Next: Contents   Contents
The ASCA Data Reduction Guide
(Otherwise known as the ABC Guide)
Version 2.0
ASCA Guest Observer Facility
Laboratory for High Energy Astrophysics
NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center
- Contents
- 4.1 Introduction
- 4.2 Description of SIS Modes
- 4.3 Summary of Issues Related to SIS Data
- 4.4 Hot and Flickering Pixels
- 4.5 Analyzing BRIGHT Mode Data, Grade and PI
- 4.6 Analyzing FAINT and BRIGHT2 Mode Data, Echo, and DFE
- 4.7 Non-uniform CTI
- 4.8 Residual Dark Distribution (RDD)
- 4.9 Event Threshold and 2-pixel Events
- 4.10 Analyzing FAST Mode Data and Address Discrimination
- 4.11 SIS Field of View
- 4.12 SIS Mode-Dependent Keywords
- 5.1 Introduction
- 5.2 Screening Criteria Common to the GIS and SIS
- 5.3 GIS Screening Criteria
- 5.4 SIS Screening Criteria
- 5.4.1 Removing Hot and Flickering Pixels
- 5.4.2 Grade Selection
- 5.4.3 Bright Earth Angles (BR_EARTH)
- 5.4.4 Events Above Threshold
- 5.4.5 Avoiding Telemetry-Saturated Frames
- 5.4.6 Time after passing through the South Atlantic Anomaly
- 5.4.7 Time after passing through the Day-Night Terminator
- 5.4.8 T_SAA and T_DY_NT WARNING for FTOOLS v3.6
- 5.4.9 Summary
- 5.5 Standard screening criteria used in GSFC REV1 processing
- 8.1 Extracting Spectra
- 8.2 Spectral Files
- 8.3 Binning and Grouping
- 8.4 Spectral Responses
- 8.5 Obtaining GIS RMFs from the Calibration Database
- 8.6 Generating SIS RMFs
- 8.7 Generating ARFs with ASCAARF
- 8.8 Background Subtraction
- 8.9 Analyzing SIS Spectra from Two or More Chips
- 8.10 Combining Spectral Files
- 8.11 GIS Deadtime Correction
- 8.12 How to Cope with SIS Pile-up Problem
- 8.13 Getting Started with XSPEC
- 9.1 Introduction
- 9.2 Three Formats of Light Curve and How to Extract Them
- 9.3 Event Lists as Light Curves
- 9.4 FITS Rate Files
- 9.5 QDP (ASCII) Rate Files
- 9.6 Creating Light Curve Figures with XSELECT
- 9.7 Background Subtraction for Light Curves
- 9.8 GIS Light Curve Deadtime Correction
- 9.9 Telemetry Saturation Effects for SIS Data
- 9.10 Barycentric and Geocentric Corrections
- 9.11 GIS Light Curves Using Monitor Counts
- 9.12 Temporal Resolution
- 10. Spatial Analysis
- 11.1 Acronyms
- 11.2 Software Packages
- 11.3 XSELECT Command Sequences
- 11.3.1 Read Several Events Files Directly
- 11.3.2 Screen and Extract GIS PH Mode Events Data
- 11.3.3 Screen and Extract SIS BRIGHT or BRIGHT2 Mode Events Data
- 11.3.4 Select Extraction Regions for Source and Background and Extract Spectrum
- 11.3.5 Obtain GIS Response Matrices
- 11.3.6 Obtain or Create SIS Response Matrices
- 11.3.7 Generate the Ancillary Response File (ARF)
- 11.3.8 Extract Events List to Use as a Light Curve for XRONOS
- 11.3.9 Extract FITS Rate File to Use as a Light Curve for XRONOS
- 11.3.10 Extract Soft and Hard Sky Images
- 11.4 MKF Parameter Summary
- 11.5 Important URLs
- 11.5.1 ASCA Getting Started Guide
- 11.5.2 ASCA GOF
- 11.5.3 ASCA GOF: Processing and Data Analysis
- 11.5.4 ASCA GOF: What's New
- 11.5.5 ASCANews
- 11.5.6 ASCA Observation Planning Guide
- 11.5.7 ASCA Science Data Processing
- 11.5.8 Background Normalization for Co-added Spectra
- 11.5.9 Calibration Uncertainties
- 11.5.10 FTOOLS
- 11.5.11 GIS Background
- 11.5.12 GIS3 CPU Trouble
- 11.5.13 GIS Gain Correction
- 11.5.14 GIS News
- 11.5.15 SIS News
- 11.5.16 XANADU
- 11.5.17 XIMAGE User's Guide
- 11.5.18 XRONOS User's Guide
- 11.5.19 XSELECT User's Guide
- 11.5.20 XSPEC User's Guide
- About this document ...
Michael Arida 2002-10-22