cheese runs source detection on full-field images and creates cheese masks (source removal masks) from the output. cheese produces the event, exposure, and mask images that are required in a user-selected energy band. Running cheese is not required if only the spectral files with all counts including point sources are required, or if excluding point sources is not of interest.
cheese now includes the capabilities of cheese-bands to create
all of the above in three bands – soft, hard, and total, for instance using
bands of keV,
keV, and
keV (the last excluding
keV band).
In essence, cheese provides an ESAS consistent wrapper around the SAS task edetect-chain.
20ptSAS must be initialized, with $SAS_ODF and $SAS_CCF pointing to the appropriate locations.
20ptThe current location should be the working directory.
20ptespfilt must have been successfully run.
Calling Parameters:
20ptmos1file – The MOS1 event file.
20ptmos2file – The MOS2 event file.
20ptpnfile – The pn event file.
20ptpnootfile – The pn OOT event file.
20ptscale – This is the energy fraction (e.g., 0.5) which sets the exclusion radius of point sources.
20ptratetotal – This is the flux threshold (in units
cgs for the exclusion of point sources
in the total (combined) band (e.g., 1.0).
20ptratesoft – This is the flux threshold (in units
cgs for the exclusion of point sources
in the soft band (e.g., 1.0).
20ptratehard – This is the flux threshold (in units
cgs for the exclusion of point sources
in the hard band (e.g., 1.0).
20ptdist – Minimum separation in arc seconds between masked sources.
20ptelowlist – Low-energy limits for the bands in eV (e.g., 400 or 400 2000).
20ptehighlist – High-energy limits for the bands in eV (e.g., 7200 or 1300 7200).
20ptmlmin – The minimum likelihood to accept for a source.
20ptkeepinterfiles – Boolean for keeping (or not) the intermediate files.
20ptatthk.fits – SAS attitude file (created only if necessary).
20ptboxlist_l.fits – The output from the first pass of eboxdetect.
20ptboxlist_m.fits – The output from the second pass of eboxdetect.
20ptemllist.fits – The output from the emldetect.
20ptInstrument specific files are created only when the instruments are included
20pt For each band
20ptP-bkgregBdet.fits – The band B background region file made from the filtered source list. Note that this list excludes the sources and is in detector coordinates.
20ptP-bkgregBsky.fits – The band B background region file made from the filtered source list. Note that this list excludes the sources and is in sky coordinates.
20ptP-cheeseB.fits – The band B cheese mask image for the P exposure.
20pt Additional Diagnostic Files
20ptP-fovimB.fits – The FOV image in band B.
20ptP-fovimBbkg.fits – The background surface brightness in band B determined by edetect_chain.
20ptP-fovimBexp.fits – The exposure map in band B determined by edetect_chain.
20ptP-fovimBmask.fits – The mask in band B determined by edetect_chain.
20ptP-fovimBsen.fits – The sensitivity map in band B determined by edetect_chain.
20ptP-fovimBsmap.fits – The source map in band B determined by edetect_chain.
20ptcheese mos1file='mos1S001-allevc.fits' mos2file='mos2S002-allevc.fits' pnfile='pnS003-allevc.fits' pnootfile='pnS003-allevcoot.fits' elowlist=350 ehighlist=1100 scale=0.5 mlmin=10 ratetotal=0.2 dist=50. keepinterfiles=no -V 7
20ptcheese mos1file='mos1S001-allevc.fits' mos2file='mos2S002-allevc.fits' pnfile='pnS003-allevc.fits' pnootfile='pnS003-allevcoot.fits' elowlist='350 2000' ehighlist='1100 7200' scale=0.5 mlmin=10 ratetotal=0.2 ratesoft=0.2 ratehard=0.2 dist=50. keepinterfiles=no -V 7