Appendix H: Changes between v11 and v12
In 1998 we decided to re-engineer XSPEC using modern computer science
methods so it could continue fulfilling its role as a
mission-independent X-ray spectral fitting program.
The program's internal design, layout, and data structures have
largely been rewritten in ANSI C++ using object oriented design
techniques, generic programming techniques, and design patterns. The
thoroughgoing reanalysis has also allowed a number of improvements in
overall design and, at robustness, as well as maintainability, without
changing the familiar syntax. With a few exceptions here and there,
the new program syntax is fully backward-compatible with that of v11:
most of the exceptions support new features that are enhancements (and
can be ignored if not relevant to the user's problems). Some features
of v11 previously declared to be deprecated have been removed.
At the same time, the core of the XSPEC calculation scheme has been
retained, in particular the models library, written almost exclusively
in fortran77.
Model implementation has been rewritten to support models
written not only in single precision fortran, but double precision
fortran, C, and C++. Further, XSPEC can now be used as a development
environment for local models by allowing recompilation from the
command prompt.
In v12, spectra can be fit with more than one distinct model
simultaneously, provided separate model components can be assigned
distinct response functions. This is particularly useful for spectra
from coded aperture masks.
A new internal dynamic expression implementation allows more complex
(multiply-nested) models, and also allows parameter links to be
polynomial functions of one or more parameters.
Great care has been taken to optimize the program for memory usage and
execution speed. A revision of the numerical derivative algorithm has
reduced the number of convolution operations required during
fitting. On the other hand, v12 performs its calculations in double
precision (apart from the models library), and this with the more
complex model expression evaluations reduces execution speed. Taken
together, v12 should outperform v11 when the number of channels is
large and the model to be fitted is relatively simple and should be
comparable in other circumstances.
The default fitting algorithm (Levenberg-Marquadt) has been retained
intact. New fitting algorithms and objective functions (statistics)
may be added to the program at runtime. The CERN Minuit/migrad
algorithm has been better integrated into the code and its
documentation is now directly accessible during XSPEC sessions.
Type II (multi-spectrum) OGIP files are now fully supported. Multiple
ranges can be selected in the data command, and support is present for
Type II background and arf files. Observation simulations (the fakeit
command) now operate on Type II inputs.
The online documentation scheme is now implemented using pdf or html
files, replacing the older VMS-style help system. The help scheme can
be configured to use external applications such as Adobe Acrobat or
the xpdf readers as well as web browsers. Users can document their own
local models and tcl-scripted procedures in pdf and html files and add
them to the help system.
Plotting within v12 is backward compatible with a few small
extensions. Although it is currently implemented using PLT, explicit
dependence on the plot library has been removed. This will allow
alternative plotting libraries to be used in future. The PLT plotting
package is described briefly in Appendix D and in more detail in the
“QDP/PLT User's Guide” (Tennant, 1989).
v12 communicates with the user through the familiar command line
interface. The input/output streams, however, can in future be easily
redirected to communicate with the user through a graphical user
interface (GUI).
Finally, the design implements a new error handling system can return
the program safely to the user prompt when an error occurs and leave
the program in a state from which the user can continue working.
Also, for the first time there is now an undo command.
Integral Spectrometer/Coded Mask Instrument Support
The INTEGRAL Spectrometer (SPI) is a coded-mask telescope, with a
19-element Germanium detector array. There are several complications
regarding the spectral analysis of coded-aperture data. For
XSPEC the most obvious problem is the source confusion issue; as there
may be multiple sources in the FoV leading to different degrees of
shadowing on different detectors. Thus, a separate instrumental
response must be applied to a spectral model for each possible source,
for each detector. If there are multiple sources in the FoV, then
additional spectral models can be applied to an additional set of
response matrices, enumerated as before over detector and dither
pointing. This capability – to model more than one source at a time in
a given minimization procedure – did not exist in XSPEC prior to v12.
The other unique aspect of the INTEGRAL analysis is that the
background is modeled along with the source(s).
XSPEC analysis of INTEGRAL/SPI data is very different from other
instruments is the manner in which the response matrices are
handled. Since there are a large number of responses involved in the
de-convolution problem, memory use becomes a concern. To load the
required response matrices (as XSPEC normally does), would require
floating-point memory locations
per source. This could become quite large for high-spectral resolution
and/or long observation scenarios. To address this problem, a
methodology has been developed to reconstruct the required 2-D
response matrices from a basis set, consisting of a small number (3)
of 2-D objects (template RMFs), and a larger number of 1-D objects
(component ARFs). The full matrices can then be reconstructed “on the
fly” at the minimization step of the calculation, and discarded after
each use. This, in principle, occurs all very transparently to the
A fuller description of Integral data analysis appears in section 2 of
this manual and a walkthrough example is given in 4.6.
Current Exclusions
The v11 commands and features not provided in v12 are:
Feature |
Rationale for exclusion |
recornorm |
With version 12.5.0, this has been replaced and improved
upon by the recorn mixing model. |
thleqw |
Rarely used command not yet implemented. |
extend |
Beginning with version 12.3.0, this has been replaced by the
more flexible energies command. |
background models |
This has been replaced by v12's multiple source
modeling techniques |
Additionally, we have withdrawn seldom-used fitting methods anneal and
genetic. Future development will add new techniques.
Observatories |
Archive |
Calibration |
Software |
Tools |
Last modified: Friday, 23-Aug-2024 13:20:40 EDT