This Legacy journal article was published in Volume 3, May 1993, and has not been
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ROSAT Archive Update
Mike Corcoran
Interest in the ROSAT archive has been high. The archive has received over a
hundred requests for nearly one thousand data files during the month of
December alone. Requests have been received from all over the US as well as
Europe and the People's Republic of China. Since the opening of the archive in
November 1992, some changes have been made to the availability of data, as well
as some enhancements to the capability to view data on-line. This article will
discuss these recent changes.
New rule on availability of incomplete observations
In many cases ROSAT observations are obtained in separate spacecraft pointings
which occur months (or years) apart. When the archive opened in November 1992
it was the policy of the ROSAT International User's Committee that such
pointings would enter the archive incrementally; that is, the first pointing
would enter the archive 54 weeks after the data were distributed to the PI, the
second pointing would be added to the data from the first pointing and would
enter the archive 54 weeks after distribution to the PI, and so on. This
policy was thought not to violate proprietary data rights, since by definition
the incomplete observation would not be sufficient for the science proposed by
the PI. However, this policy caused some uneasiness in the community and, as a
result, the IUC decided to abandon it in December 1993. The new policy adopted
by the IUC is that no data shall enter the archive until the accepted
exposure time is greater than or equal to 70% of the exposure time requested by
the PI. This means that the proprietary clock doesn't start ticking until
the PI has received data having at least 70% of the requested exposure. The
only exception to this rule would be if it became clear that the observation
would not acquire the requisite 70% exposure (due, for example, to the demise
of the PSPC). In such a case the observation would be declared "completed" and
the normal rules for making the data public would adhere (i.e. the data would
enter the archive if 54 weeks elapsed since the distribution of the data to the
This new rule had an immediate impact on the archive in that 22 datasets (4 HRI
and 18 PSPC) which had been made available to the public in November had to be
withdrawn from circulation. A list of these data sets follows:
Table 1. Data Sets Withdrawn from Circulation
RH200005 RH300009
RH500023 RH900010
RP200008 RP200028
RP200045 RP200046
RP200047 RP200049
RP200052 RP200068
RP200099 RP200102
RP200107 RP200113
RP200117 RP700062
RP800032 RP800034
RP800051 RP900001
Archive users should check the accepted exposure time with the requested
exposure time for any observation of interest before requesting it from the
archive. Archive users can do this in either of two ways:
1) MIPS users of the DistribList database can use the DisplayPage function to
determine the requested exposure and the actual exposure obtained.
2) BROWSE users can use the "dpage" (display page) command to determine the
requested versus actual exposure time for any observation of interest.
Availability of MPE-Processed Data
The exchange of data between processing centers at MPE and GSFC started in
December 1992. At time of this writing, data to be made public through the end
of 1992 has been exchanged between both sites. Unforutnately, technical
difficulties have delayed ingest of the MPE data into the US archive (and the
ingest of the US data into the German and UK archives). These difficulties
have to do primarily with the content and format of the "public contents files"
which are associated with each data set and which are used to create a catalog
of archive contents at each archive site. However, these difficulties have
been all but ironed out and it is expected that by the time this goes to press
public data from German and UK observers will be available to US archive users.
Initially, data processed by MPE will be ingested into the US archive in the
so-called ROD FITS format. Though this format is significantly different from
the US PROS FITS format familiar to most US ROSAT observers, software is
available within PROS to analyze data in the ROD format.
Archive users in the US will be able to use MIPS and BROWSE to examine which
German/UK data are available, and to request that data. In the meantime MPE
has made available a list of all German/UK data in the MPE archive through 28
Feb 1993. This data will also be ingested into the US archive. Archive users
in the US who wish to determine what German/UK data will be available in the US
can access this file via anonymous ftp from The
file is called mpe_archive_contents.txt. The file can be found under the
rosat/doc/archive directory. (Note that the HEASARC anonymous ftp accounts
will be re-organized in the early part of 1993, which means that the location
of this file will change. An announcement will be made when this change is
Archive users can use MIPS or BROWSE to request German/UK data from the US
archive in much the same manner as US data. Archive users can also send e-mail
requests for German/UK data to the Automated Retrieval Mail Service on NDADS
directly. ARMS requesters should realize that the naming convention of the
German/UK data is different from that used by the US. The table below lists
the ARMS data-type descriptions for German/UK PSPC and HRI datasets. ARMS
users should send an e-mail message to NDADSA::ARCHIVES with the subject line
reading REQUEST ROSAT <DATA TYPE> where <DATA TYPE> is one of the 6
listed below (no POSTSCRIPT data type exists for data processed by MPE). The
body of the e-mail should contain one or more entry-ids, where an entry-id is
given by wp<ror> or wh<ror>. Thus wp110130 is an allowable
Table 2. Data Type Description for MPE-Format PSPC Data
DATA TYPE File description Sample file
FITS photon list wp110130_events.tfits
broad-band image wp110130_image.ifits
hard-band image wp110130_imagehard.ifits
soft-band image wp110130_imagesoft.ifits
energy-coded image wp110130_imageenergy.ifits
SIMBAD source list wp110130_simbad.tfits
Exposure map wp110130_exposure.ifits
BASIC photon list wp110130_events.tfits
rejected events wp110130_difevents.tfits
DERIVED broad-band image wp110130_image.ifits
hard-band image wp110130_imagehard.ifits
soft-band image wp110130_imagesoft.ifits
SIMBAD source list wp110130_simbad.tfits
energy-coded image wp110130_imageenergy.ifits
CALIBRATION response matrix wp110130_drmpspc.tfits
instrument map wp110130_instrmap.ifits
Off-axis area, pspc b wp110130_effarea_pspcb.tfits
Off-axis area, pspc c wp110130_effarea_pspcc.tfits
exposure map wp110130_exposure.ifits
ANCILLARY Quality file wp110130.quality
attitude file wp110130_attitude.tfits
event rates wp110130_eventrates.tfits
orbit wp110130_orbit.tfits
ALL all the above all the above
Table 3. Data Type Description for MPE-Format HRI Data
DATA TYPE File Description Sample File
FITS photon event list wh110131_events.tfits
SIMBAD sky list wh110131_simbad.tfits
BASIC photon event list wh110131_events.tfits
rejected events wh110131_difevents.tfits
DERIVED SIMBAD sky list wh110131_simbad.tfits
CALIBRATION effective area wh110131_effarea_hri.tfits
hot spot map wh110131_hotmat.ifits
quantum efficiency map wh110131_qefficiency.tfits
ANCILLARY aspect wh110131_attitude.tfits
event rates wh110131_eventrates.tfits
orbit wh110131_orbit.tfits
data quality wh110131_qualitylimits.tfits
data quality limits wh110131_quality.tfits
ALL all the above all the above
New BROWSE features
See the article "HEASARC On-line Service" on page 70.
US Archive Problems
Archived versions of 2 datasets (RH800050 and RP500019) were found to contain
corrupted files. In the first case the problem was seen in the events list
file (the ".fits" file) while in the second case the problem was found in the
soft-band image file. The problem was thought to be due to the controller of
the magnetic disk used to stage the data by NDADS before writing to optical
disk. As a result, access to the archived data was turned off for about a week
while the magnetic disk and controller were replaced. Copies of all the data
that was previously archived using the "bad" controller were re-copied to the
archive using the "good" controller. NDADS has instituted another level of
routines to help insure the validity of the data on optical disk, as as of this
writing no known problems exist in the versions of the ROSAT data stored in the
NDADS archive. Any discovery of corrupt or unusual-looking data from the
archive is asked to report it at once to Dr. Michael Corcoran at the address
Non-electronic data requests
It is expected that most users of the ROSAT archive will request and copy data
from the archive electronically. However, some users may have limited network
access. There are also cases in which the volume of data requested is so
large that network transfer of the data is not feasible. In these (and other)
instances users may wish to have data sent to them on magnetic tape. Requests
for ROSAT data on magnetic media should be sent to NCF::REQUEST or to Dr.
Michael Corcoran at the address below.
Questions/comments/complaints about the US ROSAT Public Data Archive should be
addressed to
Dr. Michael Corcoran
Code 668
Goddard Space Flight Center
Greenbelt MD 20771
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