SOC for queries or further information regarding this workshop:


                       * CALENDAR OF EVENTS *
18  Apr 2007: Deadline for registration and abstract submission
end Apr 2007: Definitive invited programme.
              Authors of contributed talks and posters will be
03  May 2007: Deadline for pre-booked hotel in Madrid	
mid May 2007: Final announcement: logistical information,
              final programme, list of talks and posters
4-6 Jun 2007: Workshop


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