Programs of the GSFC SPI pipeline

Programs and parameter files of the GSFC/SPI pipeline

last update of this page: 30.04.2004

You can read the complete list of installed software (Solaris) and the list of installed software (Linux). Read the step-by-step guidelines how to use your personal account at the ISDC to work with the ISDC SPI pipeline software and data.

ISDC/SPI software for download is no longer provided here; please use the official software release package, which you find under this page.

program version parfile status remarks
spi_osim 1.2 spi_osim.par OK installed. This script calls the components needed to perform a SPI simulation (works with gensky 12.1). Read the online manual.
gensky 12.1 gensky.par OK installed. Changes have to be applied, to make it usable under Linux; gensky update requested
os_pdefgen 4.1 os_pdefgen.par OK installed
spisimprep 3.0 spisimprep.par update needed installed. Update needed due to SPR 1991. This is creating some files needed to run analysis on simulated data.
os_simgrpgen 4.4.5 os_simgrpgen.par OK installed. This program is not needed when running spisimprep!
spiskycnv 16.0 spiskycnv.par minor problems installed.

Preprocessing and Data Preparation
program version parfile status remarks
blc_pipeline 1.5 blc_pipeline.par obsolete not installed. Not compatible with latest isdcroot version. Data preparation of BLC calibration data - not used anymore.

program version parfile status remarks
spi_scripts 1.8 spi_science_analysis.par OK installed. The script name is spi_science_analysis. This executable script combines the analysis steps from POIN to IMA (i.e. calling the programs spipoint, spi_gti_creation, spidead, spi_gain_corr, spi_psd_optimise, spi_psd_postprocess, spibounds, spihist, spiback, cat_extract, spi_psd_effigen, spi_psd_respgen, spiskymax, spiros). It now also allows stepping back and re-running parts of the analysis! spi_science_analsysis can be used with in-flight data, Reference Orbit Test, and E2E-F data. For incomplete data sets use blc_sa.
blc_sa 1.9 blc_sa.par not working installed, not delivered yet. Solves SPR 1995. New parameter file! This executable combines the analysis steps from POIN to IMA (i.e. calling the programs blc_spipoint, spi_gti_creation, spidead, spi_gain_corr, spi_psd_optimise, spi_psd_postprocess, spibounds, spihist, spiback, spi_psd_effigen, spi_psd_respgen, spiskymax, spiros). It also allows stepping back in your data analysis.
spi_toolslib 2.0.2   OK installed. spi_toolslib 3.0.4
spipoint 1.7 spipoint.par OK installed. Solves SPRs 2251, 1327, 1768 and probably 1820 and 1821. This tool can be used for in-flight data, Reference Orbit Test and E2E-F data. For incomplete data sets you might use blc_spipoint.
blc_spipoint 2.2 blc_spipoint.par OK installed. blc_spipoint should work with any kind of data where the HK data for the pointing of the telescope is missing (BLC data, SVT-E, and PLC).
spi_gti_creation 1.9 spi_gti_creation.par OK Installed. Solves SPR 2673 and SCREW 1217.
spigti 3.3 spigti.par OK installed. This program only works inside spi_gti_creation. Takes into account SPR 1233, 3027 and SCREW 1086 and 954 (handles the on board spectra). Needs update due to SPR 2693, SPR 1816 and SCREW 705
spi_allgti 1.0 spi_allgti.par OK installed. This defines all times in a pointing as 'good time'.
spidead 2.3 spidead.par OK installed. Solves SPR 1233. This version takes into account either the real dead times which are written in the scientific housekeeping OR (when you set the parameter deadtimecorrection to a value> 0.0) uses a user defined dead time correction (e.g. 0.88) to speed up the process OR set deadtimecorrection to -1 (recommended!) to use only one detector for the dead time determination. Use a chatter level < 20 if you want to avoid a lot of logbook comments!
spi_gain_corr 1.4.1 spi_gain_corr.par OK installed. New parameter file. See Jürgen Knödlseder's s/w page for documentation.
spi_psd_optimise 2.0.1 spi_psd_optimise.par OK installed. New parameter file! See Jürgen Knödlseder's s/w page for documentation.
spi_psd_postprocess 1.3.1 spi_psd_postprocess.par OK installed. See Jürgen Knödlseder's s/w page for documentation.
spicommon 1.8   OK installed. Handles the on board spectra
spibounds 1.2 spibounds.par OK installed. Solves SPR 2940.
spihist 3.1.2 spihist.par OK installed. New parameter file. Solves SPR 3140, SPR 3039 and SPR 3027. Read the spihist user guide.
spiback 6.0 spiback.par OK installed. Solves SPR 3038. Now DFEE option should work (ACS/IREM only when running spi_gti_creation with 'DATA_GAPS' option)! Does not depend on spibham anymore. New parameter file!
spi_obs_back 2.0.1 spi_obs_back.par OK installed. This is an alternative program to spiback. For more information look at Jürgen Knödlseder's s/w page
spi_psd_effigen 1.1.1 spi_psd_effigen.par OK installed. New parameter file. See Jürgen Knödlseder's s/w page for documentation.
spi_psd_respgen 2.0.1 spi_psd_respgen.par OK installed. See Jürgen Knödlseder's s/w page for documentation.
spibham 6.0   OK installed, not delivered yet. Solves SPR 1233 and SPR 2990
spiros 6.0.1 spiros.par OK installed, not delivered yet. New parameter file!. Please read the spiros user manual and cookbook. There is also a very useful spiros tips and tricks page
spiskymax 29.1 spiskymax.par OK installed. Please read the spiskymax user manual.
spidiffit 3.0 spidiffit.par OK installed. This program performs diffuse model fitting to SPI data. Please read the spidiffit user manual.
spiarf 1.5 spiarf.par OK Installed.
spirmf 1.5 spirmf.par OK Installed.
spi_displays 1.2 spi_spectral_display.par
OK Installed. To display the spiros output spectra use spi_spectral_display, for detector spectra produced by spihist, use spi_dsp_display.

Developer tools (some of these programs are not under Configuration Management but are useful for developers. You can download them from here by clicking on the tool-name)
program version parfile status remarks
iosm_spi 1.0   OK installed at ISDC. Standard IOSM displays for the operation. Requires IOSM 10.0 or higher.
spioffback 2.0 spioffback.par OK installed locally. Creating a SPI.-BMOD-DSP file from an empty field observation.
spiaddobs 6.0 spiaddobs.par OK installed locally.
spidisplay 2.0 spidisplay.par not tested yet installed. This tool shows you the detector spectra for up to 19 science windows (graphic display).
spisumhist 2.1 spisumhist.par OK installed. Solves SPR 2037 and 2346
spiobs 3.8   expert use only Not installed at GSFC. Needs spibham 3.8. This is a tool to have a look on the detector spectra, counts per bin etc.
blc_spitime 1.2   not foreseen for delivery small program to convert times during the BLC calibration from dezimal days (e.g. TSTART and TSTOP) to real date and time. This is not under configuration managemen.
spiaccess 1.0 spiaccess.par not foreseen for delivery not installed. Small program to read the PSD_RAWFLAGS of an observation group.

program version parfile status remarks
spi_m_lib 1.1   OK installed
spihisto 5.1 spihisto.par OK not installed.
spiline 3.1 spiline.par update needed not installed.
spicali 1.2 spicali.par OK not installed.

program version parfile status remarks
dp_spi_psd 1.3.1 dp_spi_psd.par OK installed. See Jürgen Knödlseder's s/w page for documentation.
spi_psdlib 2.0.1   OK installed. See Jürgen Knödlseder's s/w page for documentation.
spi_psd_adcgain 1.4.0 spi_psd_adcgain.par OK not installed. See Jürgen Knödlseder's s/w page for documentation.
spi_psd_efficiency 1.4.2 spi_psd_efficiency.par OK not installed. See Jürgen Knödlseder's s/w page for documentation.
spi_psd_performance 1.5.0 spi_psd_performance.par OK not installed. See Jürgen Knödlseder's s/w page for documentation.
spi_psd_algopars 1.2.0 spi_psd_algopars.par OK not installed. See Jürgen Knödlseder's s/w page for documentation.
spi_psd_buildlib 1.5.0 spi_psd_buildlib.par OK not installed. See Jürgen Knödlseder's s/w page for documentation.
spi_psd_calclib 1.1.0 spi_psd_calclib.par OK not installed. See Jürgen Knödlseder's s/w page for documentation.
spi_psd_fitlib 1.1.0 spi_psd_fitlib.par OK not installed. See Jürgen Knödlseder's s/w page for documentation.
spi_psd_lib2moc 1.2.0 spi_psd_lib2moc.par OK not installed. See Jürgen Knödlseder's s/w page for documentation.
spi_psd_si 1.4.2 spi_psd_si.par OK not installed. See Jürgen Knödlseder's s/w page for documentation.
spi_psd_memcomp 1.1.0 spi_psd_memcomp.par OK not installed. See Jürgen Knödlseder's s/w page for documentation.

In case of questions and comments: contact me at GSFC.