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GSFC XMM-Newton GOF Status Report #264: The X-ray Universe 2014: First Announcement
* F I R S T A N N O U N C E M E N T *
"The X-ray Universe 2014"
Dublin, Ireland
16-19 June 2014
Organised by the
XMM-Newton Science Operations Centre
of the
European Space Agency (ESA)
Dear Colleague,
The XMM-Newton Science Operations Centre is organising a major
astrophysical symposium from Monday 16th to Thursday 19th June 2014 in
Dublin, Ireland.
The symposium is the fourth meeting in the series "The X-ray
Universe". The intention is to gather a general collection of
research in high energy astrophysics. The symposium will provide a
showcase for results, discoveries and expectations from current and
future X-ray missions.
Session topics will include:
* Stars and star-forming Regions, Solar System Studies
* Interacting Binary Systems, Galactic Black Holes, Micro-quasars
* Cataclysmic Variables and Novae
* Isolated Neutron Stars and Pulsars
* Planetary Nebulae, SN, SNR, PWN, Gamma-ray Bursts and Afterglows
* Galaxies, Galaxy Surveys, Population Studies, ISM and Diffuse
Galactic Emission
* Active Galactic Nuclei
* Clusters of Galaxies
* Extragalactic Surveys and Population Studies, the Cosmic X-Ray
Background, WHIM and Cosmology
* The future of X-ray Astronomy
Hot topics:
* Accretion Physics
* Physics of Magnetised Objects
* General Relativity: Compact Objects and Reverberation
* Extrasolar Planets and their Hosts
* The Galactic Centre
* Transients of the Multi-Band Sky
* The Sunyaev-Zeldowich effect: Recent results
* The Sky at High Energies
J. Schmitt (chair) University of Hamburg, Germany
M. Arnaud CEA, Saclay, France
X. Barcons CSIC-UC, Santander, Spain
M. Barstow University of Leicester, United Kingdom
L. Brenneman CfA, Cambridge, USA
E. Churazov MPA, Garching, Germany
A. Decourchelle CEA, Saclay, France
D. de Martino INAF, Naples, Italy
C. Done University of Durham, United Kingdom
G. Garmire Huntingdon Inst. for X-ray Astronomy,
Pennsylvania, USA
S. Grebenev Space Research Institute, Moscow, Russia
M. Guedel University of Vienna, Austria
L. Harra UCL-MSSL, Dorking, United Kingdom
J. Kaastra SRON, Utrecht, The Netherlands
S. Komossa MPIfR, Bonn, Germany
K. Matsushita University of Tokio, Japan
B. McBreen University College Dublin, Ireland
T. Montmerle IAP, Paris, France
R. Petre GSFC, Greenbelt, USA
P. Predehl MPE, Garching, Germany
G. Rauw University of Liege, Belgium
N. Rea CSIC-IEEC/University of Amsterdam, Spain/The
P. Rodriguez-Pascual ESAC, Madrid, Spain
N. Schartel (co-chair) ESAC, Madrid, Spain
S. Sciortino INAF, Palermo, Italy
G. Trinchieri INAF, Milano, Italy
M. van der Klis University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands
A. Vikhlinin CfA, Cambridge, USA
R. Warwick University of Leicester, United Kingdom
J. Wilms University of Erlangen-Nuernberg, Germany
A. Zdziarski N. Copernicus Astronomical Centre, Warsaw, Poland
J. Ness (chair), M. Ehle, C. Gabriel, P. Gallagher (Trinity College
Dublin), A. Ibarra, N. Loiseau, A. Martin-Carrillo (University College
Dublin), B. McBreen (University College Dublin), E. Ojero, R. Saxton,
N. Schartel
- IMPORTANT DATES (subject to changes) -
Tuesday 14 January .......... Second announcement.
Abstract submission and registration open
Friday 28 February .......... Deadline for abstract submission
second half of April ........ Notification to authors
Monday 28 April ............. Deadline for early registration
early June .................. Final announcement
15 June 18:00 .............. Reception and registration
16 June 08:00 .............. Registration
16 June 10:30 .............. Opening of the Conference
19 June 17:15 .............. End of the Conference
The conference will be held at Trinity College Dublin:
Dublin is one of Europe's favourite spots to visit. The cultural scene
is incredibly rich, with an abundance of galleries, many of which are
free to visit, a thriving theatre scene, and great gigs to go to every
night. During summer there are lots of gigs and comedy festivals
outdoors in places like Dublin Castle, Marlay Park and the Iveagh
Dublin is rich in attractions such as the Castle, Christchurch
Cathedral, Saint Patrick's Cathedral, and Trinity College.
Trinity College was founded in 1592. Despite its location in today's
centre of a capital city and its being one of the most significant
tourist attractions in Dublin, the campus retains a tranquil
collegiate atmosphere. The library building hosts the prestigious
Long Hall and the Book of Kells, a handwritten manuscript from the
800s, and Brian Boru's Harp, dated from the 14th or 15th century,
which has become a national symbol of Ireland.
Registration and abstract submission is planned to open on Tuesday 14
January 2014. It will be announced in due time via an XMM-Newton
- Registration Fee:
200 EUR: Reduced fee for students providing suitable justification,
until 28th April
370 EUR: Early fee, until 28th April
460 EUR: Late fee, after 28th April
The fee includes the welcome reception on 15th June, four lunches and
all coffee breaks.
- A limited amount of financial support is planned to be offered early
in 2014 to cover the conference fee and some travel support for a
small number of eligible applicants.
- A limited number of on-campus accommodation will be available to
participants. Details, also with a list of other nearby hotels, will
be provided with the second announcement.
Conference web page containing most up-to-date information:
Local Organising Committee,
for scientific organisation, abstract submission and grant application:
ESA Conference Bureau,
for registration and social events:
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