par1 | mass, black hole mass in solar masses |
par2 | dist, comoving (proper) distance in Mpc |
par3 | logmdot, mdot = Mdot/Mdot_Edd where eta Mdot_Edd c |
par4 | astar, dimensionless black hole spin |
par5 | cosi, cosine of the inclination angle i for the warm Comptonising component and the outer disc. |
par6 | kTe_hot, electron temperature for the hot Comptonisation component in keV. If this parameter is negative then only the hot Comptonisation component is used. |
par7 | kTe_warm, electron temperature for the warm Comptonisation component in keV. If this parameter is negative then only the warm Comptonisation component is used. |
par8 | Gamma_hot, the spectral index of the hot Comptonisation component. If this parameter is negative, the code will use the value calculated via eq.(2) of KD18. |
par9 | Gamma_warm, the spectral index of the warm Comptonisation component. If this parameter is negative then only the outer disc component is used. |
par10 | R_hot, outer radius of the hot Comptonisation component in Rg |
par11 | R_warm, outer radius of the warm Comptonisation component in Rg |
par12 | logrout, log of the outer radius of the disc in units of Rg. If this parameter is negative, the code will use the self gravity radius as calculated from Laor & Netzer (1989). |
par13 | Htmax, the upper limit of the scaleheight for the hot Comptonisation component in Rg. If this parameter is smaller than parameter 10, the hot Comptonisation region is a sphere of radius Htmax by keeping Ldiss_hot determined by R_hot via eq.(2) of KD18. |
par14 | reprocess, switching parameter for the reprocessing, 0 or 1. If this parameter is 0, reprocessing is not considered. If this parameter is 1, reprocessing is included. |
par15 | redshift |
Parameters for qsosed:
par1 | mass, black hole mass in solar masses |
par2 | dist, comoving (proper) distance in Mpc |
par3 | logmdot, mdot = Mdot/Mdot_Edd where eta Mdot_Edd c |
par4 | astar, dimensionless black hole spin |
par5 | cosi, cosine of the inclination angle i for the warm Comptonising component and the outer disc. |
par6 | redshift |
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Last modified: Friday, 23-Aug-2024 13:20:40 EDT