New in v12.14.1

New models

  • Added new crossarf model for simultaneous fitting of spectra from multiple regions which mix together due to the PSF.

  • Added versions of Gaussian lines with width parameter velocity in km/s instead of energy. New models vagauss, zvagauss, vgabs, zvgabs, vgauss, zvgauss.

  • Added new SED model for black hole binaries from Kubota et al. (SSsed).

Changes to models

  • Added 3 new spectral tables (for Hydrogen at magnetic fields logB=11.7, 11.85, 11.95) to the nsmaxg model.

  • Changed gaussian, lorentzian, and voigt line profiles so they are normalized from 0 to infinity instead of -infinity to infinity. This is not significant for standard spectral fitting however when using xspec to fit time series power spectra it will make a difference.

  • Changed the cemekl default switch parameter to 2. Fixed all the switch parameters so only the default value is given since xspec ignores the others.

  • Changed the default redshift for the (b)(v)cph models to 0.1 since 0.0 does not work.

  • Added members and methods to move more of the heavy lifting in mixing models out of the individual models and into the MixUtility class. Any individual model now just needs to set the specNumsMixSets, mixingFactors, and mixingEnergies structures then the doMix method does the actual mixing.

  • Passed the source number into mixing models - before was assuming that any mixing models were only in the first source (which is most likely).

  • When using adaptive integration in the agauss model and the models which use the MZCompRefl class store the number of function evaluations from the last integration.

Documentation changes

  • Added reference links and clarified which models are changed by xsect.

  • Fixed error in the equations for cstat with background in Appendix B.

Bug fixes

The following patches for 12.14 have been included:

  • 12.14.0a. The plot polangle command causes a seg fault if no model is defined.

  • 12.14.0b. Fixes necessary for compilation on Macs using Xcode/clang v15.3.

  • 12.14.0c. The fakeit command does not handle data systematic errors correctly when using a spectrum as the source (ie. not 'fakeit none'). The systematic error should not be used as part of the probability distribution when simulating data.

  • 12.14.0d. The changes in the previous bug fix did not include writing out the SYS_ERR column after fakeit if appropriate.

  • 12.14.0e. This fixes a bug introduced in v12.14.0 that was preventing the setplot id plotting option from displaying APEC line IDs.

  • 12.14.0f. This fixes a memory error that can cause a crash in the new bsedov model.

  • 12.14.0g. The fourth parameter in the bwcycl model had been renamed from 'delta' to 'del' after Xspec v12.13. That was causing parsing problems in PyXspec when trying to access the parameter by name, so this patch changes its name back to 'delta'.

  • 12.14.0h. The newpar command does not properly parse the case where a model name begins with a '0'.

  • 12.14.0i. This fixes a potential crash occurring with the the bvvnei model.

  • 12.14.0j. When a parameter is linked from one model to a parameter belonging to a different model assigned to a higher source number, the save command's output file does not reproduce the link.

  • 12.14.0k. Bug fix in 2D interpolation for the xscat model. This fix conforms to v1.0.2 of the xscat code distributed on GitHub.

In addition the following bugs have been fixed:

  • Fixed bugs in the Fortran wrappers for the Numerics rebinning routines. Also changed variable names for hopefully greater clarity.

  • Fixed potential error in the polrot model if the spectra are not read in the expected order.

  • Header information is now written out during the fit when using the migrad or simplex methods.

  • Fixed a case in the newpar command where a change to a parameter needs to force a recalculation in a separate model that happens to be linked to it.

  • Fix to fitting for the case where non-norm parameters are linked to norm parameters.

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Last modified: Friday, 23-Aug-2024 13:20:40 EDT