This Legacy journal article was published in Volume 6, August 1995, and has not been
updated since publication. Please use the search facility above to find regularly-updated information about
this topic elsewhere on the HEASARC site.
The HEASARC On-line Service
Pat Tyler
The HEASARC currently has over 140 databases available for browsing within the
On-line Service.
NAME Observatory name Description Update
1 ARIEL5 ARIEL V ARIEL-V All-Sky Monitor 95.082
2 ARIEL3A ARIEL V 3rd Ariel-V SSI Catalog 95.082
3 ASCAPUBLIC ASCA Archival Data 95.256
4 ASCALOG ASCA Observations Log 95.206
5 ASCAO ASCA Proposals 95.082
6 BBXRT BBXRT BBXRT Archive 95.082
7 ZWCLUSTERS CATALOG Zwicky Clusters of Galaxies Ca 95.082
8 MCG CATALOG Morphological Galaxy 95.082
9 MCKSION CATALOG McCook & Sion WD Catalog 95.082
10 OPENCLUST CATALOG Catalog of Open Clusters 95.171
11 MESSIER CATALOG Messier Catalog 95.160
12 KUEHR CATALOG Extragal. Radio Sources 95.236
13 NGC2000 CATALOG NGC 2000.0 Catalog 95.082
14 NLTT CATALOG NLTT Catalog & 1st Supplement 95.082
15 NORTH20CM CATALOG 20cm Radio Catalog 95.082
16 NORTH6CM CATALOG 6cm Radio Catalog 95.082
17 MRC CATALOG Molonglo Radio Src Catalog 95.248
18 LBN CATALOG Lynds Bright Nebulae Catalog 95.082
19 LDN CATALOG Lynds Dark Nebulae Catalog 95.082
20 LINEENERGY CATALOG Line Energy Catalog 95.082
21 HIIREGION CATALOG Sharpless H II Region Catalog 95.082
22 HBC CATALOG 3d Emission-Line Star Catalog 95.082
23 HIC CATALOG Hipparcos Input Main Catalog 95.082
24 HD CATALOG Henry Draper Catalog 95.082
25 GSC CATALOG Guide Star Catalog 95.082
26 M31STARS CATALOG Field of M31 Bright Stars 95.129
27 MARKARIAN CATALOG Markarian Galaxies Catalog 95.124
28 SNRGREEN CATALOG Green SNR Catalog 95.236
29 VERON89 CATALOG Veron Quasars & AGN Catalog 95.236
30 VERON91 CATALOG Veron Quasars & AGN 95.236
31 VERON93 CATALOG Veron Quasars & AGN 95.082
32 ZCAT CATALOG Huchra CfA Redshift Catalog 95.082
33 VLANEP CATALOG 1.5 GHz VLA-NEP Survey 95.249
34 VSTARS CATALOG 4th Variable Stars Catalog 95.082
35 VSTARSUSP CATALOG Suspected Variables Catalog 95.082
36 WOOLLEY CATALOG Stars <25 pc from Sun 95.082
37 XRBCAT CATALOG X-Ray Binaries 95.237
38 SAO CATALOG SAO Stars Catalog 95.082
39 PKSCAT90 CATALOG Parkes Southern Radio Catalog 95.236
40 PLNEBULAE CATALOG Strasbourg Gal Planet Nebulae 95.082
41 PMN CATALOG PMN Surveys 95.236
42 PPM CATALOG Positions and Proper Motions 95.082
43 RITTER CATALOG Ritter CVs & LMXRBs Catalog 95.082
44 PULSAR CATALOG Lyne Pulsar Catalog 95.082
45 QSO CATALOG Hewitt & Burbidge QSO Catalog 95.082
46 RC3 CATALOG 3rd Ref Catalog of Gal's 95.082
47 OSTARS CATALOG Galactic O-Stars Catalog 95.082
48 DUERBECK CATALOG Galactic Novae Ref Catalog 95.163
49 CPSTARS CATALOG Gen Catalog of Ap & Am Stars 95.187
50 CNS3 CATALOG Third Catalog Of Nearby Stars 95.082
51 ESOUPPSALA CATALOG ESO-Uppsala ESO(B) Atlas Surve 95.082
52 BSC5P CATALOG Bright Stars 95.082
53 BESTARS CATALOG Be Stars 95.082
54 ABELL CATALOG Abell Clusters 95.082
55 CABSCAT CATALOG Chromospherically Active Binar 95.214
56 BD CATALOG Bonner Durchmusterung 95.082
57 CARBONSTAR CATALOG Cool Carbon Stars Catalog 95.082
58 CVCAT CATALOG Cataclysmic Variables Catalog 95.082
59 DIXON CATALOG Dixon Radio Sources 95.236
61 EDGEENERGY CATALOG Edge Energies 95.082
62 GLOBCLUST CATALOG Galactic Globular Clusters 95.139
63 ACRS CATALOG Astrographic Cat of Ref Stars 95.237
64 EGRETSRC CGRO EGRET Sources 95.131
65 EGRET CGRO EGRET pointing database 95.082
66 GROLOG CGRO Viewing Plan 95.082
67 BBURST CGRO BATSE Bursts Catalog 95.082
68 COSB COS B Photon Event Files 95.082
69 HRIDEEP EINSTEIN Deep Survey HRI Src Positions 95.082
70 HRICFA EINSTEIN HRI CfA Source List Catalog 95.082
71 SSS EINSTEIN SSS Spectra and Lightcurves 95.082
72 SSSHME EINSTEIN SSS Modified 95.082
73 IPCOSTARS EINSTEIN Count Rates for IPC OStars 95.082
74 MPCRAW EINSTEIN Einstein MPC Raw Data 95.157
75 EINLOG EINSTEIN Observation Log 95.082
76 EMSS EINSTEIN EMSS Catalog 95.082
77 FPCSFITS EINSTEIN FPCS Events Files 95.082
78 IPCPHOT EINSTEIN IPC Photon Event Data 95.082
79 IPCSLEW EINSTEIN IPC Slew Catalog 95.082
80 IPCLXLBOL EINSTEIN LX & LBL Values For IPC OStars 95.082
81 HRIEXO EINSTEIN HRI EXO Source Catalog 95.082
83 IPCDEEP EINSTEIN IPC Deep Catalog 95.082
84 IPC EINSTEIN IPC Source Catalog 95.237
85 HRIPHOT EINSTEIN HRI Photon Event Data 95.082
87 EUVECAT1 EUVE First EUVE Source Catalog 95.082
88 EUVEBSL EUVE 1st EUVE Bright Sources 95.082
89 EUVELOG EUVE EUVE Log of Spectrometer Point 95.129
90 CMA EXOSAT Catalog/Images/Lightcurves 95.082
91 CMAIMAGE EXOSAT Images for each pointing 95.082
92 EXOLOG EXOSAT Observation Log 95.082
93 EXOPUBS EXOSAT Bibliography 95.082
95 EXOGPS EXOSAT Galactic Plane Source Catalog 95.082
96 TGS2 EXOSAT TGS Spectra and Lightcurves 95.082
97 ME EXOSAT Spectra and Lightcurves 95.082
98 LE EXOSAT Central 6 Arcmin Catalog 95.082
99 GS EXOSAT Spectra and Lightcurves 95.082
100 TGS EXOSAT TGS L and R Orders 95.082
101 EXOFOT EXOSAT Final Observation Tapes 95.082
102 GINGALOG Ginga LAC Observation Log 95.082
103 GINGAMODE Ginga Ginga LAC Mode Catalog 95.082
104 A4 HEAO1 A4 X-Ray Catalog 95.090
105 A3 HEAO1 MC LASS Catalog 95.082
106 A1 HEAO1 HEAO 1 A1 X-ray Catalog 95.082
107 A2PIC HEAO1 HEAO 1 A2 Piccinotti Catalog 95.082
108 A2LED HEAO1 HEAO 1 A2 LED Sky Catalog 95.082
109 A2POINT HEAO1 A2 Point Catalog 95.082
110 HSTOBS HST HST Observations Catalog 95.235
111 HSTEXP HST HST Exposure Catalog 95.235
112 IRASFSC IRAS IRAS Faint Source Catalog 95.206
113 IRASID IRAS IRAS FSC Assoc. Catalog 95.082
114 IRASZSURV IRAS IRAS 1.2 Jy IRAS Redshift Surv 95.187
115 IRASPSC IRAS IRAS Point Source Catalog 95.235
116 ALLDATA MASTER CATALOG Archival Data 95.082
117 RADIO MASTER CATALOG Radio Catalogs 95.156
118 OPTICAL MASTER CATALOG Optical Catalogs 95.164
119 XRAY MASTER CATALOG X-ray Catalogs 95.119
120 OBSLOG MASTER CATALOG Observation Logs 95.082
121 XCOLL MASTER CATALOG X-ray Collim. Catalogs 95.082
122 PVOTRIG PVO PVO Gamma-ray Burst Catalog 95.082
123 WFCBSC ROSAT Catalog of WFC Bright Sources 95.082
124 WFCPOINT ROSAT WFC Public Archive 95.082
125 WGACAT ROSAT Catalog of PSPC WGA Srcs Rev 1 95.134
126 WGACAT0 ROSAT Rev 0 Catalog of PSPC WGA Srcs 95.082
127 ROSWFC2RE ROSAT ROSAT WFC 2RE Catalogue 95.150
128 ROSAO ROSAT Proposals 95.201
129 ROSATLOG ROSAT Observation Log 95.248
130 ROSATSRC ROSAT Catalog of Rev0/1 PSPC sources 95.082
131 ROSDISTRIB ROSAT Distributed Data 95.187
132 ROSID ROSAT SIMBAD for ROSAT Databases 95.129
133 ROSLTL ROSAT Long-term Timeline 95.082
134 ROSPUBLIC ROSAT Archival Data 95.236
135 ROSOBS ROSAT Processing Status 95.103
136 ROSSTL ROSAT Short-term Timeline 95.082
137 SMMGRS SMM GRS Gamma-Ray Bursts 95.082
138 TD1 TD1 Stellar UV Flux Catalog 95.082
139 UHURU4 Uhuru 4th Uhuru Catalog 95.207
140 KONUS VENERA Konus 11 & 12 Burst Catalog 95.082
141 VELA5B Vela 5B All-Sky Monitor Lightcurves 95.082
New Catalogs and Databases
Catalogs and other databases added since publication of the previous issue of
Legacy include the following:
ZWCLUSTERS - Zwicky Clusters of Galaxies Catalog
The ZWCLUSTERS database is based on the "Catalogue of Zwicky Clusters of
Galaxies." The Zwicky clusters were identified by F. Zwicky in 560 POSS
fields. They are rich clusters, each having at least 50 members within 3
magnitudes of the brightest member.
OPENCLUST - Catalog of Open Clusters
OPENCLUST is a catalog of open cluster data compiled by Gosta Lynga, Lund
Observatory. The aim of this catalog is to give salient data for all known
open star clusters in our galaxy. As far as possible only published data
values have been quoted; for some of the parameters, these values have been
selected from references. Those references can be obtained from the HEASARC.
This data, herein referred to as JDL data, results in part from the merging of
the data resulting from a joint project between K. Janes, C. Duke, and Lynga.
The aim of that project was to discuss properties of the open cluster system by
using existing data and by taking their accuracy into proper regard. Thus the
data were assessed (mostly by Janes), weight assigned, and weighted mean values
derived of reddenings, turn-off colors, and distances.
MESSIER - Messier Catalog
The Messier Catalog of bright extended objects was compiled by the comet-hunter
Charles Messier in the 18th century. It comprised a list of 110 objects that
are mostly brighter than 10th magnitude and have angular sizes from 1 to 100
arcminutes. M102 is now generally considered to be spurious with the object so
named being actually M101. Thus this electronic version of the Messier Catalog
contains only 109 objects.
The objects in the Messier Catalog are predominantly star clusters in our Milky
Way galaxy with 29 of them being globular clusters and 27 open clusters; the
rest are spiral galaxies (27), elliptical galaxies (11), diffuse and planetary
nebulae (10), and miscellaneous objects (5). All of the objects in the Messier
Catalog are north of -35 degrees declination.
NLTT - NLTT Catalogue and First Supplement
The NLTT Catalogue (Luyten 1979, 1980) is a collection of stars on more than
800 Palomar Proper Motion Survey plates found to have relative annual proper
motions exceeding 0.18 arcsec. The motions have been determined by Luyten and
his coworkers by either hand blinking and measuring or with the automated
computerized scanner and measuring machine built by Control Data Corporation
and located at the University of Minnesota. The new catalog replaces the LTT
Catalogues (Luyten 1957, 1961, 1962), wherein stars in the Bruce Proper Motion
Survey discovered to have motions exceeding 0.2 arcsec had been compiled. For
further information on the NLTT Catalogue itself, including discussions of
positional errors, estimation of magnitudes, star designations used in the
catalog, completeness, and accuracy of the measured motions, the introduction
to the published NLTT (see Volume I) should be consulted.
The First Supplement to the NLTT Catalogue (Luyten and Hughes 1980) is the
result of continued plate analysis and measurements during printing of the
NLTT. The Supplement contains data for 398 stars having motions larger than
0.179 arcsec annually.
LINEENERGY - Line Energy Catalog
The LINEENERGY database contains the wavelength (Angstroms), ion, lower level,
upper level, oscillator strength, collision strength (at a temperature T such
that kT equals the energy difference between the two levels), and lower and
upper level statistical weights for a selection of lines. These data are
derived from the compilations of Raymond and Smith (1977) for most UV and X-ray
lines except inner shells; Mendosa (1982) for optical and IR forbidden lines;
Bethe and Salpeter (1957) for hydrogen and He II; Elton (1967) and Feldman and
MacAlpine (1978) for He I; and from the inner shell energies of Clementi (1965)
for inner shell fluorescence lines. This compilation was performed by T.
Kallman and is employed by the XSTAR spectrum synthesis code.
M31STARS - Field Of M31 Brightest Stars
M31STARS is a catalog of 11438 stars in the field of M31 and 8778 stars in 2
nearby "foreground" fields. It is based on a set of Tautenburg Schmidt plates
in U, B, V, and R taken by van den Bergh. The range of visual magnitudes of
stars is 11.5 < V < 20.
MARKARIAN - Markarian Galaxies Catalog
The MARKARIAN database contains the lists "Galaxies with Ultraviolet Continuum"
(see references). Markarian galaxies have a moderate to strong ultraviolet
continuum, as detected by an objective-prism survey at Byurakan Observatory
from 1965 to 1978. The survey was done with a 40-inch Schmidt telescope, with
a dispersion of 2500 angstroms/millimeter at H-alpha. The catalog contains no
galaxies brighter than magnitude 13.0 or fainter than magnitude 17.5.
VERON93 - Quasars and AGN
The VERON93 database is the 6th edition of the Veron-Cetty & Veron
"Catalogue of Quasars and Active Galactic Nuclei (1993)." It contains data for
7383 (+54) quasars, 1855 AGNs, and 171 BL Lac objects.
DUERBECK - Reference Catalog of Galactic Novae
The DUERBECK database contains the Reference Catalog of Galactic Novae,
Duerbeck, version 1990. It lists all objects known or believed to be novae at
one time or other. Objects that were later found to be spurious have been
omitted. Completeness was attempted only for novae and not for dwarf novae,
X-ray novae, etc.
CPSTARS - General Catalog of Ap and Am Stars
The CPSTARS database is derived from data contained in the General Catalogue of
Ap and Am Stars by P. Rension.
ESOUPPSALA - ESO-Uppsala ESO(B) Atlas Survey
The ESOUPPSALA database is derived from information provided in "The
ESO/Uppsala Survey of the ESO(B) Atlas" (ESO/U), which is a joint project
undertaken by the European Southern Observatory (ESO) and the Uppsala
Observatory to provide a systematic and homogeneous search of the ESO(B) Atlas
(also known as the Quick Blue Survey). The ESO(B) Atlas, taken with the ESO 1
m Schmidt telescope at La Silla, Chile, covers 606 fields from -90 to -20
degrees of declination. The fields are similar in size and scale to those of
the Palomar Observatory Sky Survey. Unsensitized IIa-O plates and a 2 mm GG385
filter were used to give a passband similar to the Johnson B color.
CABSCAT - Chromospherically Active Binaries Catalog
The CABSCAT database contains a catalog of 206 spectroscopic binary systems
with at least one late-type component that shows Ca II, H, and K emission in
its spectrum. These systems include the classical RS CVn binaries and BY Dra
binaries. The catalog summarizes information on the photometric, spectroscopic,
orbital, and physical properties of the systems as well as space motions and
positions. Up to 42 "parameters" for each stellar system are listed followed by
the appropriate reference to direct interested colleagues to the original
papers. A comprehensive selection of further information for each star is given
in the individual notes. This version updates and replaces the 1988 catalog of
similar information. (Strassmeier et al., 1988). A key to the number codes
used for the references in the present database is given in the Strassmeier et
al (1993) paper. This paper also has short notes for each entry in the catalog
that has not been included in the present on-line version. A "W" precedes
numerical values that are approximately equal to whatever follows the flag.
CARBONSTAR - Cool Carbon Stars Catalog
This catalog is intended to list all known cool carbon stars in the Milky Way
galaxy, having known positions of at least roughly the precision of the Henry
Draper Catalog. Cool carbon stars are defined as stars whose spectra at
relatively low dispersion are known to show bands of the Swan system of the C2
molecule; or, if the spectral region of the Swan bands is inadequately
observed, they show the red or near-infrared bands of CN in sufficient strength
to infer that the Swan bands are almost certainly present in the unobserved
spectral regions. In addition, stars classified as carbon stars solely from the
11.2-micron SiC emission visible in the low-resolution Infrared Astronomy
Satellite (IRAS) spectra (cf. Little-Marenin et al. (1987)) have also been
The closing date for the literature search for inclusion in this catalog was
1989 June 30.
EDGEENERGY - Elemental Edge Energies
This database lists edge energies (also known as photoionization threshold
energies) for 572 shells of the most astrophyiscally abundant elements: H, He,
C, N, O, Ne, Mg, Si, S, Ar, Ca, Fe, and Ni. These data are derived from the
Hartree-Fock calculations of Clementi (1965) for inner shells, and from the
compilations of Moore (1970) and Allen (1973). This compilation was performed
by T. Kallman and is employed by the XSTAR spectrum synthesis code.
GLOBCLUST - Catalog of Galactic Globular Clusters
The GLOBCLUST database collects data for all well known galactic globular
ACRS - Astrographic Catalog of Reference Stars
The ACRS contains the Astrographic Catalog of Reference Stars.
For a number of years there has been a great demand for a high-density catalog
of accurate stellar positions and proper motions that maintains a consistent
system of reference over the entire sky. The Smithsonian Astrophysical
Observatory Star Catalog (SAO; SAO Staff 1966) has partially met those
requirements, but its positions brought to current epochs now contain errors on
the order of 1 second of arc, plus the proper motions in the SAO differ
systematically with one another depending on their source catalogs.
The ACRS was compiled at the U. S. Naval Observatory with the intention that it
be used for new reductions of the Astrographic Catalogue (AC) plates. These
plates are small in area (2 x 2 deg) and the IRS is not dense enough. Whereas
the ACRS was compiled using the same techniques developed to produce the IRS,
it became clear as the work progressed that the ACRS would have applications
far beyond its original purpose. With accurate positions and proper motions
rigorously reduced to both the FK4 and FK5 (Fricke et al. 1988) systems, it
does more than simply replace the SAO. Rather, it provides the uniform system
of reference stars that has been needed for many years by those who require
densities greater than the IRS and with high accuracy over a wide range of
epochs. It is intended that, as additional observations become available, stars
will be migrated from Part 2 to Part 1, with the hope that eventually the ACRS
will be complete in one part. Additional details concerning the compilation
and properties of the ACRS can be found in Corbin & Urban (1989) except
that the star counts and errors given here supersede the ones given in 1989.
With the completion of the Second Cape Photographic Catalogue (CPC2; de Vegt et
al. 1989), a photographic survey comparable in density to the AGK3 (Dieckvoss
1975) was finally available for the southern hemisphere. These two catalogs
were used as a base and matched against the AGK2 (Schorr & Kohlschuetter
1951-58), Yale photographic zones (Yale Trans., Vols. 11-32), First Cape
Photographic Catalogue (CPC1; Jackson & Stoy 1954, 55, 58; Stoy 1966),
Sydney Southern Star Catalogue (King & Lomb 1983), Sydney Zone Catalogue
-48 to -54 degrees (Eichhorn et al. 1983), 124 meridian circle catalogs, and
catalogs of recent epochs, such as the Carlsberg Meridian Catalogue, La Palma
(CAMC), USNO Zodiacal Zone Catalog (Douglass & Harrington 1990), and the
Perth 83 Catalogue (Harwood [1990]) to obtain as many input positions as
possible. All positions were then reduced to the system of the FK4 (Fricke
& Kopff 1963) using a combination of the FK4, the FK4 Supplement as
improved by H. Schwan of the Astronomisches Rechen-Institut in Heidelberg, and
the International Reference Stars (IRS; Corbin 1991), then combined with the
CPC2 and AGK3. The total number of input positions from which the ACRS was
formed is 1,643,783.
The original catalog is divided into two parts. Part 1 contains the stars
having better observational histories and, therefore, more reliable positions
and proper motions. This part constitutes 78 percent of the catalog; the mean
errors of the proper motions are +/-0.47 arcsec per century and +/-0.46 arcsec
per century in right ascension and declination, respectively. The stars in Part
2 have poor observational histories and consist mostly of objects for which
only two catalog positions in one or both coordinates were available for
computing the proper motions. Where accuracy is the primary consideration,
only the stars in Part 1 should be used, while if the highest possible density
is desired, the two parts should be combined.
EGRETSRC - EGRET Sources Catalog
The EGRETSRC database contains information on all discrete sources seen in the
First EGRET source catalog (Fichtel et al., Ap.J. 1995). It combines
information on pulsars, AGN's, and the unidentified high and low galactic
latitude sources, and includes the detection of the LMC. Upper limits are not
included, but if the source was detected in more than one viewing, then several
entries may be included. For each source a GRO name and, where possible, a
counterpart name is given.
IPCOSTARS - Catalog of O-type Stars
The IPCOSTARS database contains information derived from the Einstein X-ray
Observatory Catalog of O-type Stars. It provides information regarding the Soft
X-ray measurements for all normal, massive, O-type stars surveyed with The
Einstein Observatory.
MPCRAW - Einstein Observatory MPC Raw Data
The MPCRAW database contains raw data from the Einstein (a.k.a. HEAO-2 and
HEAO-B) Observatory Monitor Proportional Counter (MPC), a non-focal plane
instrument that monitored the 1 to 20 keV X-ray flux of the source(s) being
observed simultaneously by the operational focal plane instrument.
The MPC was a collimated proportional counter filled with argon and carbon
dioxide. It had a circular field of view, 1.5 degrees in diameter (FWHM), which
was co-aligned with the telescope. A 1.5 mil Be window sealed the gas in the
detector and shielded the detector from ultraviolet radiation. The active area
of the MPC was 667 square cm. The MPC obtained useful data from 1978 November
19 until 1981 April 17, with the exception of a 3-month period from 1980 Aug 27
to 1980 Dec 08 when operation was intermittent, due to Einstein Observatory
attitude control problems.
IPCLXLBOL - Einstein X-ray O-Type Star Catalog
Soft X-ray (0.2 - 3.5 keV) measurements for all normal, massive, o-type stars
surveyed with the Einstein Observatory are presented as a catalog in the
IPCLXLBOL database. It contains 89 detections and 176 upper bounds together
with a detailed discussion of the reduction process. Values of L[x]/L[bol]
listed for most stars, range from 10E-5.44 to 10E-7.35; l[x] spans more than 3
orders of magnitude, ranging from 1.5 x 10E31 to 2 x 10E34 ergs s^-1. It is
noted that at least 30% of o-type stars are variable in X-rays, but that there
is little evidence for new objects whose X-ray emission might be significantly
enhanced by accretion processes onto a neutron star.
EUVELOG - EUVE Log of Spectrometer Pointings
EUVELOG is the log of EUVE Spectrometer pointings. This is provided for ease of
comparison with the logs of X-ray telescope pointings, such as ASCALOG and
ROSATLOG, that are also available through the HEASARC. This log is a
preliminary version of the EUVE Spectrometer pointings provided by Jeremy Drake
of the Center for EUV Astrophysics in January 1995.
EXOHGLS - EXOSAT High Galactic Latitude Survey
A survey of serendipitous source performed in the very soft X-ray band
(0.05-2.0 keV) using the EXOSAT imaging telescopes is presented in the EXOHGLS
database. The survey covers 783 square degrees of high galactic latitude sky
and includes 210 serendipitous sources which define a complete (flux-limited)
sample. An extensive program of optical and radio observatories together with
cross-correlations with catalogs of known objects lead to the identification of
200 of the 210 detected sources. The 10 remaining objects have been
preliminarily classified on the basis of their X-ray to optical flux ratios,
thus making the sample essentially fully identified. Twenty-three additional
serendipitous sources which did not satisfy the requirements for inclusion in
the complete sample were also identified during the optical observations
program. The complete sample has been used to study the logN-logS relation and
the average spectral slope of AGN. It is found that the logN-logS slope is
consistent with that of the Einstein Extended Medium Sensitivity Survey (EMSS)
and with the "Euclidean" value of 1.5. The normalization of the logN-logS is a
strong function of the assumed spectral slope of AGN. Consistency with the
results of the EMSS implies that the average (energy) slope of extragalactic
sources in the soft X-ray band is very steep (alpha ~1.5). An analysis of the
association between AGN detection and Galactic NH also shows that alpha is
steep and inconsistent with the canonical value of 0.7. The survey was
particularly successful in detecting nearby Galactic soft X-ray emitters and
includes a significantly higher percentage of stars than the Einstein EMSS,
five White Dwarfs, and three previously unknown AM Her type systems.
The sample of sources in this catalog was selected from the HEASARC CMA
database which was generated using standard processing on the LE data. The
source detection algorithm used a sliding cell method. The size of the search
cell is such as to maximize the sensitivity across the field of view. For more
information about the LE processing see the documentation in the CMA
An image and a lightcurve are available for each entry. The data products were
created in a binary format during the post-operational phase at the EXOSAT
Observatory using a standard automatic analysis. The HEASARC converted the
images and lightcurves into FITS format.
IRASZSURV - IRAS 1.2 Jy IRAS Redshift Survey
This is The Redshift Survey of Fisher, Huchra, Strauss, Davis, Yahil, and
Schlegel; the data set is described in full in ApJ 361, 49 (1990). The data
for the brighter half are included in ApJ Supp 1992, 83, 29; the data for the
fainter half are included in ApJ Supp 1995, 100, 69. The survey contains 9897
objects selected from the IRAS database according to the following criteria:
F60 > 1.2 Jy;
F60^2 > F12 f25;
|b| < 5;
high source density flag at 60 microns not raised.
Thus, this database consists of both galaxies and Galaxian contaminants. The
sample contains ~5320 galaxies, and 14 objects without identifications at the
present time.
ROSWFC2RE - ROSAT Wide Field Camera 2RE Source Catalogue
The ROSWFC2RE database is the ROSAT Wide Field Camera 2RE Source Catalogue. It
contains 479 EUV sources found during the ROSAT all-sky survey of July 1990 to
January 1991. The information in this database is based on what will be
published by Pye et al. (1995, MNRAS, in press). It supersedes the earlier
Bright Source Catalogue (BSC; Pounds et al. 1993, MNRAS, 260, 77).
The British Wide Field Camera (WFC) on the German/US/UK ROSAT spacecraft
consists of a 5 degree diameter field of view EUV telescope with a curved
microchannel plate detector with a resistive readout at the focus. The WFC is
coaligned with the German X-ray Telescope.
ROSAT performed a 6-month all-sky survey in the interval July 30, 1990, to
January 25, 1991, during which 96 percent of the sky was covered. During the
survey two filters in the WFC were alternated daily to provide two EUV
passbands. These were S1 [60-140 A (90-206 eV)] and S2 [110-200 A (62-110
eV)]. Sky coverage was greatest at the ecliptic poles, where integrated
exposures reached 70,000 seconds in each filter; at the ecliptic equator
exposures were lowest, being around 1,500 seconds per filter.
Taking advantage of several improvements over what was possible during the
course of the BSC work, the all-sky data were completely reprocessed; the new
2RE catalogue being the result. There are about 120 new sources and a
significant increase in the number of detections common to both wavebands (80%
versus 60%).
Two independent methods were used for point source detection, PSS (Allan,
Ponman & Jefferies 1994) and SESAME (Page 1995). Both use a maximum
likelihood technique. The primary criterion for inclusion of an EUV source in
this catalogue was that the `combined' significance over both wavebands be
>= 5.5. (Combined: square root of the sum of the squares of the
significances in each passband.) Simulations suggest that the expected number
of spurious sources should be less than ~20.
Two associated data products have been made available: (1) S1 and S2 images
containing 2RE detections; (2) S1 and S2 exposure and background corrected
source light-curves (and exposure-corrected local background lightcurves).
Updates to databases
Databases which are updated regularly are as follows:
ASCAPUBLIC - ASCA Archive Public Contents List
The ASCAPUBLIC database contains a record of data from the ASCA mission that is
available from the HEASARC archive. The listing includes future data which may
not yet be in the public domain. The data will initially be released in
one-month batches, around the 15th of each month, with the first batch released
on November 15, 1994. As the archive population becomes routine, the releases
will be made more often, on a weekly basis.
Intrepid explorers of the ASCA public archive should note that the PV data,
especially those taken in the first few months, are not always optimized for
scientific investigation of the targeted object. Many observation were made for
instrument calibration and contain frequent mode changes and non-standard
parameter setting for which instrument responses are not available. The
observation modes and instrument setting during the latter PV and AO phase are
more stable. If in doubt, please ask the ASCA GOF by sending e-mail to
A full description of the ASCA archive and how to use it can be found on the
WWW or in the ftp account at in the document
ASCALOG - ASCA Observations Log
The ASCALOG database contains the ASCA observations log.
ASCAO - Proposals
The ASCAO database contains the listing of accepted proposals for ASCA AO1,
AO2, and AO3, as well as targets from the PV phase. Not all listed targets
were observed. The ASCALOG database will list the observed targets.
ROSATLOG - ROSAT Log of Observations
The ROSATLOG database has been created for the purpose of providing a complete,
accurate, and easily accessible record of ROSAT observations. ROSATLOG is made
by cross-correlating ROSAT observation records with the short-term timeline and
contains information about all pointings executed by the satellite during the
performance verification (PV) and AO phases. For each observation, details are
given concerning target name and coordinates, pointing start and stop times, PI
name and country, ROSAT Observation Request sequence number, and more.
ROSATLOG is periodically updated as new short-term timelines and observation
records are generated at the German ROSAT Science Data Center at the Max Planck
Institute for Extraterrestrial Physics (MPE) and sent to the ROSAT Guest
Observer Facility at Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC). Despite efforts to
make ROSATLOG a complete and accurate record of ROSAT pointings, some errors
may still appear; thus ROSATLOG should be used only as a basic guide to what
pointings have been executed. ROSATLOG shows in which direction ROSAT pointed
and at what time. HOWEVER, it does NOT reflect problems which may have
occurred during the pointing and which can result in the total exposure time
being much less than the duration of the pointing.
ROSPUBLIC - ROSAT Public Archive List
The ROSPUBLIC database contains the list of US and German ROSAT observations
for which REV0 data have been distributed to the PI, including those data sets
which have become available to the public. The ROSPUBLIC database is updated
weekly, as new datasets are distributed to PI's and others are released for
public use.
For each observation listed in ROSPUBLIC, the instrument used, processing site,
and target name and coordinates are given, as well as the ROSAT observation
request number (ROR), actual and requested exposure times, date the observation
took place, date data were distributed to the PI, date data will become public,
and more.
ROSDISTRIB - ROSAT Distributed Data List
The ROSDISTRIB database contains the list of US and German ROSAT observations
for which REV0 data have been distributed to the PI, including those data sets
which have become available to the public. The ROSDISTRIB database is updated
weekly, as new datasets are distributed to PI's and others are released for
public use.
For each observation listed in ROSDISTRIB, the instrument used, processing
site, and target name and coordinates are given, as well as the ROSAT
observation request number (ROR), actual and requested exposure times, date the
observation took place, date data were distributed to the PI, date data will
become public, and more.
ROSAO - ROSAT Proposals
The ROSAO database contains a complete list of all accepted ROSAT AO proposals.
The total observation time amounts to 180% of that available, with a 1st, 2nd,
3rd priority system used to establish the probability of an observation taking
place. All priority 1 and 2 observations will be eventually be made. The
priority 3 observations are used to fill gaps in the observing program and not
all will be performed.
Master Catalogs
Master Catalogs are updated regularly as new databases are added to the HEASARC
On-line Service.
OPTICAL - Master Optical Catalog
The OPTICAL database is a newly-revised master catalog containing selected
parameters from several optical source catalogs. OPTICAL was created by
copying all of the entries and common parameters from the HEASARC databases
which contain the following catalogs:
* ABELL - Abell Catalog of Galaxy Clusters (1989)
* RITTER - Ritter Catalog of CV's, X-Ray Binaries, & Related Objects
* VSTARS - General Catalog of Variable Stars, 4th ed. (Kholopov 1985-88)
* SAO - Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory Star Catalog (1989)
* MCKSION - McCook & Sion White Dwarf Catalog (1987)
* QSO - Hewitt & Burbidge Catalog of Quasi-Stellar Objects (1987)
* WOOLLEY - Woolley Catalog of Stars within 25 Parsecs of the Sun (1970)
* HD - The Henry Draper Catalog
* HBC - Third Catalog of Emission-Line Stars (Herbig & Bell 1988)
* RC3 - Third Reference Catalogue of Bright Galaxies (G. de Vaucouleurs, A. de
Vaucouleurs, H.G. Corwin, R.J. Buta, P. Fouque, and G. Paturel, 1991)
* CNS3 - Third Catalog of Nearby Stars (Wilhelm Gliese and Hartmut Jahreiss)
* VSTARSUSP - Catalog of Suspected Variable Stars (Kukarkin et al. 1982)
* ZCAT - CfA Redshift Catalog (Huchra)
* HIC - Hipparcos Input Catalogue
* VERON91 - Veron-Cetty & Veron Quasars & AGN (1991)
* VERON93 - Veron-Cetty & Veron Quasars & AGN (1993)
* BD - Bonner Durchmusterung (Becker, 1951)
* CVCAT - General Catalogue of Variable Stars (Downes & Shara, 1993)
* SNRGREEN - Catalog of Galactic Supernova Remnants (Green 1990)
* NGC2000 - New General Catalogue of Nebulae and Clusters of Stars
* ROSID - ROSAT SIMBAD Identifications
* LBN - Lynds Catalogue of Bright Nebulae
* LDN - Lynds Catalogue of Dark Nebulae
* MCG - Morphological Catalog of Galaxies (Vorontsov-Velyaminov)
* BESTARS - Jaschek and Egret (1982)
* BSC5P - Bright Star Catalog (5th Edition)
* PPM - Positions and Proper Motions (Roeser and Bastian)
* CARBONSTAR - Cool Carbon Stars Catalog (Second Edition, C.B. Stephenson)
* CPSTARS - General Catalog of Ap and Am Stars (P.Renson)
* ESOUPPSALA - ESO-Uppsala ESO(B) Atlas Survey
* HIIREGION - Sharless H II Region Catalog
* NLTT - NLTT Catalog and First Supplement (Lyuten 1979, 1980)
* OSTARS - Galactic O-Tyle Stars Catalog (Garmany, Conti, and Chiosi 1982)
* PLNEBULAE - Strasbourg Galactic Planetary Nebulae
* ZWCLUSTERS - Zwicky Clusters of Galaxies Catalog
* MARKARIAN - Markarian Galaxies Catalog
* M31STARS - Field of M31 Bright Stars
* GLOBCLUST - Galactic Globular Clusters
* DUERBECK - Galactic Novae Reference Catalog
The OPTICAL database has many entries but relatively few parameters. It
provides users with general information about sources obtained from a variety
of catalogs. OPTICAL is especially suitable for cone searches and
cross-correlation with other catalogs. Each entry in OPTICAL has a parameter
called `database` which indicates from which original database the entry was
copied. Users can browse that original database should they wish to examine ALL
of the parameter fields for a particular entry.
RADIO - Master Radio Catalog
The RADIO database is a newly-revised master catalog containing selected
parameters from several radio source catalogs. RADIO was created by copying
all of entries of some common parameters from the HEASARC databases which
contain the following catalogs:
* NORTH20 CM - The 20 cm Northern Sky Catalog (White, R. L. and Becker, R.
* NORTH6CM - The 6 cm Northern Sky Survey Catalog (Becker, R. H., White, R. L.,
Edwards, A. L. (1991))
* KUEHR - Extragalactic Radio Sources at 5 GHz (Kuehr)
* MRC - Molonglo Reference Catalog of Radio Sources (1990)
* PKSCAT90 - Parkes Southern Radio Catalog
* PMN - PMN Southern & Tropical Survey
* DIXON - Dixon Radio Sources
* VLANEP - VLA 1.5GHz NEP Survey
* PULSAR - Lyne Pulsar Catalog
Each entry in RADIO has a parameter called `database` which indicates from
which original database the entry was copied. Users can browse that original
database should they wish to examine ALL of the parameter fields for a
particular entry. More complete information is available in the original BROWSE
databases from which the source information was collected.
XRAY - Master X-Ray Catalog
The XRAY database contains selected parameters from all HEASARC X-ray catalogs
with source positions located to better than a few arc minutes. The XRAY
database was created by copying all of the entries and common parameters from
the following databases:
* A2PIC - HEAO 1 A2 Piccinotti catalog
* A3 - HEAO 1 A3 MC LASS Catalog of X-ray Sources
* EMSS - Einstein Extended Medium Sensitivity Survey
* HRICFA - Einstein High Resolution Imager (HRI) Source List
* IPC - Einstein Imaging Proportional Counter (IPC) Source List
* IPCSLEW - IPC Slew Survey Catalog
* XRBCAT - X-Ray Binaries Catalog
* HRIDEEP - Einstein Deep Survey HRI Source Positions
* EXOHGLS - EXOSAT High Galactic Latitude Survey
* EXOGPS - EXOSAT Galactic Plane Sources
The XRAY database has many entries but relatively few parameters; it provides
users with general information about X-ray sources, obtained from a variety of
catalogs. XRAY is especially suitable for cone searches and cross-correlations
with other databases. Each entry in XRAY has a parameter called `database`
which indicates from which original database the entry was copied; users can
browse that original database should they wish to examine ALL of the parameter
fields for a particular entry.
ALLDATA - Master Data Catalog
The ALLDATA database is the master catalog for HEASARC data products.
Entries from the following database are contained in ALLDATA:
* ARIEL5 - Ariel-V All-Sky Monitor
* ASCAPUBLIC - ASCA Archival Data
* BBXRT - BBXRT Archive
* COSB - Cos-B Photon Event Files
* EXOHGLS - EXOSAT High Galactic Latitude Survey
* FPCSFITS - FPCS Event Files
* GS - GS Spectra and Lightcurves
* HRIPHOT - HRI Photon Event Data
* ME - ME Spectra and Lightcurves
* ROSPUBLIC - ROSAT Archival Data
* SSS - SSS Spectra and Lightcurves
* TGS - TGS L and R Orders
* TGS2 - TGS Spectra and Lightcurves
* VELA5B - Vela 5B All-Sky Monitor
* WFCPOINT - ROSAT WFC Public Archive
Access to the HEASARC On-line Service
Via the xray Account
Users can access the HEASARC On-line Service by typing
A Users Guide and Available Databases guide are
available by contacting us via our Feedback form.
Via the ftp Account
Users can ftp to to get data or documentation. To access
the ftp account, simply type
and, when prompted, log on as anonymous (or ftp) with the password as
your e-mail account. Anonymous ftp has no graphical capabilities, but is a
quick and easy way to transfer data if you know what you're looking for. To
list the contents of a directory, type ls or dir, and to
change directory, type cd dir_name.
Via the WWW
The HEASARC On-line Service is available via the World Wide Web (WWW). The URL
for the HEASARC is
and the Browse area can be access by clicking on the Browse button at the top
or bottom of the HEASARC Home Page. Searches by RA and Dec and by name are the
only searches enabled on the WWW at this time. The advantage to the WWW is that
the user can view the data before transferring it.
Via Gopher
Users can connect to the HEASARC via a Gopher by typing
(or gopher
The advantages of a gopher are that the user need not know details such as the
node name or e-mail address of other internet services, the ability to
immediately display files before transferring, and the ability to do searches
in a directory for files with names containing a specified alphanumeric
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Last modified: Wednesday, 20-Oct-2021 10:51:52 EDT