Appendix J: Glossary

  • Component – A part of a model.
    • Additive – A component which produces a theoretical spectrum.
    • Multiplicative – A component which produces multiplicative factors to apply to the current theoretical spectrum.
    • Convolution – A component which modifies the current theoretical spectrum
    • Mixing – If there are multiple datasets with separately calculated theoretical models this component modifies all of them simultaneously.
  • Datagroup – A set of observed spectra which will all be fit using the same model and parameter values.
  • Dataset – The observed spectrum and its associated information.
  • Fit statistic – The statistic used to determine the best fit value. The options are based on maximizing the likelihood.
  • Model – The parameterized theoretical model for the source spectrum. There is a default unnamed model but additional named models can be defined.
  • Plotgroup – A set of spectra which are summed together for plotting purposes only.
  • Response Model – A model which modifies the response. At the moment this is limited to the gain.
  • Source – In some observations several objects can contribute to the same spectrum. In this case XSPEC refers to them as different sources and each source can have its own model and response.
  • Table Model – A model component stored as a FITS file containing model spectra tabulated on a grid of parameter values.
  • Test Statistic – The statistic to provide the goodness-of-fit criterion after the parameters have been optimized based on the fit statistic

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Last modified: Friday, 23-Aug-2024 13:20:40 EDT