XRISM Archive
XRISM Archive AccessXRISM data are be archived within the NASA HEASARC as well as the JAXA DARTS. The standard HEASARC archive interfaces, namely Browse and Xamin, query the master table of XRISM data sets stored at the HEASARC, known as the XRISMMASTR table. Notice that XRISMMASTR contains all XRISM observations which have been processed, and many of these data sets may not yet be public. It also contains all accepted (but not observed) targets as well. Users should check the public_date parameter in XRISMMASTR in order to determine the public availability of observations. Proprietary data are indicated by having either a null value or a date in the future for the public_date parameter in the XRISMMASTR table. Users can query this table and download the data associated with the selected observation(s) using the usual Browse/Xamin procedures. Expert users who already know the Observation IDs (ObsIDs) of the dataset(s) in which they are interested, can also directly access XRISM data via the HEASARC's ftp site. The public XRISM data are at http://heasarc.gsfc.nasa.gov/FTP/xrism/data/obs/9/ in subdirectories 0, 1, 2, 3, etc., determined by the first digit of their ObsID: thus, the data for ObsID 901001010 are in the directory https://heasarc.gsfc.nasa.gov/FTP/xrism/data/obs/9//901001010/. The download_wget.pl Perl script allows to download data from the HEASARC using the wget protocol.