What's New
MIssion Accomplished for INTEGRAL (28 January 2025)
The European Space Agency's gamma-ray telescope ended its observations on 28 February 2025. During its 22+ years in space,
INTEGRAL has reshaped our view of the most dramatic events in the Universe.
INTEGRAL AO-21 General Program Approved (18 January 2024)
The INTEGRAL AO-21 General Programme, as recommended by the Time Allocation Committee (TAC) and approved by ESA's Director of Science (Prof. Carole Mundell),
has been released and the observers have been informed.
INTEGRAL AO-21 Call for Observing Proposals is Open (05 September 2023)
This announcement solicits proposals for observations to be carried out from January 1, 2024 for a period of 12 months.
Proposers from all over the world are welcome to participate. All proposals will be subject to an independent peer
review by the INTEGRAL Time Allocation Committee (TAC). The deadline for proposal submission is Friday September 29, 2023, 14:00 CEST.
INTEGRAL Operations Extended (08 March 2023)
ESA's Science Programme Committee (SPC) has confirmed the continued operations of INTEGRAL until 31 Dec 2024, enabling support of the 4th campaign of joint observations of gravitational waves
by LIGO, Virgo, and KAGRA. This will be followed by two years of post-operations and monitoring of the spacecraft until re-entry in February 2029.
INTEGRAL AO-20 General Program Approved (15 December 2022)
The INTEGRAL AO-20 General Programme, as recommended by the Time Allocation Committee (TAC) and approved by ESA's Director of Science (Prof. Gunther Hasinger),
has been released and the observers have been informed.
Two Decades of High-Energy Astronomy with INTEGRAL (1 June 2022)
The conference Two Decades of High-Energy
Astronomy with INTEGRAL will take place this autumn at the
European Space Operations Centre (ESOC) in Darmstadt, Germany during the week
of October 17-21, 2022. Registration and abstract submission are open.
OSA 11.2 Release (6 April 2022)
The INTEGRAL Science Data Centre (ISDC)
has released Offline Software Analysis (OSA) version 11.2.
This software is also available from the INTEGRAL U.S. Guest Observer Facility .
INTEGRAL AO-20 Call For Observing Proposals Opens 2 March 2022 (24 February 2022)
This announcement solicits proposals for observations to be carried out beginning 1 January 2023.
Proposers from all over the world are welcome to participate. All proposals will be subject to an independent peer
review by the INTEGRAL Time Allocation Committee (TAC). The deadline for proposal submission is Friday 1 April 2022, 14:00 CEST.
INTEGRAL: Towards the Third Decade of X- and Gamma-Ray Observations (7 July 2021)
This conference will be a combined face-to-face and online
meeting that will focus on the contributions of INTEGRAL to our knowledge of the high-energy sky.
It will be held 11-16 October 2021 in Santa Margherita di Pula, Sardinia, Italy.
INTEGRAL AO-19 General Program Approved (22 June 2021)
The INTEGRAL AO-19 General Programme, as recommended by the Time Allocation Committee (TAC) and approved by ESA's Director of Science (Prof. Gunther Hasinger),
has been released and the observers have been informed.
INTEGRAL AO-19 Call For Observing Proposals is Open (01 Mar 2021)
This announcement solicits proposals for observations to be carried out from January 2022 for a period of 12 months.
Proposers from all over the world are welcome to participate. All proposals will be subject to an independent peer
review by the INTEGRAL Time Allocation Committee (TAC). The deadline for proposal submission is Friday 9 April 2021, 14:00 CEST.
INTEGRAL Operations Approved Through 2022 (15 Oct 2020)
ESA's Science Programme Committee (SPC) has confirmed the continued operation of INTEGRAL from January 1, 2021 through December 31, 2022. The decision was taken during
the SPC meeting held October 1, 2020 following a comprehensive review.
INTEGRAL OSA 11.1 Released (22 Sep 2020)
The INTEGRAL Science Data Centre (ISDC)
has released
Offline Software Analysis (OSA) version 11.1.
It is important to note that OSA 11.1 for IBIS/ISGRI is currently limited to data starting from revolution 1626.
For earlier data, the user should use OSA 10.2 with the limitations described in the user manual.
INTEGRAL AO-18 General Program Approved (8 July 2020)
The INTEGRAL AO-18 General Programme, as recommended by the Time Allocation Committee (TAC) and approved by ESA's Director of Science (Prof. Gunther Hasinger),
has been released and the observers have been informed.
INTEGRAL Returns to Science Operations (16 Jun 2020)
On 12 June 2020 INTEGRAL resumed science operations following an anomaly that caused the spacecraft to enter Emergency Safe Attitude Mode (ESAM) on 16 May 2020.
Investigations are ongoing to understand and characterize the cause of the anomaly.
INTEGRAL Entered Emergency Safe Attitude Mode (ESAM) (19 May 2020)
On 16 May 2020 INTEGRAL entered Emergency Safe Attitude Mode following a Reaction Wheel Bias (RWB) maneuver. No science operations can be performed at this time.
A more detailed accounting of this anomaly and updates can be found at the above link.
INTEGRAL AO-18 Preliminary Statistics (19 May 2020)
ESA has released preliminary statistics for proposals submitted to INTEGRAL AO-18. A total of 52 proposals were received asking for approximately 70 Msec of observing time.
A breakdown of proposals by source category can be found at the above link.
INTEGRAL AO-18 Proposal Deadline Postponed (30 Mar 2020)
The INTEGRAL AO-18 proposal submission deadline has been postponed from Friday, 3 April to Monday, 4 May 14:00 CEST as result of
the COVID-19 crisis.
ESA will continue to follow developments closely and may provide additional updates in the next weeks,
at the latest by Monday, 20 April.
This announcement solicits proposals for observations to be carried out from January 2021 for a period of 12 months.
Proposers from all over the world are welcome to participate. All
proposals will be subject to an independent peer review by the INTEGRAL
Time Allocation Committee (TAC). The deadline for proposal submission is Friday 3 April 2020, 14:00 CEST.
INTEGRAL AO-17 General Program Approved (15 Jul 2019)
The INTEGRAL AO-17 General Programme, as recommended by the Time Allocation Committee (TAC) and approved by ESA's Director of Science (Prof. Guenther Hasinger),
has been released and the observers have been informed.
This announcement solicits proposals for observations to be carried out from January 2020 for a period of 12 months.
Proposers from all over the world are welcome to participate. All
proposals will be subject to an independent peer review by the INTEGRAL
Time Allocation Committee (TAC). The deadline for proposal submission is Friday 5 April 2019, 14:00 CEST.
INTEGRAL AO-17 Schedule Announced (29 Jan 2019)
The ISOC is preparing the next call for proposals requesting INTEGRAL observing time. The AO-17 release will be on 25 Feb 2019 with
proposals due on 5 April 2019 (14:00 CEST).
OSA 11.0 Release (24 Oct 2018)
The INTEGRAL Science Data Centre (ISDC), the INTEGRAL instrument teams, and the INTEGRAL Science Operations Centre (ISOC)
have announced the release of the
Offline Software Analysis (OSA) version 11.0 . Several major improvements have been made in this new release.
It is important to note that OSA 11.0 for IBIS is currently limited to data starting from 2015-12-26 (start of revolution 1626).
For earlier data, the user should use OSA 10.2 with the limitations described in the user manual.
12th INTEGRAL Workshop and 1st AHEAD Gamma-Ray Workshop (19 Sep 2018)
The 12th INTEGRAL Conference will be organized together with the 1st AHEAD Gamma-Ray Workshop on 11-15 February 2019:
"INTEGRAL looks AHEAD to Multi-Messenger Astrophysics".
It will be hosted by the Campus Biotech, in Geneva (Switzerland).
This conference will discuss recent developments in high-energy astronomy,
with particular emphasis on its role in multi-messenger astronomy.
Further information including deadlines can be found at the above link.
INTEGRAL AO-16 General Program Approved (27 June 2018)
The INTEGRAL AO-16 General Program, as recommended by the Time
Allocation Committee (TAC) and approved by ESA's Director of Science
(Prof. Günther Hasinger), has been released and the observers have
been informed.
16th INTEGRAL Announcement of Opportunity (6 Mar 2018)
ESA invites you to submit proposals to the International Gamma-ray
Astrophysics Laboratory (INTEGRAL) 16th "Announcement of
Opportunity" (AO-16) call for proposals, for observations to be
performed during 2019. As previously, ESA also provides the
opportunity to propose for coordinated observations with XMM-Newton,
NuSTAR, and/or Swift with a total of 300 ks, 100 ks, and 150 ks,
respectively, of their available time. Documentation, proposal
submission and support software for this Announcement are being made
available via the ESA
INTEGRAL website. The deadline for proposal submission is
Friday, April 13, 2018, 14:00 CEST.
INTEGRAL Mission Extended Through 2019 (8 June 2017)
The ESA Science Programme Committee (SPC) has approved extending the
INTEGRAL mission by one year through 31 December 2019. A proposal to
extend INTEGRAL through 2020 will be presented at the next meeting of
the SPC in February 2018.
INTEGRAL AO-15 General Program Approved (8 June 2017)
The INTEGRAL AO-15 General Program, as recommended by the Time
Allocation Committee (TAC) and approved by ESA's Director of Science
(Prof. Alvaro Giménez), has been released and the observers have
been informed.
15th INTEGRAL Announcement of Opportunity
(20 Feb 2017)
The ESA Director of Science and Robotic Exploration (Prof. Alvaro
Giménez Cañete) has released the 15th Announcement of
Opportunity for observing proposals with INTEGRAL. The deadline for
proposal submission is March 31, 2017. Additional information can be
found on the
Two-Year Extansion for ESA-led Missions
(7 Dec 2016)
ESA's Science Programme Committee (SPC) has confirmed two-year
extensions for nine scientific missions including INTEGRAL and
XMM-Newton. This secures their operation until the end of 2018.
INTEGRAL AO-14 General Program Approved
(28 Jun 2016)
The INTEGRAL AO-14 General Program, as recommended by the Time
Allocation Committee (TAC) and approved by ESA's Director of Science
and Robotic Exploration (Prof. Alvaro Gimenez), has been released and
the observers have been informed.
Second Announcement of 11th INTEGRAL Conference
(25 May 2016)
The 11th INTEGRAL Conference: Gamma-Ray Astrophysics in
Multi-Wavelength Perspective to be held 10-14 October 2016 in
Amsterdam is now open for registration and abstract submission. The
abstract submission deadline is 1 July 2016.
First Announcement of 11th INTEGRAL Conference
(18 Mar 2016)
SRON Netherlands Institute for Space Research and the Astronomical
Institute "Anton Pannekoek" of the University of Amsterdam are
organizing the 11th INTEGRAL Conference: Gamma-Ray Astrophysics in
Multi-Wavelength Perspective. It will be held 10-14 October 2016 in
Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
INTEGRAL Observes Positron Annihilation during V404 Cygni Outburst
(17 Mar 2016)
A team led by scientists at the Max-Planck-Institut für
extraterrestrische Physik (MPE) in Garching, Germany report the
discovery of intense bursts of photons at energies near 511 keV, which
they interpret as the signature of positron-electron annihilation near
the microquasar V404 Cygni. The results have been published in the 17
March 2016 issue of Nature.
14th INTEGRAL Announcement of Opportunity
(29 Feb 2016)
The ESA Director of Science and Robotic Exploration (Prof. Alvaro Gimenez) has released the 14th Announcement of
Opportunity for observing proposals with INTEGRAL.
The deadline for proposal submission is April 8, 2016.
Additional information can be found on the
INTEGRAL OSA 10.2 Released.
(10 Dec 2015)
The ISDC has released INTEGRAL Offline Scientific Analysis Software (OSA) version 10.2.
The main improvements of version 10.2 over version 10.1 are updated instrument calibrations.
The new software is available for download from the ISDC and the
AO-13 General Program Approved
(13 Jul 2015)
The INTEGRAL AO-13 General Program, as recommended by the Time
Allocation Committee (TAC) and approved by ESA's Director of Science
and Robotic Exploration (Prof. Alvaro Gimenez), has been released and
the observers have been informed.
INTEGRAL 2015: The New High Energy Sky after a Decade of Discoveries
(02 Jun 2015)
The INTEGRAL 2015 workshop will be held 5-9 October 2015 in Rome. It
will focus on providing an up-to-date view of the high-energy sky.
Proceedings of the 10th INTEGRAL Workshop Available Online
(26 Mar 2015)
The Proceedings of the 10th INTEGRAL Workshop: A Synergistic View of the High-Energy Sky held
15-19 September 2014 in Annapolis, MD is now available online via Proceedings of Science.
Announcement of Opportunity
(09 Mar 2015)
ESA Director of Science and Robotic Exploration (Prof.
Alvaro Gimenez) has released the 13th Announcement of Opportunity for
observing proposals with INTEGRAL. The deadline for proposal
submission is April 17, 2015. Additional information can be found on the
and on the "Proposals and Tools" page of the
change in January and February 2015 to foster a safe disposal by
2029 (16 Jan 2015)
A side effect of the orbit change is that INTEGRAL will no longer have
revolutions of 3 sidereal days. Instead, one aims at implementing a
scheme of 3 revolutions in 8 days. See ISOC news web page
for details.
data distribution policy for AO-12 (16 Jan
In AO-12 the data access rights policy has changed with respect to
previous AOs. See ISDC
data distribution web page for a description and new download
science operations confirmed until 31 December 2016 (01 Dec 2014)
During a meeting on 19 and 20 November 2014, the ESA Science Programme
Committee (SPC) approved the confirmation of science operations until
31 December 2016, as well the indicative extension of science
operations for INTEGRAL until 31 December 2018, subject to a mid-term
review in 2016. See the full story on the
SPC decision .
Release of OSA 10.1 for INTEGRAL Data Analysis
(04 Sep 2014)
The ISDC has released OSA 10.1. It contains several improvements and bug fixes including
improved image reconstruction for IBIS/ISGRI and energy calibration for JEM-X.
This software is available for download both from the ISDC and the
10th INTEGRAL Workshop Abstract Deadline Approaches
(29 May 2014)
This is a reminder that abstracts are due on May 31 for the 10th
INTEGRAL Workshop "A Synergistic View of the High Energy Sky" to be held
September 15-19, 2014 in Annapolis, MD, USA.
Please visit the conference website for details of abstract submission and registration.
12th INTEGRAL Announcement of Opportunity
(24 Feb 2014)
ESA Director of Science and Robotic Exploration (Prof.
Alvaro Gimenez) has released the 12th Announcement of Opportunity for
observing proposals with INTEGRAL. The deadline for proposal
submission is April 4, 2014. Additional information can be found on
the ESA INTEGRAL website and on the "Proposals and Tools" page of the
10th INTEGRAL Workshop - A Synergistic View of the High-Energy Sky
(30 Dec 2013)
The 10th INTEGRAL Workshop, `A Synergistic View of the High-Energy
Sky', will be held in Annapolis, MD, USA, from September 15 to 19, 2014.
INTEGRAL AO-11 Data Rights Proposals approved
(03 Dec 2013)
The ESA Director of Science and Robotic Exploration, Prof. Alvaro
Gimenez, has approved the recommendation of the Time Allocation
Committee (TAC) for proposals to obtain data rights for targets within
approved AO-11 observations.
INTEGRAL AO-11 Call for Data Rights Proposals
(09 Sep 2013)
ESA has released the INTEGRAL AO-11 Call for Data Rights Proposals.
These proposals are to obtain the data rights for targets within the
previously approved AO-11 observing program. Proposals are due 4
October 2013, 14:00 CEST.
Journey Through the High Energy Sky
(06 Aug 2013)
The INTEGRAL workshop "INTEGRAL's Journey Through the High Energy Sky"
will be held in Rome 15-18 October, 2013. Abstracts can be submitted
until 20 September 2013. Additional information can be found at the
above link.
Proceedings of 2012 INTEGRAL workshop published
(18 Jul 2013)
The proceedings of the 9th INTEGRAL workshop "An INTEGRAL view of the
high-energy sky", Paris, 15-19 October 2012, have been published today
(update from initial March release).
INTEGRAL Science Operations Extended until 31 December 2016
(24 Jun 2013)
The ESA Science Programme Committee has approved extending the
INTEGRAL mission through 2016. As with previous extensions, this is
subject to a mid-term confirmation in late 2014.
INTEGRAL AO-11 General Program Approved
(18 Jun 2013)
The INTEGRAL AO-11 General Program, as recommended by the Time
Allocation Committee (TAC) and approved on June 3 by the ESA Director
of Science and Robotic Exploration (Prof. Alvaro Gimenez), has been
released and the observers have been informed.
ESA Releases INTEGRAL AO-11 Proposal Statistics
(25 Apr 2013)
A total of 55 proposals were recieved with 62 Msec of observing time
requested. A breakdown of the number of proposals by science category
can be found at the above link.
Proceedings of 2012 INTEGRAL workshop on-line
(26 Mar 2013)
The first set of accepted papers of the workshop proceedings "An
INTEGRAL view of the high energy sky (the first 10 years)" is now
available on-line. More to be expected soon.
INTEGRAL AO-11 Call for Observing Proposals is open
(4 Mar 2013)
The ESA Director of Science and Robotic Exploration (Prof. Alvaro
Gimenez) has released the 11th Announcement of Opportunity for
observing proposals with INTEGRAL. This announcement solicits
proposals for observations to be carried out from January 2014 for a
period of 12 months. Proposals submission is Friday 12 April 2012,
14:00 CEST.
AO-11 Proposal Schedule Released
(28 Jan 2013)
The ISOC is preparing the next call for proposals requesting INTEGRAL
observing time. The AO-11 will be released on 4 March 2013, with a
deadline of 12 April 2013. The subsequent call for proposals
requesting data rights will be released September 2013. The AO-11
cycle of observations will begin on 1 January 2014 and has a duration
of 12 months.
INTEGRAL's AO-10 Starts
(28 Jan 2013)
The AO-10 cycle of observations started on January 1st and will last
12 months. The INTEGRAL target lists and sky maps are available at
the above link.
Releases OSA 10
(24 Sep 2012)
The ISDC has released version 10 of its Off-Line Scientific Analysis
(OSA) software package. OSA 10 runs on both Linux and recent Mac OS X
platforms and contains improvements to the IBIS/ISGRI energy
calibration and new JEM-X imaging features. It can be downloaded from
the INTEGRAL GOF Data Analysis page or the ISDC.
INTEGRAL AO-10 Call for Data Right Proposals
(04 Sep 2012)
ESA has released the 10th Announcement of Opportunity for data right
proposals with INTEGRAL. The deadline for proposals is September 28,
2012. Additional information can be found on the ESA INTEGRAL website
and on the "Proposals and Tools" page of the INTEGRAL US GOF.
INTEGRAL AO-10 General Program Results
(02 July 2012)
The INTEGRAL AO-10 General Program, as recommended by the Time
Allocation Committee (TAC) and approved on the 12th of June by the ESA
Director of Science and Robotic Exploration (Prof. Alvaro Gimenez),
has been released.
10th INTEGRAL Announcement of Opportunity Preliminary Statistics (25
April 2012)
ESA has released preliminary proposal statistics for the 10th Announcement of Opportunity for
observing proposals with INTEGRAL. A total of 59 proposals were submitted for a total of
65 Msec of observing time.
10th INTEGRAL Announcement of Opportunity
(12 March 2012)
ESA has released the 10th Announcement of Opportunity for observing
proposals with INTEGRAL. The deadline for proposals is April 20, 2012.
Additional information can be found on the ESA INTEGRAL website and on
the "Proposals and Tools" page of the INTEGRAL US GOF.
INTEGRAL AO-9 Data Right Proposals approved
(19 December 2011)
The ESA Director of Science and Robotic Exploration, Prof. Alvaro
Gimenez, has approved the recommendation of the Time Allocation
Committee (TAC) for AO-9 data rights proposals.
An INTEGRAL view of the high-energy sky (the first 10 years)
(14 November 2011)
The 9th INTEGRAL workshop will take place from October 15-19, 2012, in Paris.
INTEGRAL AO-9 General Program Results
(11 July 2011)
The INTEGRAL AO-9 General Program, as recommended by the Time
Allocation Committee (TAC) and approved on the 5th of July by the ESA
Director of Science and Robotic Exploration (Prof. Alvaro Gimenez),
has been released.
INTEGRAL Announcement of Opportunity
(09 Mar 2011)
ESA has released the 9th Announcement of Opportunity for observing
proposals with INTEGRAL. The deadline for proposals is April 15, 2011.
Additional information can be found on the ESA INTEGRAL website and on
the "Proposals and Tools" page of the INTEGRAL US GOF.
INTEGRAL AO-8 Data Right Proposals approved
(13 Dec 2010)
The INTEGRAL AO-8 Data Right Program, as recommended by the Time
Allocation Committee (TAC) and approved on the 23rd of November by the
ESA Director of Science and Robotic Exploration (Prof. David
Southwood), has been released.
INTEGRAL mission extended
(22 Nov 2010)
ESA's Science Programme Committee unanimously approved an extension of
INTEGRAL operations until 31 December 2012.
INTEGRAL Revision 3 Data Available from the HEASARC
(19 Oct 2010)
The HEASARC mirror to the INTEGRAL Public Data Archive now contains
INTEGRAL Revision 3 data. A short description of the revision 3 data
can be found in the May
2010 ISDC Newsletter.
AO-8 Call for Data Right Proposals (01 September
2010) ESA has released the 8th Announcement of Opportunity
for data right proposals with INTEGRAL. The deadline for proposals is
October 8, 2010. Additional information can be found on the ESA
INTEGRAL website and on the "Proposals and Tools" page of the INTEGRAL
AO-8 General Program Results (01 July 2010)
The INTEGRAL AO-8 General Program, as recommended by the Time
Allocation Committee (TAC) and approved on the 15th of June by the ESA
Director of Science and Robotic Exploration (Prof. David Southwood),
has been released.
INTEGRAL SPI detector anomaly (07 June 2010)
On May 27, 2010, an anomaly occured for SPI Ge Detector #1.
Medal for Vito Sguera (03 May 2010)
On 01 April 2010, the Committee on Space Research (COSPAR) has decided
to present the 2010 Zeldovich Medal for COSPAR Scientific Commission E
(Research in Astrophysics from Space) to Dr. Vito Sguera (Istituto di
Astrofisica Spaziale & Fisica Cosmica, Bologna, Italy).
8th INTEGRAL Announcement of Opportunity (17 Mar 2010)
ESA has released the 8th Announcement of Opportunity for observing
proposals with INTEGRAL. The deadline for proposals is April 23, 2010.
Additional information can be found on the ESA INTEGRAL website and on
the "Proposals and Tools" page of the INTEGRAL US GOF.
8th INTEGRAL Workshop
(09 December 2009)
The workshop "THE RESTLESS GAMMA-RAY UNIVERSE" will take place in
Dublin Castle, Dublin, Ireland, September 27-30, 2010.
INTEGRAL's AO-7 has started
(19 October 2009)
Switch from JEM-X1 to JEM-X2 and 14th SPI annealing.
Winners of ESA's INTEGRAL competition
(18 October 2009)
Students from India and South Africa have been selected as the winners
of the European Space Agency's 'Be an INTEGRAL astronomer'
INTEGRAL AO-7 Data Rights Proposals approved
(2 October 2009)
The ESA Director of Science and Robotic Exploration (Prof. David
Southwood) has approved the recommendation of the Time Allocation
Committee (TAC) for proposals to obtain data rights to targets within
AO-7 observations.
Workshop Announcement
(28 May 2009)
The workshop "The Extreme sky: Sampling the Universe above 10 keV",
celebrating 7 years of INTEGRAL, will be held on 13-17 October 2009 at
Castello Aragonese, Otranto (Lecce), Italy.
INTEGRAL AO-7: Call for Data Rights Proposals (26 May 2009)
ESA has released the 7th Announcement of Opportunity for data rights
to targets within AO-7 observations. The deadline for proposals is
July 3, 2009. Additional information can be found on the ESA INTEGRAL
website and on the "Proposals and Tools" page of the INTEGRAL US GOF.
US INTEGRAL Guest Observer Program (4 May 2009)
NASA announces the INTEGRAL AO-7 US Guest Observer Program. Details of
this program can be found on the "Proposals and Tools" webpage of the
INTEGRAL AO-7 General Program Results (1 May 2009)
The INTEGRAL AO-7 General Program, as recommended by the Time
Allocation Committee (TAC) and approved on the 15th of April by the
ESA Director of Science and Robotic Exploration (Prof. David
Southwood), has been released.
Be an INTEGRAL Astronomer (14 Apr 2009)
To mark the International Year of Astronomy ESA launched
a competition for students to use INTEGRAL data for investigating
objects in the Galactic bulge.
INTEGRAL AO-7: Preliminary Statistics (11 Mar 2009)
Preliminary statistics on the proposals that have been received in
answer to INTEGRAL's 7th Announcement of Opportunity are available.
INTEGRAL SPI Detector Failure(10 Mar 2009)
On 19 February, following exit from a perigee passage, another SPI Ge
detector was lost.
Public INTEGRAL TOO on 1E1547.0-5408(27 Jan 2009)
INTEGRAL has observed as a public TOO the Anomalous X-ray Pulsar
1E1547.0-5408, which has recently shown intense bursting activity.
7th INTEGRAL Announcement of Opportunity
(13 Jan 2009)
ESA has released the 7th Announcement of Opportunity for observing
proposals with INTEGRAL. The deadline for proposals is February 20,
2009. Additional information can be found on the ESA INTEGRAL website
and on the "Proposals and Tools" page of the INTEGRAL US GOF.
Extension of INTEGRAL AO-6 (19 Nov 2008)
It has been decided to extend the duration of the ongoing AO-6 cycle
by two months, until 16 October 2009. The duration of AO-7 will be
extended by 2.5 months, it will therefore last from October 2009 until
end of December 2010. Subsequent AO's are expected to be annual again.
Happy Birthday INTEGRAL!
(17 Oct 2008)
INTEGRAL celebrated six successful years in space today! Instruments
and spacecraft are continuing to perform well and the scientific
output keeps the community busy.
Public TOO on H 1743-322
(10 Oct 2008)
INTEGRAL has observed the black hole X-ray transient system H 1743-322 as a public TOO. For details see web page linked above.
Changes to the organization of AO-7 and beyond - ISOC Newsletter Issue 20
(23 Jul 2008)
At its meeting at ESAC on June 11 and 12, 2008, the INTEGRAL User
Group recommended a new scheme for the distribution of the Open Time
that means significant changes for the organization of AO-7 and future
US INTEGRAL Guest Observer Program(20 Jun 2008)
NASA has announced the INTEGRAL AO-6 US Guest Observer Program. Details of
this program can be found on our "Proposals and Tools" webpage.
AO-6 General Program Results(18 Jun 2008)
The INTEGRAL AO-6 General Programme, as recommended by the Time
Allocation Committee (TAC) and approved on the 3rd of June by the ESA
Director of Science and Robotic Exploration (Prof. David Southwood)
has been released.
INTEGRAL participated in the 2008 NASA Senior Review. In their report, the Senior Review Committee
recognized the unique capabilities of INTEGRAL in the hard X-ray and
soft gamma-ray regime as well as its important synergy with the
upcoming GLAST mission. As a result, the committee recommended
continuing NASA funding for INTEGRAL through FY10.
(Jun 6, 2008)
The 7th
INTEGRAL Workshop Announced has been announced. It will be held
8-11 September 2008 in Copenhagen, Denmark.
(May 19, 2008)
ESA has released the Announcement
of Opportunity for for AO-6. The deadline for proposals is April
18, 2008. Additional information can be found on the ESA
INTEGRAL website on on our Proposals & Tools page.
(March 10, 2008)
ESA has released the Key Programs selected to be observed during the
upcoming AO-6 observing cycle. They include observations of the
Galactic Center region, the Cygnus region, the Virgo Cluster, the
North Ecliptic Pole, and the SMC. More details can be found on the INTEGRAL
ESA website.
(January 21, 2008)
November 13, 2007
ESA's Science Programme Committee (SPC) has approved extending mission
operations for INTEGRAL and XMM-Newton until December 31, 2012.
October 22, 2007
September 28, 2007
July 10, 2007
ESA is holding a Five Years of INTEGRAL Science Workshop in Cagliari,
Sardinia, Italy on October 17-19, 2007. Further information can e
found on this website.
July 5, 2007
April 25, 2007
ESA has the released preliminary statistics on the proposals received
for AO-5. There were a total of 160 proposals received. Of those, 85
were associated with the Key Program. The total requested observing
time (75.4 Msec) was a factor of 5.89 larger than the 12.8 Msec
available. For more details see the
March 12, 2007
ESA has released the INTEGRAL 5th Announcement of Opportunity (AO-5).
Proposals are due on April 20, 2007 with selections announced in June
2007. Further details can be found on the ESA
website and our Proposals and
Tools page.
December 22, 2006
ESA has chosen the observations programs for the AO-5 Key Programme.
They include 2 Msec observations of the Galactic Center, the North
Ecliptic Pole, and the Cygnus region. Further details can be found on
our "Proposals and Tools" page.
December 1, 2006:
June 23, 2006:
February 21, 2005:
The US INTEGRAL Users Committee held a meeting at NASA/GSFC on
February 21, 2006. Presentations made at this meeting are available
November 24, 2005:
The ISDC has released version 5.1 of the Off-line Scientific Analysis
(OSA) software. It is now available for download from our Data Analysis web page.
September 7, 2005:
The INTEGRAL US Guest Observer Facility conducted a
two day workshop on INTEGRAL data analysis on November 14-15, 2005
at NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center. More information can be found on the
workshop web page.
August 31, 2004:
July 19, 2004:
Public Data Archive at the ISDC opened on July 19, 2004. By
agreement with ESA and the ISDC, the public data archive will be
mirrored at the HEASARC, in order to facilitate ease of distribution,
notably for U.S. based researchers. The HEASARC W3Browse facility
will be the interface to the archive at either site. The HEASARC
archive will open by September 1, 2004.
March 2004:
The evaluation of stage-II proposals to NASA for support of US INTEGRAL
AO-2 Guest Observations was completed in March 2004. Notification letters
have been issued to all proposers, and the grant administration process
is underway.
The level of US participation in the INTEGRAL Guest Observer Program
remained significant. 23% of all ESA-approved AO-2 programs had US PIs
and 37% US participation as PIs or Co-Is.
July 18, 2003:
Last updated:Friday, 28-Feb-2025 11:09:37 EST .