NASA requires that data obtained by missions or experiments selected from Explorer opportunities
(MIDEX, SMEX, MOO and so on) , PIONEER and APRA opportunities including CubeSats, SmallSats, ISS-attached
payloads and suborbital projects, in addition to larger missions to be archived with one of the NASA archives.
The HEASARC archives data obtained by high-energy astronomy missions observing
in the extreme-ultraviolet (EUV), X-ray, and gamma-ray bands, as well as data
from space missions, balloons, and ground-based facilities study the cosmic microwave
background (CMB) radiation in the sub-mm, mm and cm band.
The HEASARC also archives data products such as catalogs, spectra, light curves, images,
and/or software that may be of interest to the community at large. These products may be the
final results from a Guest Investigation of a single/ensemble of missions, or from
an ADAP or ATP proposal.
HEASARC provides a number services for missions
or data products and HEASARC guidelines to data archive
have common elements that may be adapted
to include project/data products specific needs, agreed on individual cases, to ensure that the HEASARC multi-mission approach as described
in the HEASARC charter is met.
Depending on the size of the project, data volume and services provided by the HEASARC, there are
additional costs associated to data archive above the basic costs provided by HEASARC.
The HEASARC requests Principal Investigator of proposals to be submitted in response of any NASA
opportunities to contact the HEASARC three weeks before the internal estimate is needed and no later
than six weeks before the proposal deadline. To delivery high data products, the interested PI should contact
the HEASARC not later four weeks before the proposal deadline.
The requests have to be submitted utilizing the box within this page to include a brief description of the
project (~2500 characters or less). HEASARC will contact the requester in 1-2 business days.
Data Archive Request/Inquiry