HaloSat Archive

HaloSat Archive Access

The HaloSat archive can be accessed via the following interfaces:


HEASARC Browse interface

Make searches of observations in the HaloSat archive using the halomaster database. Each entry of halomaster is linked to the halotimelg database that shows the individual observing time interval.

Anonymous FTP via HTTPS or wget or script

Do direct data retrieval without browsing the observation logs

Use a sky map to view the spectral plots and retrieve the data from the archive
CGM catalog The catalog contais the thermal plasma emission measure and temperature for the warm and hot components of the HaloSat Circumgalactic Medium (CGM) fields as well as the equivalent OVII and OVIII line emission for each component. This catalog is based on the reprocessed 2023 HaloSat data with new spectral fits following the methods described in Bluem J. et al., 2022, ApJ, 936, 72

The HaloSat data release includes all data collected by HaloSat during the science operation period from October 2018, till Sep 2020.

The latest reprocessed data (version 20221026) has been released on May 1, 2023 and the HaloSat CGM fields catalog on May 23, 2023.