This Legacy journal article was published in Volume 3, May 1993, and has not been
updated since publication. Please use the search facility above to find regularly-updated information about
this topic elsewhere on the HEASARC site.
N. E. White
Japan's fourth X-ray astronomy mission, Astro-D, was successfully launched on
February 20, 1993, at 11:00 JST (02:00 UT) from Kagoshima Space Center. After
launch, the satellite was renamed ASCA (the Japanese characters mean "flying
bird" and it is also an acronym for "Advanced Satellite for Cosmology and
Astrophysics"). ASCA is a cooperative venture between NASA and Japan's
Institute of Space and Astronautical Science (ISAS). The NASA contribution
includes four conical grazing incidence thin-foil mirror assemblies, two charge
coupled devices (ccds) and data analysis software. In return for its
contribution, the US will receive 15% of the observing time, with an additional
25% for collaborative US/Japan investigations. The first eight months of the
mission is reserved for instrument checkout and performance verification.
First light was on 1993 March 17 when the X-ray binary EXO0748-676 was
observed. The instrument checkout has gone extremely well, with all detectors
performing as expected. The initial results have shown spectacular line
emission features. The first ASCA result, the detection of SN1983J, was
already published in IAU circular number 5753. The ASCA Guest Observer Facility
is colocated with the HEASARC, and there is a strong interaction between the
two groups.
The HEASARC continues to strongly promote the FITS standard for data
distribution and analysis. The FITSIO library writen by Bill Pence has
proved extremely popular. The latest package called FTOOLS builds on the
FITSIO library and provides both utilities to manipulate FITS files, as
well as tools for the analysis of ASCA data. This isssue of Legacy
updates the status of FITSIO and FTOOLS. It also describes a new FITS standard
for describing timing data.
The BBXRT event data is now available, and this completes the delivery of these
data to the HEASARC. A new plasma emission code is described, which is
available as a model in the latest version of XSPEC (v 8.3). The HEASARC has
established a new centralized anonymous ftp account, available through the
heasarc.gsfc.nasa.gov machine. Through this account, popular archival
data can be accessed from all the missions for which the HEASARC is
responsible. The HEASARC has recently acquired 300 gigabytes of rewritable
optical disk jukeboxes which will be mounted to the anonymous ftp. This will
provide immediate accessbility to the most popular ROSAT, Compton (GRO), HEAO 1
and 2, EXOSAT and other archival data. The HEASARC On-line Service (BROWSE)
will be moved in July this year from NDADS to the legacy machine. From
that time on, NDADS will be used purely as a mass data store. More details
will appear in the next issue of Legacy.
Editors: Karen M. Smale
Nick White
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