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Three new ASCA SIS Calibration Datasets available via the HEASARC Caldb
Three new ASCA SIS calibration datasets are now available in the HEASARC
Calibration Database (ie via anonymous ftp from legacy.gsfc.nasa.gov).
The new datasets are all located in the pre-existing directory:
and consist of the following files:
- which contains updated coeffs describing the position, time &
non-uniformity dependences for the detector CTI.
- The 1st extension in this file SUPERCEDES that in the pre-existing
file sisph2pi_140795.fits (and the latter flagged as bad in CIFs).
The 2nd extension is new.
- a new file providing an approximate detector echo history
- a new file providing an approximate RDD history
Further information concerning these files and their use will be
distributed to GOs by the ASCA GOF.
Ian M George