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GSFC XMM-Newton GOF Status Report #146: X-ray Conference: 2nd Announcement

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_/             * S E C O N D  A N N O U N C E M E N T  *          _/
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_/                   "The X-ray Universe 2008"                    _/
_/                                                                _/
_/                                                                _/
_/                         Granada, Spain                         _/
_/                         27-30 May 2008                         _/
_/                                                                _/
_/                                                                _/
_/                        Organised by the                        _/
_/             European Space Astronomy Centre (ESAC)             _/
_/                             of the                             _/
_/                  European Space Agency (ESA)                   _/
_/                                                                _/
_/                                                                _/

The XMM-Newton Science Operations Centre is organising a major
astrophysical conference from Tuesday 27th to Friday 30th May 2008
in the city of Granada, Andalusia, Spain.



                   * AIMS AND SCOPE OF THE MEETING *

The conference will be a successor to the "The X-ray Universe 2005"
meeting held in 2005 near Madrid. The conference is intended to
encompass a broad range of high energy astrophysics topics and we hope
that it will provide a showcase for results and discoveries not only
from XMM-Newton, Chandra and Suzaku but also from other current
missions; the scientific potential of future projects like XEUS should
be discussed at the conference.

Session topics will include:

  * Stars, White Dwarfs & Solar System
  * White Dwarf Binaries, Neutron Star Binaries, CVs, ULXs & Black Holes
  * Supernovae, SNRs, Diffuse Emission & Isolated Neutron Stars
  * Galaxies & Galactic Surveys
  * Active Galactic Nuclei
  * Groups of Galaxies, Clusters of Galaxies & Superclusters
  * Cosmology & Extragalactic Deep Fields
  * Future X-ray Missions


                        * INVITED SPEAKERS *

Monique Arnaud    CEA Saclay, France
Marc Audard       ISDC/Geneva Observatory, Switzerland
Niel Brandt       Penn State U., USA
Andrea Comastri   INAF-OA Bologna, Italy
Luigina Ferretti  INAF-IRA Bologna, Italy
Martin Guerrero   IAA-CSIC Granada, Spain
Frank Haberl      MPE Garching, Germany
Jack Hughes       Rutgers, State U. New Jersey, USA
Katsuji Koyama    U. Kyoto, Japan
Yair Krongold     UNAM, Mexico
Brian McNamara    U. Waterloo, Canada
Mariano Mendez    U. Groningen, The Netherlands
Giovanni Miniutti Laboratoire APC Paris, France
Yae Naze          U. Liege, Belgium
Jan-Uwe Ness      Arizona State U., USA
Delphine Porquet  ULP Strasbourg, France
Gerd Puehlhofer   ZAH-LSW Heidelberg, Germany
Tim Roberts       Durham U., United Kingdom
Norbert Schartel  XMM-Newton SOC, ESA
Martin Turner     U. Leicester, United Kingdom
Phil Uttley       U. Southampton, United Kingdom



Xavier Barcons (Chair)          IFCA (CSIC-UC) Santander, Spain
Norbert Schartel (co-Chair)     XMM-Newton SOC, ESA
Steve Allen                     Stanford U., USA
Marc Audard                     ISDC/Geneva Observatory, Switzerland
Jean Ballet                     CEA Saclay, France
Thomas Boller                   MPE Garching, Germany
Niel Brandt                     Penn State U., USA
Massimo Cappi                   IASF Bologna, Italy
Diana Hannikainen               TKK/Metsahovi Radio Observatory, Finland
Margarida Hernanz               ICE(CSIC) & IEEC, Barcelona, Spain
Giorgio Matt                    U. Roma Tre, Italy
Mariano Mendez                  U. Groningen, The Netherlands
Kirpal Nandra                   Imperial College London, United Kingdom
Arvind Parmar                   ESTEC, ESA
Delphine Porquet                ULP Strasbourg, France
Gregor Rauw                     U. Liege, Belgium
Tim Roberts                     Durham U., United Kingdom
Sabine Schindler                U. Innsbruck, Austria
Axel Schwope                    AI Potsdam, Germany
Yoshihiro Ueda                  U. Kyoto, Japan
Jacco Vink                      U. Utrecht, The Netherlands

                  * LOCAL ORGANISING COMMITTEE *

M. Ehle (Chair), M. Diaz Trigo (co-Chair), B. Altieri, M. Arpizou,
R. Bailey, C. Gabriel, M.A. Guerrero (IAA-CSIC), A. Ibarra,
N. Loiseau, J. Masegosa (IAA-CSIC), J.R. Munoz, E. Ojero,
A.M.T. Pollock, M. Santos-Lleo, R. Saxton


                        * CONFERENCE VENUE *

The conference will be held in the Granada Exhibition and Conference
Centre (Spain):


For further information on Granada, please refer to the conference web

                        * HOTEL INFORMATION *

Rooms can easily be booked through the Hotel web pages or with the help
of the Conference Bureau when registering for the conference.

                            * LUNCHES *

Lunches will be served at the Conference Centre on all days of the
conference and are included in the registration fee. If participants
need a special diet, they should let us know when registering.

                          * SOCIAL EVENTS *

The Conference dinner will be held on one of the evenings at the
"Carmen de los Martires" Palace. Please let us know if you would like
to participate in this event when registering.

We plan to organise a guided tour through "La Alhambra" of Granada
for one of the evenings during the conference. Further information
will be provided in a future announcement.


                      * CONTRIBUTED PAPERS *

Papers for presentation will be selected on the basis of half a page
abstracts with a maximum of 200 words.

Abstracts should be submitted *before the 7th of March* via an
online-submission form available at:

Authors will be notified of the decision of the Scientific Organising
Committee (SOC) early April 2008. Authors whose papers or posters
have been accepted will receive further instructions and informations
on presentation facilities available at the Conference Centre.

Accepted abstracts will be included in an abstract booklet, to be
circulated at the start of the conference.


                      * REGISTRATION FORM *

Please submit the registration form to register for the
conference *before the 29th of March*.

Web forms are available at: http://www.congrex.nl/08a13/

A registration fee of 325 Euro for early registration is asked and

    * Conference kit and abstract booklet
    * All lunches and coffee breaks during the conference
    * Use of the conference centre rooms and facilities
    * Internet access

For late registrations, after the 29th of March, the fee will be 375


                           * GRANTS *

A limited amount of financial support will be provided to cover costs
of participation in the conference.

It is a requirement that the applicant submits an abstract for a
planned poster presentation or for a talk. Application for Grants
should be sent *before the 7th of March* via an online-submission form
available at:

Applicants will be notified early April 2008.


                            * CONTACT *

ESA Conference Bureau
P.O. Box 299
2200 AG Noordwijk
The Netherlands

Phone +31 71 565 5005
Fax +31 71 565 5658

Conference web page:


xru2008@sciops.esa.int for questions related to the scientific
organisation, abstract submission and grant application

esa.conference.bureau@esa.int for all other questions

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