The HEASARC Users Group and the LAMBDA Advisory Group

The HEASARC Users Group (HUG) has as its prime directive to "evaluate and monitor the performance of the HEASARC."

Other terms of reference and organization are as follows:

  • Solicit input on the operation of the HEASARC from the astronomical community.
  • Recommend guidelines for community access to the HEASARC.
  • Provide help and information to the HEASARC on a wide range of disciplines relevant to its activities.
  • Encourage interaction and coordination with other mission facilities and data archives, both within and outside NASA.
  • Review an annual report on the HEASARC activities and progress.

The HUG provides feedback to the HEASARC Director, as well as to NASA Headquarters.

The current members of the HUG are:

      * Greg Madejski, Chair, (SLAC)
      * Matteo Bachetti (INAF)
      * Amruta Jaodand (CfA)
      * Jan-Uwe Ness (ESA)
      * Brendan O'Connor (CMU)
      * Anna Trindade Falcao (CfA)

The HEASARC Users Group most recently met in Jan 2024, and provided valuable feedback on the HEASARC's progress and future plans. They also met in April 2022 (prior to the HEASARC's PPBE presentation to NASA HQ) and on the HEASARC Programmatic Review Proposal content in January 2020, prior to proposal submission. Informal feedback on specific technical topics (e.g. the HEASoftpy Python wrappers, and the heasarc@sciserver science platform activity, etc) has also been solicited and recently provided by HUG members. Formal written reports on earlier meetings are available:

November 2016 report

February 2018 report

Within the HEASARC, LAMBDA has its own separate Advisory Group focusing on issues of primary relevance to the cosmic microwave backround (CMB) community.

The current members of the LAMBDA Advisory Group (LAG) are:

      * Jeffrey McMahon, Chair, (U. Chicago)
      * Chuck Bennett (Johns Hopkins U.)
      * Steve Benton (Princeton U.)
      * Renee Hložek, (Dunlap Institute, U. Toronto))
      * Mat Madhavacheril (U. Penn)

FY17 meeting report issued December 2016.

FY18 meeting report issued March 2018.

Members serve a minimum of one year and can renew for up to three-year terms (with staggering of multi-year terms to ensure some committee continuity from year to year while also incorporating fresh viewpoints). ADAP grantees are encouraged to serve on the group, 1) as significant users of LAMBDA's archival data, and 2) because LAMBDA can host their results, following reporting requirements.

If you would like to volunteer to serve on the LAMBDA Users' Group, please contact Dr. Tom Essinger-Hileman (thomas.m.essinger-hileman 'at'

If you would like to volunteer to serve on the HEASARC Users Group or the LAMBDA Advisory Group, or have an issue you would like one of these groups to address, please contact Dr. Andrew Ptak (andrew.ptak 'at' and Dr. Lorella Angelini ( for the HUG or Dr. Tom Essinger-Hileman (thomas.m.essinger-hileman 'at' for the LAG, or any of the members of the relevant groups listed above.

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Last modified: Tuesday, 21-May-2024 11:48:55 EDT