Meredith Gibb

Employer: SP Systems Inc.
Job Description: Education and Public Outreach

Meredith Gibb works for the Education and Public Outreach group at Goddard's Exploration of the Universe Division (EUD). As a member of the team, her primary responsibilities lie in the development of the Imagine the Universe! web site. She also assists with other Education and Public Outreach projects.

Meredith earned a B.S. in Physics from Carnegie Mellon in 1987, a M.S. in Education from Duquesne University in 1990, and a second B.S. in Computer Studies from University of Maryland University College in 1997. Her previous experience includes 5 years as a high school physics teacher and 2 years as a community college mathematics teacher. She came to the HEASARC in 1997.

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