Known Bugs in fv
Despite programmers' best efforts, software releases usually
contain some bugs. Regretfully, fv is no exception. Here are
the bugs we are aware of, along with how to avoid or fix them.
NOTE: When referring to a file, we will use
<fv> to mean the path to the top of your fv
source tree, which contains subdirectories such as pow and
fitsTcl (or under Windows: bin and lib; or
under Mac OS: fv Sources and pow Sources).
If you are using the standalone fv package,
this will be one level below where you untarred the package. If you
are using the FTOOLS 4.1 (or later) package, <fv> will be
<ftools>/src/tcltk2, where now <ftools>
refers to the top of your FTOOLS source tree.
ALSO, we will assume that you have already successfully
built the software and have the environment variable FV (or
FTOOLS, as appropriate) set as described in the INSTALL
instructions. If you have not already built the software, simply make
the changes described below and then follow the INSTALL instructions
normally; DO NOT execute any of the 'make' commands described here if
this is the case.
Don't see your problem here? Send us a bug report via the
FTOOLS help desk.
If possible, include the information reported by the "Stack Dump"
button in the error dialog. Not all errors cause this dialog to
The Windows and Mac OS versions contain a number of
"peculiarities" which are either due to limitations/bugs in the tcl/tk
language or the Windows/Mac operating system. Read the windows or macintosh README file for a list of these
before reporting a bug.
Bugs in v3.2
24-bit displays: When run on some architectures
supporting TrueColor mode, fv fails to identify that fact and
enters the wrong video mode, giving an error message similar to:
X Error of failed request: BadMatch (invalid parameter)
Major opcode of failed request: (X_CreateWindow)
Serial number of failed request: nnn
no display name and no $DISPLAY environment variable
The solution is to force fv into true color mode by
running fv with a "-cmap 2" option (ie, type 'fv -cmap 2
Bugs in v3.0
SkyView: After submitting a skyview or
catalog database request, fv will freeze and/or report an
error. Fv is attempting to connect to a computer visible only within
Goddard. The solution is to modify lines 350 and 636 of
the file <fv>/lib/fv/class/FVSkyview.tcl to read:
set token [::http::geturl "" \
changing the string skys2 to skyview. The fv3.0 release
was updated for this change on November 22, 2000. (11/22/2000)
Bugs in v2.6.1
Table Column Selection: With v2.6, fv displays all
columns of a table by default when the Table button in the
summary window is pressed. Previous versions brought up a column
selection dialog box. To get this dialog box in fv 2.6.x,
right-click the Table button instead. Under
Mac OS a command-click was also supposed to be
available but this was not implemented. The solution
is to insert the following lines at line 1109 of "<fv>:fv
bind $$i { tkButtonDown %W }
bind $$i \
"[code $this setNewTable 1]; tkButtonUp %W"
Or, if you don't have text-editor with line counts available, search for
"tkButtonUp" and insert the above text on the line following it.
XPA access: Use of fv's XPA scripting feature
requires one to build XPA's tcl library and put it where fv can
find it. This can be done by using the following commands in XPA's
source directory to configure/build XPA after having installed fv...
./configure --prefix=$FV --with-tcl=$FV/lib
make install
This will build the tcl library -- -- and the standalone
executables and install them in fv's directories. One can
install the XPA tools/libraries elsewhere with a different --prefix
path (say, in /usr/local), but then one will need to change the
LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable to point to the location of (eg, /usr/local/lib). (6/30/2000)
24-bit displays: When run on some architectures
supporting TrueColor mode, fv fails to identify that fact and
enters the wrong video mode, giving an X Error: BadMatch
message. The solution is to force fv into true color mode by
running fv with a "-cmap 2" option (ie, type 'fv -cmap 2
Bugs in v2.6
RA/Dec Labels: Shortly after the release of fv 2.6, a bug
was found in which all column-column plots would have RA/Dec axis labels.
A bug fix release (v2.6.1) was made available late on
February 11, 2000. For those who already downloaded and installed 2.6,
the solution is
to edit the file <fv>/fv/class/Table.tcl. Before line
784 (reading, } else { ) insert the lines
} elseif { [lindex $wcsinfo 7] == "none" } {
set powWCS($graphHandle) ""
Now unix users need to go to the <fv> directory and
make fv1
Bugs in v2.5
Paths with spaces: After opening a file with a path which
contains spaces, fv will report an error like Called openFitsKwds with
too many arguments when trying to view an extension. The solution
is to either move the file to a directory without spaces, or upgrade to
the latest version of fv.
RedHat 6.x: The version 6 releases of RedHat Linux are
incompatible with the original fv2.5 release dated April 30, 1999.
An updated tar file, dated July 12, 1999, has been placed on the FTP site,
fixing the incompatibility. For those who have already downloaded the file,
the solution is the edit the file
<fv>/tcl8.0.4/generic/tclPosixStr.c. Change lines 339 and 786
#if defined(EOPNOTSUPP) && (!defined(ENOTSUP) || (EOPNOTSUPP != ENOTSUP))
and rebuild fv.
24-bit displays: When run on some architectures
supporting TrueColor mode, fv fails to identify that fact and
enters the wrong video mode, giving an X Error: BadMatch
message. The solution is to force fv into true color mode by
running fv with a "-cmap 2" option (ie, type 'fv -cmap 2
Bugs in v2.4 (aka FTOOLS 4.2)
Windows Environment Space: Running fv requires the creation of
several environment variables at startup. On some systems (Windows
only), this fills up the environment space, causing an error like
"couldn't read file \fedit" when trying to run fv. The solution
is to tell Windows to allocate more space. To do this, edit your system file
C:\CONFIG.SYS and add the following line at the end of the file:
You need to reboot your computer to have this take effect.
missing USERNAME: Some Windows systems do not define
the environment variable USERNAME which fv uses to write a History keyword
to fits files when they are modified, so one encounters the error "can't
read "env(USERNAME)": no such element in array". The solution is to
either (1) turn off the "Write History Keyword" option in the Option
menu of the file summary window; or (2) replace line 558 of
<fv>\lib\fv\class\FitsHeader.tcl and line 2567 of
<fv>\lib\fv\class\Table.tcl (both of which read "set uname
$env(USERNAME)") with the following lines:
if { [info exists env(USERNAME)] } {
set uname $env(USERNAME)
} else {
set uname "???"
This does not affect any system other than Windows-based PCs.
Undefined symbol: When starting fv under SunOS
4, you will likely encounter the error Undefined symbol:
_Itcl_ReleaseData. Although we do not know why this occurs
(something to do with the old Sun linker, maybe), we do have a simple
fix. The solution is to edit two files in the
<fv>/fv directory. First, edit fv (ie,
<fv>/fv/fv). The last line begins with
$FV/bin/wish8.0. Change this to $FV/bin/itkwish3.0.
Second, edit fedit. Delete lines 15-18 which contain
package and namespace commands. Finally, go to the
<fv> directory and type
make fv1
Copy Table to ASCII file (part 1): When selecting this
File menu item from the FITS table window, you will encounter the
error message "invalid command 'feedback'". The solution is
to edit the file <fv>/fv/class/Table.tcl and modify line 2443
to read:
iwidgets::feedback ${fileWin}.f.fb -labeltext "Saved"
You are inserting the text "iwidgets::" at the start of the line. Go
to the <fv> directory and type
make fv1
Copy Table to ASCII file (part 2): After fixing the preceding
bug, this command will execute but it will only copy (repeatedly) the
first 1000 lines of the table to the ASCII file. The solution
is to edit the file <fv>/fitsTcl/fitsUtils.c and replace all
instances of the line
This will be at lines 5061, 5081, 5108, 5125, 5147, 5169, 5191, 5217, 5245,
5267, and 5289. Provided you include a space before the m, a global
search-and-replace of ' m+1' with ' m+fRow' will work.
Now go to the <fv> directory and type
make fitstcl1 install-fitstcl
Startup error: The original unix standalone
distribution of fv 2.4 contains an error in the startup script. It
incorrectly uses the FTOOLS variable instead of the
FV variable when setting the necessary paths to the fv
binaries and libraries. The solution is to edit the file
<fv>/fv/fv and change all references to FTOOLS
with FV. Then, in the <fv> directory, type
the following command:
make fv1
One could also edit the $FV/bin/fv file directly. This error
has been fixed in a new fv tar file placed online at
12:22pm, November 30, 1998.
Note: This only affects
the standalone version of fv. The version contained within the
FTOOLS themselves, either built using the source distribution or the
binary plus GUI distribution, should be using the FTOOLS variable in
the <fv>/fv/fv file.
Printing Images (windows): It is not possible to print
(either to a printer or a file) images from POW under windows. This
is due to a limitation in the TK software from which POW is built. It
is still possible to print graphs containing line plots. Any images
will simply be ignored. Unfortunately, there is no solution to
this problem.
Printing (all): When printing POW graphs, only the
visible part of the window gets printed, so if part of a graph falls
outside the window, it will get clipped. To avoid this, either
(1) make sure the entire graph (or graphs) are visible before
printing, or (2) replace lines 781-792 of file
<fv>/pow/pow.tcl with the following lines:
proc powPrint { type name orient } {
set bbox [.pow.pow bbox all]
set width [expr [lindex $bbox 2]-[lindex $bbox 0]]
set height [expr [lindex $bbox 3]-[lindex $bbox 1]]
if [string match "Print*" $type] {
set fnam "[pid]"
.pow.pow postscript -colormode color -rotate $orient -file $fnam \
-width $width -height $height \
-x [lindex $bbox 0] -y [lindex $bbox 1]
set comm "cat $fnam | $name"
exec /bin/sh -c $comm
catch {exec rm $fnam}
} elseif [string match "File*" $type] {
.pow.pow postscript -colormode color -rotate $orient -file $name \
-width $width -height $height \
-x [lindex $bbox 0] -y [lindex $bbox 1]
powShowHandles 1
You now need to reinstall this part of fv. Go to your
<fv> directory and type the following command:
make install-pow
Pages maintained by
Bryan Irby
Send bug reports or feature requests via the
FTOOLS help desk.
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