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The Proposed Timing FITS File Format
for High Energy Astrophysics Data
(TIMVERSN = OGIP/93-003)
L. Angelini1, W. Pence1 (HEASARC),
& A. F. Tennant2NASA/MSFC
Version: March 1993 OGIP Memo OGIP/93-003
1. Introduction
This is the first version of a document that defines a mission-independent high
energy astrophysics FITS format for Rate Files, a class of data file which
contains information about the variation in source intensity as a function of
time. These files are also sometimes referred to as `light curves' or `event
lists', depending on their content. The standard FITS formats defined here will
be used by the HEASARC. It is hoped that other groups will also adopt these
formats to reduce the proliferation of incompatible formats and to promote
easier interchange of data between different projects and different software
packages. This is a proposed standard which we expect to be updated as we and
others gain experience with it. Wherever possible we will make revisions to the
standard compatible with earlier versions.
These Rate File format definitions are, by necessity, as general as possible
because different experiments can generate widely different types of
information which must be included in the file. Thus, while these formats
promote certain standards, file designers will still have considerable
flexibility in defining a format to suit any particular data set. This document
only specifies the minimum set of required keywords and data columns in a Rate
File necessary to calculate the `correct' time and the associated intensity. To
achieve this goal in a mission-independent way, some mission-specific values
are hidden in `standard' keywords. It is strongly encouraged that additional
mission-specific keywords and/or columns be included in the Rate Files to
preserve the original data in their original format. This allows users of the
file to verify the accuracy of any conversions that have been performed on the
A general description of the FITS file organization is given in section 2. The
FITS conventions used in the document are described in section 3. Section 4 is
dedicated to the header keywords which define time, intensity and their
corrections. The table format is described in section 5.
2. General Description of a FITS Rate File
The Rate Files are implemented using the FITS binary table extension format.
This requires that the Rate File be preceded by a FITS primary array, but in
most cases this will simply be a null array (with NAXIS = 0). A null primary
array is not compulsory, however, and the primary array may be used to store
any related data (e.g., a map of the source).
The header of the Rate Data File extension must contain a minimum set of
keywords which describe the data and define various times associated with the
observation. This is then followed by the Rate Table which may be given in one
of four formats:
- Event: A table of time measurements for a discrete set of events, e.g. the
arrival times of X-ray photons.
- Equally Spaced: A table of binned intensity measurements at equally spaced
time intervals.
- Unequally Spaced: A table of binned intensity measurements at unequally
spaced time intervals.
- Packet: Histogram array of timing or PHA information stored for a single
reference time. The interval between each row may be equispaced or unequally
For unequally spaced and event data, a TIME column that specifies the time of
each event or bin measurement is required. The times may be specified either as
an absolute time or as a time offset relative to a reference time specified in
the header. For equally spaced data, the time associated with each measurement
is calculated from a start time and the delta time interval which are given as
keywords in the Rate File header.
Rate Data Tables which contain binned data require a column containing the
intensity measurements. In the case of multichannel instruments (for which more
than one energy band is sampled), this column may contain an array of
simultaneous intensity measurements in different energy bands. The Rate Data
Table may have additional columns containing various corrections either to the
time or to the intensity columns. Alternatively, the correction information may
be included in a separate FITS extension appended to the Rate File.
3. FITS Characteristics Used in this Document
This section describes a number of FITS standard characteristics and
conventions which are used in the Rate File definition. Some of these
conventions are based on the FITSIO interface (Pence 1992).
Every column in the FITS binary table extension requires at least 2 keywords to
define the name of the column and the intrinsic data type of the data, e.g.,
TTYPEn = `TIME ` / time
TFORMn = `D ` / data format of the field: DOUBLE PRECISION
where the `n' in the keyword names represents the number of the column in the
table. The value field of TFORMn is a character string describing the data type
in the field n. The permitted values include: L, logical; X, bit array; B,
byte; A, ASCII characters; I, 16-bit integer; J, 32-bit integer; E, 32-bit
floating point; D, 64-bit floating point. In addition, three optional keywords
may be supplied for each column which specify the units and the coefficients of
any linear scaling that must be applied to the numerical values in the FITS
TUNITn = `s ` / physical unit of field - seconds
TSCALn = .0023 / scaling factor for the column
TZEROn = 15400 / scaling offset for the column
The scaling is defined as
physical value = (FITS file data value) * TSCALn + TZEROn
and is automatically and transparently applied to the data when the FITS file
is read using FITSIO. This scaling feature provides a very useful and
convenient way to compress the size of some data files by representing certain
columns by scaled 1-, 2-, or 4-byte integers rather than 4-byte or 8-byte
floating point values. For example, the TIME column in a Rate Table is
generally read as a double precision value (8 bytes), however, some data sets
do not require this much numerical precision. Therefore, the times could be
recorded as scaled integer values with a significant savings in file space. A
column parameter can be represented by an array rather than a single value
(e.g. counts in different energy ranges). In the FITS standard representation,
this information is stored in the TFORM value which, for an array of size m, is
defined as:
TFORMn = `mD ` / data format of the field: DOUBLE
The FITS format also provides a mechanism for specifying an undefined value in
any column. If the column has a floating point format then a special reserved
bit pattern, called a Not a Number, NaN, is placed in the column. In the case
of integer columns a keyword called
TNULLn = -99 / value used to represent an undefined value
must be included in the header to define the number to be used to represent
null values. The order that columns are included in a Rate File is not
significant. Any software which reads a Rate File should always locate a given
column by searching for the appropriate column name as stored in the TTYPEn
Several conventions are used in the file:
- Some parameters can be represented either as a column (if the value varies in
different rows of the table), or as a keyword (if the value is a constant for
every row of the table). The same name is adopted in either case and can be no
longer than eight characters.
- If a column parameter is described as an array rather than as a single value,
e.g. intensity values in different energy ranges, the header keywords
describing quantities related to the generic element in that array (e.g.
background value to be subtracted at the element n in the array) are truncated
to be eight characters long: five to describe the quantity and three for the
related element number in the array.
4. Keywords in the Rate File Header
This section describes the minimum set of keywords that should be supplied in
the header of every Rate File. In particular, the keywords which define the
time, the time corrections, and the area are discussed. Any number of
additional mission-specific keywords may also be included in the Rate Files to
describe the data more fully and to preserve important parameters from the
original data sets. The extension name is RATE or EVENTS.
4.1 Descriptive Keywords
The following keywords should be provided at a minimum to describe the general
characteristics of the data:
EXTNAME = `EVENTS' / rate file type: RATE or EVENTS
TELESCOP= `ASTRO-D' / mission or telescope name
INSTRUME= `SIS' / instrument name
FILTER = / if filter has been used
OBJECT = `CEN X-3' / name of the observed object
RA = / source right ascension in degree
DEC = / source declination in degree
RA--NOM = / r.a. nominal pointing in degree
DEC--NOM= / dec. nominal pointing in degree
EQUINOX = 2000.0 / equinox for ra and dec
RADECSYS= `FK5' / world coord. system for this file (FK5 or FK4)
DATE-OBS= `09/07/93' / date of observation start (dd/mm/yy)
TIME-OBS= `01:02:26.003' / time of observation start (hh:mm:ss.ddddd)
DATE-END= `09/07/93' / date of observation end (dd/mm/yy)
TIME-END= `02:45:02.45' / time of observation end (hh:mm:ss.ddddd)
ORIGIN = ` Goddard' / who produced the fits file
DATE = `26/08/93' / when the fits file was created
TIMVERSN= `OGIP/93-003' / OGIP memo number where the convention used
/ in the file are described.
AUTHOR = `FRFREAD v3.4' /name of program that produced this file
HISTORY Description of how, where, and when the data file was produced.
HISTORY More than one line can be used.
Some of the above keywords are fully described in the NASA/OSSA Office of
Standards and Technology (NOST) 1992 document. Following the standard method
for time definition, DATE-OBS, TIME-OBS, DATE-END, and TIME-END should be
included in every Rate File. However the values of these keywords do not
necessarily have the full numerical accuracy needed for precise timing
analysis. The FILTER keyword is inserted when a filter has been used in
conjunction with the detector. The TIMVERSN keyword keeps record of which
version of this document has been used to write the current Rate File. If
changes and/or new definitions for keywords are needed a new version of this
document will be issued. The software accessing the Rate File by looking at
this keyword, if found, should understand which `standard' has been used and
give a warning if it is different. RA and DEC are the coordinates of the source
from which the `timing' data in the Rate File come, while RA--NOM and DEC--NOM
are the coordinates of the position at which the instruments were pointing
during the observation. The pointing of the instrument should be inserted
whenever possible for completeness. With the exception of EXTNAME, these
descriptive keywords should also be inserted in the primary header, although
this is not compulsory.
4.2 Time Definition Keywords
Different missions provide time information in a variety of ways. There are
differences not only in the units and reference time used (zero point for the
clock counting), but also in whether or not time corrections have been applied.
There are two ways to handle this diversity in time information. One approach
is to convert the time from different missions into a standard absolute time
frame: this can be quite complicated and prone to error. Another approach is
to store the time as close as possible to the original reference frame chosen
by each mission. In the second approach, it is easier to correct the time in a
data set if errors are discovered in the time/clock calibration. In addition,
if information is not available to compute an absolute time, is still possible
to perform some timing analyses on the data set. The disadvantage of the latter
approch, comes in combining data from different missions, for it can be time
consuming to understand the reference time convention and to adjust it to a
common time frame. A compromise between the two approaches (and the one used
here) is not to manipulate the data values, but to provide auxiliary
information, when possible, to construct the time in an `absolute/known' frame
in a standard fashion. This allows the analysis software to make the
Below is a description of the proposed scheme for time definition. The related
corrections to be applied to the time are discussed in section 4.4. These time
parameters may be given as a single keyword or may be specified using two
keywords to express the integer and the fractional parts of the time value
separately. The option of using one keyword or a pair of keywords to describe
time provides more precision when it is required. Any software which accesses
those files should first search for the paired keywords and then use only the
single valued times if the paired keywords are not found.
MJDREFI = 44238 / integer portion in MJD for reference time
MJDREFF = 0.0000000000000000 / fractional portion of MJD for reference time
TSTARTI = / integer portion of start time
TSTARTF = / fractional portion of start time
TSTOPI = / integer portion of stop time
TSTOPF = / fractional portion stop time
TIMEZERI= / time zero integer used to calculate the
n-time event or the n-time bin
TIMEZERF= / fractional portion of TIMEZERI
MJDREF = / MJD for reference time
TSTART = / start time
TSTOP = / stop stop
TIMEZERO= / zero time used to calculate the n-time
event or the n-time
In both cases the following keywords are required:
TIMESYS = / the system used to define the time
for the two keywords rapresentation
CLOCKCOR= / if time corrected to UT
- TIMESYS records the time frame system used in the file. Standard values are
MJD, JD, or TJD to define the various Julian day representations. If the time
system is defined from an arbitrary UT time, the value is given in decimal
years. For exapmple, the ROSAT data are timed relative to a reference time in
MJD, so TIMESYS=`MJD'. EXOSAT data, by contrast, are timed from Jan 0, 1980,
i.e. TIMESYS= `1980.00'.
- TIMEUNIT gives the time unit used for the TSTART, TSTOP, and TIMEZERO
keywords. TIMEUNIT is used by the software to make the value of the keywords
compatible either with the internal conventions of the software, or with the
units of the `TIME' column. TIMESYS does not implicitly define the units, with
the exception of the various Julian Day representations. The recommended units
code follows the IAU convention, i.e. `s' for second and `d' for day and is
described in OGIP/93-001 document (George and Angelini, 1993). If `s' is
specified it is assumed that all the time header keywords are in units of
- TSTART, and TSTOP give the start and the stop time in the TIMESYS frame with
the units specified by the TIMEUNIT keyword. These keywords should always be
present, regardless of whether the data are equispaced, non-equispaced or given
as an event list. Keeping TSTART and TSTOP values in the header speeds up a
number of calculations, e.g. the observation duration.
- TIMEZERO is used to calculate the time for each bin or event in the table. To
reconstruct the full time of the nth event or bin, a residual or a delta
time is added to a `start' value. This `start' value is stored in the TIMEZERO
keyword (see section 5). The resulting time is in the time frame defined by
TIMESYS and in units of TIMEUNIT.
- CLOCKCOR specifies whether the time (namely TSTART, TSTOP, TIMEZERO) given in
the system defined by TIMESYS has been corrected for any drift in the
spacecraft clock relative to UT. The values allowed for this keyword are YES,
NO or UNKNOWN. The method to correct for the clock drift is not discussed in
this document because it is mission-specific and should be part of the
calibration information provided for each mission. Note that if the keyword
value is YES then it is assumed any leap seconds are correctly accounted for.
- MJDREF is the reference time adopted for each mission. Usually different
missions have different reference times, defined using a convenient unit system
(e.g. EXOSAT uses the reference time 1-1-1980 00:00:00, ROSAT uses
MJD=48043.879745364201881). The reference time is the only time information
which is not affected by any mission-specific correction (e.g. spacecraft clock
drift), and therefore can be given in a `known' system. The proposed `known'
system in which the reference time for each mission should be written is
Modified Julian Days (MJD), using the following convention MJD=JD-2400000.5.
This reference time is given as a safety net to ensure that a time is given in
the header that is in a standard form, independent of the time system adopted
for the mission.
The MJDREF, TSTART, TSTOP, and TIMEZERO are double precision numbers. These
keywords are related to the column TIME. In general only TIMEZERO, TIMEUNIT and
TIMESYS are required to reconstruct the time of each row in the FITS file.
4.3 TIME Column
For event and unequally spaced data, a TIME column is required containing
either the tagged time for each event or the center of the bin. The content of
the column can be either the complete time (from year down to ms) or the
residual from a value stored in the TIMEZERO keywords. If TIMEZERO is missing
or 0, the time in the TIME column is the complete time expressed in the system
defined by TIMESYS. The TIME column values in the case of binned data always
refer to the center of the bin. The units are stored in the TUNITn keyword.
Again, the recommended unit abbreviations are `s' for seconds and `d' for
4.4 Time Correction Keywords
Several additional keywords are available to indicate which corrections, if
any, have been applied to the time of each bin or event.
4.4.1 Barycentric correction
To compare data sets from different missions (meaning not only data from
satellites but also from ground observatories) a common `reference frame' for
time is adopted. This means that the time tagged in the `local frame' needs to
be recalculated in the common `reference frame'. This changing of frame is
usually known as the `barycentric correction' because the time (recorded in the
satellite reference frame) is calculated at the barycenter of the solar system.
In principle, other `reference frames' can be adopted (e.g. Earth or Sun). The
TIMEREF keyword specifies in which reference frame the times given in the file
(namely the TSTART, TSTOP, TIMEZERO and/or the TIME column) are calculated. The
values for the TIMEREF keyword are: LOCAL, SOLARSYSTEM, HELIOCENTRIC or
GEOCENTRIC. These values refer to times given in the rate table being
calculated in the local frame, the barycenter of the solar system, the Sun, or
the Earth, respectively.
If TIMEREF is LOCAL, it means that the time is in the `local frame' (e.g.
satellite frame). In this case, the time calculated in a different frame may
have been stored in the file in the RATE (or EVENTS) extension as a column. If
the correction from the LOCAL frame to a different frame does not vary rapidly
for a given interval, it is possible to store, in an extension (TIMEREF), only
the correction value which can be either added to the time written in the TIME
column or added, after interpolation, between the correction times. The choice
between the two representations, i.e. column or extension, should be done
considering how quickly the time correction changes for a given observation
time interval. The column representation is described below. The table
extension representation (EXTNAME= `TIMEREF') is described in section 6.
Column Representation
The column name should reflect the reference frame in which the time has been
The units of the value stored in the column are in the TUNITn keyword, as
required by the FITS standard (see TUNIT, TSCAL and TZERO rules). The content
of the column is the time calculated in a different reference frame; in other
words, it should be treated as a second TIME column. A new set of keywords with
the same meaning of TSTART, TSTOP is needed to define those values in the new
reference frame. If the secondary time column only contains the offset value
from a zero time, then the equivalent of the TIMEZERO keywords, defined for the
TIME column, should be given to reconstruct the full time for the nth bin or
event. These keywords should be ESTART, ESTOP and ETIMEZER, if the column is
for the REFBSOLS.
4.4.2 Time assignment
The TASSIGN keyword specifies where the time assignment of the data is done.
This keyword should clarify whether the time has been assigned according to the
satellite clock (namely the time at which the photon arrived at the satellite)
or to any other clock. This information is relevant when time corrections (e.g.
barycentric correction) are calculated. For example, the EXOSAT time assignment
was made at the Madrid tracking station, so TASSIGN=`Madrid'. The value
`SATELLITE' should be used if the assignment is at the satellite. If TASSIGN is
a position on the Earth, this should be specified using the following
self-explanatory keywords: GEOLAT, GEOLONG and ALTITUDE.
4.4.3 Timing accuracy
There are two types of timing error which can be specified: relative error and
absolute error. The first is dominated by the clock accuracy and should be
expressed as a dimensionless rate. The second gives the `absolute' precision of
the timing measurement. This precision should include all contributions from
uncertainties in the barycentric corrections or any other timing corrections
that have been applied and can be expressed in units of seconds.
TIERRELA= 5.5e-7 / relative errors expressed as rate
TIERABSO= 0.1 / timing precision (seconds)
Knowledge of the timing error is important when comparing different data sets
obtained in different ways. This type of ancillary information is often very
difficult to track down if not included in the file. Therefore we encourage
people who produce FITS rate files to try always to include this information.
4.5 Total Exposure
The keyword ONTIME gives the total time in seconds on source. This value will
include a leap second if one occurred during the observation. The value does
not include any dead time correction.
ONTIME = 1000. / total time on source in seconds.
4.6 Intensity
For binned data, the rate table should have a column containing the intensity
of the source detected in the integrated bin. The intensity in each bin can be
represented as counts or as a rate. The count representation gives the total
number of events (source+background) detected in an integrated time before any
correction. The rate representation gives the counts per second detected in a
time bin, where corrections such as dead time, collimator, or background
subtraction may have been applied. A source rate (count s-1) is
calculated in the following way:
Rate= (counts - backcounts)/inttime
where counts and backcounts are the source and background counts,
respectively (corrected for any collimator response or vignetting). The term
inttime is the effective integration time corrected for the effect of
dead time. If the background counts are accumulated in an area different from
the source region, the background counts should be rescaled to the area of the
source region before subtraction.
The column name for the intensity value depends on the type of data:
- COUNTS, number of counts observed in the integration time. The units in the
TUNIT should be count and the values stored could be 1, 2, or 4
- RATE, counts per second. The units are count/s and the values stored
are floating point numbers.
When the intensity measurements are available for a number, n, of different
energy bands, then each row in the COUNT or RATE column is an array of n
elements. The intensity values are accumulated in an energy interval (or as
channels) and this information should be present in the file. Keywords to
define energy have already been established by the HEASARC for the spectral and
response matrix files (K.A. Arnaud et al. 1992, I.M. George et
al. 1992). They are E_MINn and E_MAXn, where E_MINn represents the lower
limit of band n and E_MAXn is the upper limit. The default unit for the energy
channel is assumed to be keV, otherwise the appropriate unit is provided in the
keyword, EUNIT. If the channel number is known, the keywords MINCHANn and
MAXCHANn are used, where these define the channels before any rebinning. The
number of the different bands is then given in the keyword NUMBAND. If only one
energy band is present NUMBAND can be omitted and E_MIN and E_MAX are given.
E_MINn and E_MAXn are real numbers, MINCHANn and MAXCHANn are integers. Since
the RATE or COUNTS column can contain several intensity values in each row, the
extension ENEBAND (described later in this document) can also be used to store
those values in order to avoid having an unreasonable number of keywords
defining the energy bounderies in the RATE extension.
Together with each COUNTS or RATE column, a column containing an error is
required when the total error is not just the square root of the counts (column
name ERROR).
To describe the intensity measurement fully, information regarding the
background subtraction, dead time correction, and vignetting or collimator
correction needs to be stored in the file. If COUNTS are stored then it is
assumed that no correction has been applied. If RATE is stored, then flags
should be inserted in the header to make known which, if any, of these
corrections have been already applied to the value stored in the column. The
flags, when appropriate, are inserted as logical keywords, one for each
BACKAPP = T / correction applied
DEADAPP = T / correction applied
VIGNAPP = T / correction applied
In the case of RATE, if the keywords are missing or false, it is assumed that
none of the above corrections has been applied to the data. Regardless of
whether or not the corrections have been applied to the intensity value stored
either in RATE or COUNTS, corrections can be present in the file either as a
column or, if they are constant with time, as keywords. In the next sections
the background, dead time and the collimator/vignetting corrections are
4.7 Background
In the case of binned data, the background information can be stored either as
a column or as keywords. In the BACKV column, a background value is stored bin
by bin. If an error is necessary, this is defined in a column called BACKE. A
similar arrangement can be used for the dead time and the collimator/vignetting
correction (see next paragraph). If the column with the intensity value is
represented by an array of elements in each row, BACKV and BACKE also need to
be represented as arrays.
TTYPEn ='BACKV' / background given as column
TFORMn ='nE'
TTYPEn ='BACKE' / background error given as column
TFORMn ='nE'
If the background and its error are constant with time, the columns are
transformed to keywords with the same name. If n energies are given in the
column with the intensity value, then the background column should contain n
values or n background keywords should be specified for each energy. In the
last case, the keywords are specified as BACKVxxx where xxx is a sequence
number corresponding to the band number for which the background value has been
calculated. For example, if, in the intensity column, two energy bands are
stored, then two background values should be given:
BACKV1 = /background counts for the first energy band
BACKV2 = / second energy band
TFORMn ='2I'
The background can otherwise be stored in a separate file in either an event
list or in a rate file format. The keyword BACKFILE is used to indicate the
file containing the background data.
4.8 Dead Time Correction
The value of the dead time correction can be given either as a keyword or as a
column in the data table. A single keyword can be used only if a mean value
applies to the entire observation. For binned data, storing the dead time in a
column is desirable if it varies with time (i.e. if it strongly depends on a
rapidly changing count rate). Also, if the dead time has a strong dependence on
energy, different keywords for all the different intensity measurements stored
in the file should be given. If it is time and energy dependent, a column with
an array representation in each row should be specified. The deadtime is
unitless with a value between 0 and 1. As a keyword:
DEADCn = /mean dead time correction for the element n in the array
for column INTENSITY. The dead time value does not change
with time
As a column:
TTYPEm = `DEADC' /Dead time correction column. The n dimension in TFORMm
TFORMm = `nE' represents the number of elements present in a row
(i.e. correction at different energy).
The dead time value changes with time.
4.9 Collecting Area
Instruments (both imaging and non-imaging) have a different response depending
on the position of the source relative to the instrument pointing, and a
vignetting or collimator correction factor may need to be applied. All this
information can be defined by the following keywords:
GEOAREA= / detector area in cm**2
VIGNET = / off-axis vignetting or collimator
correction; E-dependent, unitless
DETNAM = ` ` / string, standard name for the detector
NPIXSOU = / area in pixels of the source region
NPIXBACK= / area in pixels of the background region
- GEOAREA is the total geometric collecting area of the detector, i.e., the
size of the opening through which the photons must pass, assuming the detector
is pointing directly at the source. This should not vary during the
- VIGNET is the projected collecting area of the detector, taking into account
that the detector may not be pointed directly at the source (collimator
response or vignetting). This value might change during the observation in the
case of a scanning satellite or variation in pointing direction, and may be
given as a column (TTYPEn =`VIGNET') in the RATE header table. The vignetting
correction may also be energy-dependent. If the correction does not depend on
time, the mean value is stored in a single keyword (VIGNET). However, if it
depends on energy, the correction is specified by the keyword VIGNETn where n
is the number of channels or energy bands in the intensity column. If the data
are given as an event list and the vignetting is changing with time, there are
different possible methods to correct the data which require mission-specific
software. This software might create binned data corrected for the
time-dependent vignetting.
- DETNAM defines the detector used to collect the data. This keyword is
different from INSTRUME, where the generic name of the instrument is stored and
is most relevant for instruments composed of several selectable detectors (e.g.
the EXOSAT Medium Energy (ME) instrument consisted of eight argon and eight
xenon detectors which could have been used in almost all possible
combinations). A list of the allowed string values for the missions archived or
to be archived by HEASARC are defined in George et al. 1993.
- For imaging instruments only, NPIXSOU and NPIXBACK are, respectively, the
total number of pixels in the selected source and background regions. They are
included so that counts collected in the background region can be normalized to
the source region. To keep a history of the region descriptor selected from the
detector, it is recommended to insert this as a COMMENT as shown below.
COMMENT source CIRCLE (200,300,4)
COMMENT background CIRCLE (500,100,10)
5. Rate Table Formats
The different types of Rate Files differ in the way the time and intensity are
presented. The first type, called an Event List, simply tabulates the recorded
time for a sequence of events such as X-ray photons detected in a particular
instrument. The other types of Rate Files give the measured intensity during a
specified integration period, either at equally or unequally spaced time
5.1 Event List
An Event file has only one required column, called `TIME', which gives the
recorded time for each event in the table. In the table, the row n contains
single-value parameters for the event n. If the file has data from selected
channels, two keywords defining the PHA and/or energy range should be supplied
(see section 4.6). A PHA column can optionally be included when the instrument
allows data to be resolved in energy. In this case, two quantities are given,
the time and the channel, for each event.
The values in the TIME column either give the full time of the event (TIMEZERO
missing or 0), or the time as an offset in seconds or days from the zero time
specified in the header by the TIMEZERO keyword. If m is the column `TIME', the
time for the nth event in the interval defined by TSTART and TSTOP is
t(n)= TIMEZERO + TTYPEm(n)
It is required that TIMEZERO and TTYPE be expressed in the same units. In other
words, to apply the above formula the TIMEUNIT and the TUNIT associated with
the TIME column should have identical values. If the full time is stored in
the column, then
The `TIME' (e.g. TTYPEm(n)) values should (in general) be read as double
precision floating point values by any analysis software. However, as described
above, any datatype (I1, I2, I4, R4, or R8) may be used as long as the value,
after any scaling by the TSCALn and TZEROn keyword values, still preserves the
required numerical precision in the time measurement.
An exposure histogram is needed for a photon event list to distinguish the case
where the interval between two events was caused by the instrument being turned
off. This exposure histogram can be stored in an extension (see GTI and
EXPOSURE extension) and the layout is describe in the Ancillary file paragraph.
The REFEARTH, REFSUN or REFBSOLS columns, which contain the corrected time at
the Earth, Sun, or Solar System Barycenter, respectively, can also be present
in the event table. Other attributes of each event, such as X and Y, the
projected position of the photon in the sky, the detector DETX and DETY
coordinates or data quality flags may be included as optional columns. If the
last columns are inserted, a number of other header keywords are recommended.
These are defined in the rationalized FITS event format described by Corcoran
et al. (1993).
There are two other issues to be considered about event lists: the vignetting
correction and the background subtraction. If the vignetting does not depend on
energy and does not vary with time, a mean value can be associated with the
interval stored in the VIGNET keywords. If the vignetting varies with time, a
binned histogram is necessary where in each time bin the average vignetting
correction value is stored. The EXPOSURE extension can be used to store this
information (see Ancillary Information). The total number of counts detected in
the selected background region (NPIXBACK) for all energies can be stored in the
keyword BACKV. Time-dependent background can be stored in a different file, the
name of which is in the BACKFILE keyword.
5.2 Binned Data
The binned data table requires the columns RATE and COUNTS (see description
above), which contain the intensity of the source detected in the integrated
bin, together with the correction or keywords discussed in section 4.6.
Various information is required to define the time associated with each bin
depending on whether the data are in equispaced bins or not.
5.2.1 Equispaced binned data
If the time intervals are equally spaced, the column containing the intensity
value is the only column required. In this case, a TIME column is not necessary
because the time of each bin can be calculated from a `start time' and a delta
time interval, TIMEDEL, which are specified as header keywords. TIMEDEL should
have the same unit specified in the TIMEUNIT keyword (see time definition).
TIMEDEL = / integration time in TIMEUNIT
The time at the center of the N-th bin is then
since TIMEZERO gives the midpoint of the first integrated bin. Using the FITS
standard convention, gaps are inserted either as NaN values or, in the case of
an integer, using the TNULL value as described in section 3. If the number of
gaps in the data is considerably larger or comparable to the number of data
points, it may be more economical to use a time column which tags the data
points. In this case, the TIMEDEL keywords should still be given to define the
integration time of each bin.
5.2.2 Non-equispaced binned data
In the general case, intensity measurements are not equally spaced in time. A
TIME column, a TIMEDEL column (to give the length of the integrated bin) and a
column containing the intensity value must be given in the Rate Table in this
case. The format of the TIME column is the same as in Event List Rate Tables
and can either be the absolute time of the bin (TIMEZERO header keyword is 0),
or just the time offset from TIMEZERO.
5.3 Packet Data
Telemetry data can be arranged in packets (or frames) within which a number of
PHA or intensity histograms is stored. In this case, the time information is
attached to a single packet rather than to a single bin. To minimize the
number of manipulations, a packet of data can be directly stored in a rate
file. Two columns are required: TIME, containing the time for each packet, and
a second one containing the PHA or intensity histograms in each packet.
Multiple histogram columns can be present, depending on the particular on-board
computer mode. For example, if an instrument is composed of several selectable
detectors, and if the mode allows the separation, by detector, of the packet
value of the PHA or intensity histogram, each column histogram then contains
packets from a single detector. In the header, TIMEDEL defines the increment in
time between two consecutive packets.
Other keywords may be required to decode the packet information. For example,
if the packet contains an intensity histogram, keywords must be defined which
indicate the increment in time associated with each bin, starting from the time
of the packet. We are currently developing these keyword conventions as part of
a project to reformat EXOSAT, Einstein SSS, and XTE telemetry data to FITS.
These proposed FITS standards will be published in a future issue of Legacy.
6. Ancillary Information
6.1 Barycentric Corrections
The TIMEREF keyword in the RATE extension header specifies which correction has
already been applied to the times listed in the TIME column (when applicable).
If the value of the keyword is LOCAL, then either a column with the corrected
time or a separate FITS binary table extention will be present in the file
(EXTNAME='TIMEREF'). If the correction changes slowly for a given time
interval, it is a waste of disk space to list the corrected time for every
single time measurement in the RATE extension. If a separate extension is used,
it is possible to list the residual corrections only when a significant change
occurs. More than one correction may be listed, allowing the user to choose
easily which correction applies. The column names are the same used in the
RATE extension: REFEARTH (earth), REFSUN (heliocentric) and REFBSOLS
(barycenter of the solar system). Events (or bins) are efficiently matched to
their corrections by the inclusion of a TIME column in the TIMEREF extension
which identifies the TIME in the RATE extension from which the correction is
valid. The TIME values in the TIMEREF extension are a subset of the TIME values
in the RATE extension and should correspond to the time when the barycentric
correction value changed. For example, to correct the time t(n) (associated
with the nth event or bin) in the RATE table, quicker access to the relevant
values for REFEARTH or REFSUN is gained by finding the time value near by t(n)
in the TIME column of the TIMEREF extension. The correction values can be
either ADDED to the time stored in the TIME column in the RATE extention or
ADDED after interpolation through a convenient number of points. The content of
the table is:
EXTNAME = ` TIMEFRAM' /barycenter correction table name
TSTART = /start time same unit and system used in
the rate table
TSTOP = /stop time same unit and system used in the
rate table
TIMEZERO= /zero time same unit and system used in the
rate table
TTYPE1 = `TIME ` /Subset of the TIME column value in the
RATE extention
TTYPE2 = `REFEARTH ` /bary correction at the earth
TTYPE3 = `REFSUN ` /bary correction at the earth
TTYPE4 = `REFBSOLS ` /bary correction at the solar system
It is assumed that the time written in the TIME column has the same unit and is
in the same system as defined in TIMESYS and TIMEUNIT in the RATE extention.
The time keywords follow the same convention used in the rate table. For this
extension the same convention for TFORM, TUNIT, TSCAL, and TZERO explained in
the `Rate Table Format' is applicable. Since the correction values in REFEARTH,
REFSUN and REFBSOLS depend on the source position, the keywords RA and DEC
should be included in this extension.
6.2 Energy Boundary Information
This extension, ENEBAND, is needed if multiband intensities are stored in the
RATE extension to specify the energy or channel range. The extension can
contain a minimum of two columns and a maximum of four columns. Two columns,
MINCHAN and MAXCHAN, contain the value of the lower and upper channels,
respectively, in the band. The E_MIN and E_MAX contain the lower bound in
energy for the channel in the MINCHAN column and the higher bound of the
channel in the MAXCHAN column, respectively. MINCHAN and MAXCHAN are 2-byte
integer numbers; E_MIN and E_MAX are 4-byte real. The E_MIN and E_MAX values
have the same meaning as described in George et al. (1992). Each row in
the table corresponds to an energy or range of channels; the total number of
rows in this table should match the keyword NUMBAND in the RATE extension.
Table contents:
TTYPE1 ='MINCHAN' /lower channel
TTYPE2 ='MAXCHAN' /higher channel
TTYPE3 ='E_MIN' /lower bound of the channel MINCHAN
TUNIT3 ='keV'
TTYPE4 ='E_MAX' /higher bound of the channel MAXCHAN
TUNIT4 ='keV'
6.3 Good Time Intervals
To calculate a binned histogram (counts versus time) for an events file, time
exposure information is required so that the absence of counts can be
attributed correctly either to the non-detection of a photon or to the
instrument not being on. This information should be inserted in the file only
for an event list. If no exposure information is provided, it is assumed that
the instrument was on for the full duration between the TSTART and TSTOP
keyword values.
A separate FITS binary table extension can be used to list the exposure
information. There are two possible formats: either a collection of start and
stop times of the good time intervals (EXTNAME='GTI') or a binned time series
where the value is the exposure in that bin (EXTNAME= `EXPOSURE'). For the GTI
extension, there are two required columns (`START' and `STOP').
EXTNAME = `GTI ` / name: Good Time Intervals
TSTART = / start time, same unit and system used in
the rate table
TSTOP = / stop time, same unit and system used in
the rate table
TIMEZERO= / zero time, same unit and system used in
the rate table
TTYPE1 = `START ` / start of good time interval
TTYPE2 = `STOP ` / end of good time interval
In this case the exposure associated with a bin calculated from the event list
is 100% if the bin is completely inside a good interval, 0% if outside, and
exposure X% if falling only partially (X%) inside a GTI. The format of the time
values may be specified in the same way as the TIME column in a Rate Table, as
either absolute times or as time offsets from a TIMEZERO.
6.4 Exposure
This table is relevant only for event data. Variation in exposure during a GTI
can occur due to either a dead time effect and/or variation in the pointing
position. For example, in the ROSAT PSPC the ``wobble"---performed in order to
prevent unwanted shadowing of the X-ray source behind the opaque supporting
structures in the PSPC---varies the fraction of exposure in each part of the
detector. It also causes a time variation in the vignetting function. The
EXPOSURE is required to correct for these effects. The layout can be either a
sequence of exposure corrections equispaced in time (only one column required)
or a sequence of exposure corrections not equispaced (three columns are
required, two describing the time (TIME and TIMEDEL) and one to store the
exposure value in that bin (FRACEXP). The FRACEXP column contains the
correction factor for which all the single effects (dead time, vignetting) are
taken into account. For equally spaced data, the TIMEDEL keyword gives the
increment in time between two consecutive bins.
TSTART = / start time, same unit and system used in
the rate table
TSTOP = / stop time, same unit and system used in the
rate table
TIMEZERO= / zero time, same unit and system used in the
rate table
TIMEDEL = / increment in time
TTYPE1 = `FRACEXP ` / fraction of exposure
7. Example Files
This section gives examples of Rate Files created using this standard. A
primary array and a binary extension are required. The extension layout is
different depending on the data, e.g. events or binned data (EXTNAME = `EVENTS'
or EXTNAME = `RATE'), while the primary header is common in both cases.
7.1 The Primary Header
SIMPLE = T / file does conform to FITS standard
BITPIX = 8 / number of bits per data pixel
NAXIS = 0 / number of data axes
EXTEND = T / FITS data set may contain extensions
CONTENT = `LIGHT CURVE' / file contains rate data
ORIGIN = `HEASARC/GSFC' / origin of the file
DATE = `04/01/93' / file creation date (DD/MM/YY)
TELESCOP= ` ` / Telescope (mission) name
INSTRUME= ` ` / instrument used for observation
OBJECT = ` ` / common object name
RA = 1.49221E+01 / source RA in degrees
DEC = -3.0531E+01 / source declination in degrees
EQUINOX = 1.9500E+03 / equinox of celestial coord. system
RADECSYS= `FK4 ` / FK4 coordinate system used
DATE-OBS= `28/05/69' / date of first obsvn (DD/MM/YY)
TIME-OBS= `10:41:03' / time of first obsvn (HH:MM:SS.n)
DATE-END= `18/06/79' / date of last obsrn (DD/MM/YY)
TIME-END= `09:35:08' / time of last obsvn (HH:MM:SS.n)
TIMVERSN = `OGIP/93-003' / OGIP memo number for file format
AUTHOR = ` ` / Program name that produced this file
7.2 Data Extension
RATE: This example header describes equispaced binned data taken in
one energy band with a time resolution written in TIMEDEL. The column TIME
and TIMEDEL is required for non-equally spaced data.
XTENSION= `BINTABLE' / binary table extension
BITPIX = 8 / 8-bit bytes
NAXIS = 2 / 2-dimensional binary table
NAXIS1 = 8 / width of table in bytes
NAXIS2 = 146675 / number of rows in table
PCOUNT = 0 / size of special data area
GCOUNT = 1 / one data group (required keyword)
TFIELDS = 2 / number of fields in each row
EXTNAME = `RATE ` / name of this binary table extension
TIMVERSN = `OGIP/93-003' / OGIP memo number for file format
MJDREF = / MJD for reference file
TIMESYS = `MJD ` / The time system is MJD
CLOCKCOR= `YES' / if time corrected to UT
TIMEREF = `LOCAL ` / barycentric correction applied to times
TASSIGN = `SATELLITE' / where time is assigned
TSTART = / observation start time
TSTOP = / observationstop time
TIMEZERO= / zerotime to calculate t(n) event or bin
TIMEDEL = / integration time
TIERRELA= / relative time error
TIERABSO= / absolute time error
ONTIME = / time on source
TTYPE1 = `RATE' / data from detector channel
TFORM1 = `1E ` / data format of the field: 4-byte REAL
TUNIT1 = `count /s' / physical unit of field
TTYPE2 = `ERROR ` / error in intensity
TFORM2 = `1E ` / data format of the field: 4-byte REAL
TUNIT2 = `count /s' / physical unit of field
BACKAPP = T / background is subtracted
DEADAPP = T / deadtime applied
VIGNAPP = T / vignetting or collimator applied
E_MIN = / low energy for channel (keV)
E_MAX = / high energy for channel (keV)
EUNIT = `keV ` / energy unit
TELESCOP= ` ` / Telescope (mission) name
INSTRUME= ` ` / Instrument used
OBJECT = ` ` / name of observed object
RA = 1.49221E+01 / R.A. in degrees
DEC = -3.0531E+01 / Declination in degrees
EQUINOX = 1.9500E+03 / equinox of celestial coord. system
RADECSYS= `FK4 ` / FK4 coordinate system used
DATE-OBS= `28/05/90' / UT date of first obs data set (DD/MM/YY)
TIME-OBS= `07:33:22' / UT time of first obs data set (HH:MM:SS)
DATE-END= `28/05/90' / UT date of last obs data set (DD/MM/YY)
TIME-END= `12:40:58' / UT time of last obs data set (HH:MM:SS.n)
ORIGIN = `HEASARC/GSFC' / file created at Goddard HEASARC
DATE = `04/01/93' / file creation date (DD/MM/YY)
EVENTS: This example header describes event data. The GTI extension is
required in this case. Other attributes for each event may be included as
optional columns.
XTENSION= `BINTABLE' / binary table extension
BITPIX = 8 / 8-bit bytes
NAXIS = 2 / 2-dimensional binary table
NAXIS1 = 8 / width of table in bytes
NAXIS2 = 146675 / number of rows in table
PCOUNT = 0 / size of special data area
GCOUNT = 1 / one data group (required keyword)
TFIELDS = 1 / number of fields in each row
EXTNAME = `EVENTS ` / name of this binary table extension
TIMVERSN = `OGIP/93-003' / OGIP memo number for file format
MJDREF = / MJD for reference file
TIMESYS = `MJD ` / The time system is MJD
TIMEUNIT= `d ` / unit for TSTARTI/F and TSTOPI/F
CLOCKCOR= `YES' / if time corrected to UT
TIMEREF = `LOCAL ` / barycentric correction applied to times
TASSIGN = `SATELLITE' / where time is assigned
TSTART = / observation start time
TSTOP = / observation stop time
TIMEZERO= / zerotime to calculate t(n) event or bin
TIERRELA= / relative time error
TIERABSO= / absolute time error
ONTIME = / time on source
TTYPE1 = `TIME ` / time of measurement
TFORM1 = `1D ` / data format of the field: DOUBLE PRECISION
TUNIT1 = `d ` / physical unit of field
NPIXSOU = / number of pixels within the source region
NPIXBACK= / number of pixels within the background region
BACKV = / total background counts
VIGNET = / mean vignetting correction
E_MIN = / low energy for channel (keV)
E_MAX = / high energy for channel (keV)
EUNIT = `keV ` / energy unit
TELESCOP= ` ` / Telescope (mission) name
INSTRUME= ` ` / Instrument used
OBJECT = ` ` / name of observed object
RA = 1.49221E+01 / R.A. in degrees
DEC = -3.0531E+01 / Declination in degrees
EQUINOX = 1.9500E+03 / equinox of celestial coord. system
RADECSYS= `FK4 ` / FK4 coordinate system used
DATE-OBS= `28/05/90' / UT date of first obs data set (DD/MM/YY)
TIME-OBS= `07:33:22' / UT time of first obs data set (HH:MM:SS)
DATE-END= `28/05/90' / UT date of last obs data set (DD/MM/YY)
TIME-END= `12:40:58' / UT time of last obs data set (HH:MM:SS.n)
ORIGIN = `HEASARC/GSFC' / file created at Goddard HEASARC
DATE = `04/01/93' / file creation date (DD/MM/YY)
COMMENT source CIRCLE (200,300,4)
COMMENT background CIRCLE (500,100,10)
Arnaud, K. A., George, I.M., Tennant, A. F. 1992, Legacy, 2, 65,
Corcoran, M., et al. 1993., in preparation
George, I.M., and Angelini, L., 1993, in preparation (OGIP/93-001).
George, I.M., Arnaud, K. A., Pence, W., Ruamsuwan, L., 1992, Legacy,
2, 51, (CAL/GEN/91-002).
George, I.M., Zellar, R., Pence W. 1993, in preparation (CAL/GEN/92-011).
NASA/OSSA Office of Standards and Technology (NOST) 100-1.0, `Definition of the
Flexible Image Transport System (FITS)', in press.
Pence, W 1992 Legacy, 1 15.
We thank the numerous people in the OGIP, who have contributed ideas and
suggestions. In particular we thank Nick White and Laura Whitlock for their
critical reading the various drafts, and Charles Day for carefully reading the
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