Dr. Michael J. Tripicco
Mike Tripicco is a Lead Programmer/Analyst with Science Systems & Applications, Inc. and since 1995 has been providing science support for the Office of General Investigator Programs in GSFC's Exploration of the Universe Division (EUD). Mike's duties are primarily concerned with the FTOOLS/HEAdas software package for processing and analyzing data in the FITS format. He has been part of the RXTE Guest Observer Facility over the entire mission lifetime, writing and maintaining RXTE-specific FTOOLS and managing the RXTE data archive. More recently Mike has been a part of the Swift Science Center where his duties center around configuration management for the Swift data analysis software package. Currently Mike spends half of his time on management and is responsible for the Space Science Department under the SESDA contract. Mike received a B.S. in Physics & Astronomy from the University of Rochester in 1982. The grey skies and (seemingly) nonstop snow of Rochester drove him to seek refuge in Hawaii, where he earned M.S. (1984) and PhD degrees (1987) in Astronomy from the University of Hawaii at Manoa. His PhD thesis research was an observational study of the globular star clusters in the Andromeda Galaxy (M31). From late 1987 until mid-1995, he worked as an Assistant Research Scientist at the University of Maryland in College Park. His research there centered around the synthesis of composite visible-light spectra for star clusters and galaxies using model atmospheres and computer-generated stellar spectra.
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