The Einstein CD
Einstein Observatory
SSS, MPC, and FPCS Data Products
This CD contains astronomical data files derived from
observations made with the
Einstein X-ray Satellite (HEAO-B) using the Solid State Spectrometer (SSS),
the Monitor Proportional Counter (MPC), and the Focal Plane Crystal
Spectrometer (FPCS). The SSS and MPC data products contain summary spectra
and light curves derived at the
Exploration of the Universe Division at
Goddard Space Flight
Center. The FPCS files were produces at the
Center for Space Research and
Department of Physics at the Massachusetts
Institute of Technology and include lists of every detected photon
during each
observation as well as summary spectra. This CD complements the CDs issued by
the SAO Einstein Data Center which contain data from the Einstein IPC and
HRI instruments. All of the data files on this CD are in
(Flexible Image Transport System) format.
This CD was produced and is distributed by the
High Energy Astrophysics Science
Archive Research Center (HEASARC) at the NASA Goddard Space Flight
This file was last modified on Thursday, 14-Jun-2007 13:38:59 EDT
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Last modified: Thursday, 14-Jun-2007 13:38:59 EDT