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Purpose: To cast vignetting and detector-artifact corrected exposure
maps in sky coordinates in any of 13 pulse-height bands using the
valid_times.dat accepted times file. The exposure maps are cast in pixels
which match the detector maps. This pixels size is
. This is almost, but not quite the pixel
size of the SASS produced images which bin the
sky positions
by 30. This amounts to a one-pixel difference at the outside radius of
the observation.
File Input:
1) Observation data set fits files - xxx_ATTITUDE.FITS and
xxx_EVENTRATES.FITS for German or US data, xxx_ANC.FITS for RDF data.
2) Other fixed input - valid_times.dat modified as desired from the
output of program VALID_TIMES. This must be the same time selection as
used with the programs CAST_DATA, CAST_PART, LTE, and TILT. After the
selection of the desired band in the interactive input (see 4) below), the
program will read in the appropriate detector map. The diagnostic
information file xxx_diag.out produced initially by CAST_DATA will have
additional data appended to it.
Interactive Input:
1) Observation control - the eight or fewer character string listed above
as xxx.
2) Data format control - 1 for German data, 2 for US data,
3 for RDF data.
3) Detector control - 1 for PSPC C (before 26 January 1991, S/C clock
20530000), 2 for PSPC B (after 26 January 1991).
4) Pulse-height band control - input 1-13 for various pulse-height bands
or combinations of bands. Note that the R1 band detector map (high-gain
channels 8-19) should be used for the R1 band at high gain and the
R1L band at low gain. The R1L band detector map (channels 11-19) should
only be used for the R1L band at high gain.
5) Nominal pointing direction - the nominal pointing direction (in decimal
degrees) taken from the observation data set hard copy or the
header information of the observation data set fits files.
Ascii Output:
1) Diagnostic output - information about the accepted time and
observation live time, see 2) of File Input
Image Output:
1) Fits file of the exposure map for the selected pulse-height band
(expose_n.fits where n is the band number).