Compile and link the QDP program

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Compile and link the QDP program

The final step should be fairly simple. You should compile all the programs in the [LIB.PLT] and [LIB.XHELP] directories. You should also compile the needed files from [LIB.XPARSE] and [LIB.UFNY]. The non system dependent routines should all compile without errors. If you do get an error (for example, due to some non-standard Fortran sneaking in) then please let the author know so the original can be made made more portable. All files in the [LIB...] directory tree should be placed in a library/archive. Finally you should move to the [PLOT.QDP] directory and try to link the QDP program. There are several makefile's that can be used as examples.

Web Page Maintained by: Dr. Lawrence E. Brown