combimage combines the various MOS1, MOS2, and pn images from a single observation, as well as images from multiple exposures into single count, exposure, model QPB, and SP background images.
combimage compensates for the inclusion of observations with
different filters in the mosaic. It uses the results of PIMMS with the
assumption of a power-law spectrum with photon indices (alpha) of 2.4,
1.7, and 1.0, and absorption of
H I cm
The user enters a value for alpha between 1.0 and 2.4 where 1.0
will select the hard spectrum, 1.7 selects the medium spectrum, and
2.4 selects the soft spectrum. Intermediate values will produce a
linear scaling between the two nearest spectra. The exposure image
is then scaled by the ratio of the model count rates for the MOS2 medium
filter versus the thin or thick, making the resultant image appropriate
for the MOS2 medium filter.
20ptThe current location should be the working directory.
20ptTo merge event and exposure images, mosspectra and/or pnspectra must have been successfully run for all exposures.
20ptIf particle background images are to be merged mosback and/or pnback and rotdet2sky must have been successfully run for all exposures.
20ptTo include the soft proton flare images the soft proton spectrum must have been fit and the tasks proton and rotdet2sky successfully run.
20ptTo include the SWCX images the SWCX Gaussian spectra must have been fit and the tasks swcx and rotdet2sky successfully run.
20ptInclusion of the QPB, SP, and SWCX images are selected in the command.
Calling Parameters:
20ptprefixlist – Detector and exposure identifiers (e.g., prefixlist="1S001 2S002 S003")
20ptwithpartbkg – If true, includes the quiescent particle background.
20ptwithspbkg – If true, includes the soft proton flare background.
20ptwithswcxbkg – If true, includes the swcx background.
20ptwithmask – If true, includes a mask - mutually exclusive with withcheese.
20ptwithcheese – If true, uses a cheese mask whose type is specified in cheesetype.
20ptcheesetype – If withcheese is true, applies a cheese mask, s, h, or t (soft, hard, or total), or a merged cheese mask smsl, hmsl, or tmsl (soft, hard, or total).
20ptelowlist – List of the low energy limits for the energy bands to be merged in eV (e.g., elowlist=400 for a single band, elowlist="350 2500" for two bands).
20ptehighlist – List of the high energy limits for the energy bands to be merged in eV (e.g., ehighlist="750 1250").
20ptalpha – Assumed power law spectral index for scaling exposure maps to account for different filters.
20ptcomb-fovim-elow-ehigh.fits – The combined count image for the prefix exposure, selected energy band (elow and ehigh), and the selected region in sky coordinates.
20ptcomb-expimelow-ehigh.fits – The combined exposure image for the prefix exposure, selected energy band (elow and ehigh), and the selected region in sky coordinates.
20ptcomb-bkgim-elow-ehigh.fits – The combined model particle background image for the prefix exposure, selected energy band (elow and ehigh), and the selected region in sky coordinates.
20ptcomb-protim-elow-ehigh.fits – The combined model soft proton background image for the prefix exposure, selected energy band (elow and ehigh), and the selected region in sky coordinates.
20ptcomb-swcxim-elow-ehigh.fits – The combined model swcx background image for the prefix exposure, selected energy band (elow and ehigh), and the selected region in sky coordinates.
20ptcombimage prefixlist="1S001 2S002 S003" withpartbkg=true withspbkg=true withswcxbkg=true withcheese=true cheesetype=t elowlist=350 ehighlist=1100 alpha=1.7