User Manual for spiros
last update of this page: 26.7.2005spiros, which is developed by Paul Connell (GACE Valencia) is doing the image deconvolution and source reconstruction for ISDC/SPI data using the IROS method. You can download here the following manuals and data:
- The complete spiros documentation 5.0 (gzipped postscript file; 1.8 MByte) including the spiros cookbook
- The cookbook can be tested using Crab simulation data and reconstructing its spectrum and light curve: spiros_CRAB_40_2000_powl.tar.gz (gzipped tar file, 32 MByte)
- Check also the SPIROS tricks and tipps page
- The publication which should be referenced when using SPIROS is Skinner, G. K., & Connell, P. H. 2003, A&A, 411, L123
In case of questions and comments: contact me at NASA's GSFC.