HaloSat Calibration Files

This page contains a summary of the HaloSat Calibration files which are currently in the Calibration Database (CALDB). The table links to the latest CALDB tar file and users can download it to install the HaloSat CALDB locally.

Instructions for installing the CALDB for HaloSat or other missions are available from the CALDB Installation page. The easiest way to access calibration data for HaloSat or other HEASARC-supported missions is via remote access, which allows direct access the current HEASARC HaloSat CALDB without having to install any calibration data locally.

Caldb access for HaloSat requires the latest version of the caldb.config file (updated 20200311 or later) which is available at https://heasarc.gsfc.nasa.gov/FTP/caldb/software/tools. Please replace your current $CALDBCONFIG file with this updated version.

HaloSat Calibration
Latest CALDB SDD(20230324) Release Date
HaloSat caldb documents Retrieve HaloSat SDD caldb tar file