Dr. James Lochner
Jim Lochner earned his doctorate in Physics at the University of Maryland in 1989, concentrating on timing analyses of the x-ray light curve of Cygnus X-1. He then held a post-doctoral position with the Space Astronomy and Astrophysics group at Los Alamos National Lab. At Los Alamos, Jim carried out studies on the long term variations in x-ray binaries using the Vela 5B All-Sky-Monitor data base. He also studied gamma ray bursts using data from the Pioneer Venus Gamma Ray Burst detector. He joined OGIP under the HEASARC in Oct 1991, where he transferred a copy of the Vela 5B data base into the HEASARC's data sets. In April 1992, he joined the RXTE GOF and participated in many aspects of the development of support for RXTE guest observers. In particular, he oversaw the receipt of calibration products from the instrument teams, and managed the ASM Products database. He also developed the RXTE Learning Center, providing resources for teachers. In addition, he also continued his research on x-ray transients observed by RXTE. Jim now leads the Education/Public Outreach efforts for the HEASARC. He heads up the continuing development of the Imagine the Universe! Web site, and oversees the production of posters and activity booklets. He also develops and presents workshops about high-energy astronomy and available education resources to educators at local, state, and national education meetings, and at National Teacher Training Institute (NTTI) workshops. He is also active in NASA's Space Science E/PO Support Network, serving as a consultant to the Sun-Earth-Connection Education Forum's Resource Catalogue working group, and as an active participant in the Education Forum for the Structure and Evolution of the Universe Theme.
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