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ASCACALDB Exploder FAQ (Periodic Posting)
The ASCACALDB Exploder - Frequently Asked Questions
This is a periodic posting of the FAQs regarding the above exploder.
_____________________________MAIN INDEX___________________________________
1) The Intent of this Exploder
a) What is the ASCACALDB Exploder intended/used for ?
b) What is it's relationship with other ASCA-related Exploders ?
2) The Membership of this Exploder
a) Who is allowed to be a recipient ?
b) Who can post messages ?
c) Who are the other recipients ?
d) Should/can I subscribe ?
e) How do I subscribe ?
f) How do I get off this exploder ?!
3) The Traffic on this Exploder
a) What are the messages about ?
b) How often/many messages are posted ?
c) How Reliable/Informative are they ?
d) On whose Authority are they posted ?
4) Other Sources of Information
a) Archival exploder messages on the WWW
b) Information regarding the HEASARC CALDB
c) Information regarding the ASCA GOF at NASA/GSFC
d) Related (CALDB) exploders
______________________THE INTENT OF THIS EXPLODER__________________________
1a) What is the ASCACALDB Exploder intended/used for ?
.. The ASCACALDB exploder is primarily intended to distribute information
regarding calibration files/software to "managers" of Calibration Databases
(CALDBs) other than at the HEASARC (aka OGIP) at NASA/GSFC.
.. This information consists of:
- updates/instructions regarding maintenence of a CALDB
- updates & big fixes the the CALDB access software
- new ASCA files added to the HEASARC CALDB.
- discoveries/rumours of corrupt/incorrect ASCA files in the HEASARC CALDB
.. "Managers" of CALDBs are free to pass the information onto their
user community as they see fit.
1b) What is it's relationship with other ASCA-related Exploders ?
.. The information posted on the ASCACALDB exploder IS NOT intended
to replace the information distributed by the ASCA project or GOF. As
such it should not be necessary for all Principal Investigators and
Co-Investigators to subscribe to the ASCACALDB exploder. Information that
all PIs/Co-Is need to be informed of will be officially distributed by the
ASCA project/GOF via the appropriate means.
____________________THE MEMBERSHIP OF THIS EXPLODER_________________________
2a) Who is allowed to be a recipient ?
.. This exploder is open to all
.. However, to repeat 1a) & 1b), it is primarily intended for "managers" of
CALDBs are remote sites. Thus, potential subscribers may be querried as to
whether they fully understand the intent to the exploder (empasizing that
the primary source of calibration information for the general GO/Co-I is
the project/GOF).
.. Subscribers who 'abuse' the system may be removed.
(Those of you who recieve this message via e-mail are already subscribers)
2b) Who can post messages ?
.. Only HEASARC Calibration Database (Caldb) personel are currently allowed
to post messages to the ASCACALDB exploder. This is primarily to keep
the traffic on the exploder to a reasonable minimum of "official CALDB"
postings, and to channel questions directly to the most appropriate
.. General question/comments regarding
- the contents/software of the HEASARC Caldb should be addressed to:
Caldb Help desk <caldbhelp@athena.gsfc.nasa.gov>
- the ASCA mission, the onboard instruments, and the extraction/analysis
of data therefrom should be addressed to:
ASCA Help Desk <ascahelp@athena.gsfc.nasa.gov>
2c) Who are the other recipients ?
.. The current list of non-concealed subscribers can be obtained my sending
e-mail to:
with the main text (NOT the subject) of the message containing
recipients ascacaldb
.. The reply should consist of a list of non-concealed subscribers.
2d) Should/can I subscribe ?
(Those of you who recieve this message via e-mail are already subscribers)
.. You *should* subscribe if you are responsible for setting up and
maintaining a copy of the HEASARC CALDB for ASCA are your site. If this is
the case, then you will be what the HEASARC refers to as a "remote CALDB
.. You may *wish* to subscribe if you are a PI/Co-I working on ASCA data
using HEASARC-supplied FTOOLS/XSELECT, and feel you want to keep up-to-date
of new calibration files/software available from the HEASARC.
HOWEVER, before subscribing consider the following:
- all significant information will in any case be "officially"
distributed to all PI/Co-Is by the project/GOF,
- your mail box may be cluttered with irrelevant/boring messages
- all significant posts on this exploder are flaged on the HEASARC
CALDB's "Whats New" page on the WWW; URL:
- there is an archive of all the traffic on this exploder available
online via the WWW; URL:
2e) How do I subscribe ?
(Those of you who recieve this message via e-mail are already subscribers)
.. If you indeed decide that you wish to subscribe to the ASCA CALDB
exploder, simply e-mail:
with the main text (NOT the subject) of the message containing
subscribe ascacaldb {your name}
where {your name} is your real name (eg: A.Einstein).
.. Help on other features of the listserv software (some of which can be
applied to the ASCACALDB exploder/archive) can be obtained by e-mailing:
with the text (NOT the subject) of the message containing the word help.
2f) How do I get off this exploder ?!
.. If you have subscribed to ASCACALDB, but now wish to remove yourself
from the exploder, simply e-mail:
with the main text (NOT the subject) of the message containing
unsubscribe ascacaldb
NOTE: This mail message should be sent from the same e-mail address as that
to which ASCACALDB messages were formerly being sent.
____________________THE TRAFIC ON THIS EXPLODER_________________________
3a) What are the messages about ?
.. As stated in 1a), the ASCACALDB exploder is primarily intended to distribute
information regarding calibration files/software to "managers" of Calibration
Databases (CALDBs) other than at the HEASARC.
.. This information consists of:
- updates/instructions regarding maintenence of a CALDB
- updates & big fixes the the CALDB access software
- new ASCA files added to the HEASARC CALDB.
- discoveries/rumours of corrupt/incorrect ASCA files in the HEASARC CALDB
.. "Managers" of CALDBs are free to pass the information onto their user
community as they see fit.
3b) How often/many messages are posted ?
.. The traffic on this exploder is usually very small
- approximately 1 or 2 messages per month
3c) How Reliable/Informative are they ?
.. The majority of messages over the last year have simply been intended
to inform "remote CALDB managers" of new ASCA calibration datasets.
Thus they have merely reported the location of the new files and whether
and how these new datasets relate to pre-existing datasets. In cases
where the new datasets supercede a pre-existing dataset, information
is also supplied on what action should be taken by remote CALDB managers
to update their local CIFs.
3d) On whose Authority are they posted ?
.. The messages are usually constructed solely by the HEASARC CALDB staff.
However, obviously they are constructed in close collaboration with
the author/GOF when necessary.
____________________OTHER SOURCES OF INFORMATION________________________
4a) Archival exploder messages on the WWW
An archive of all the traffic on the ASCACALDB exploder is available
online via the WWW; URL:
4b) Information regarding the HEASARC CALDB
.. The best starting point for information regarding and available via
the HEASARC CALDB is the CALDB's "Home Page" on the WWW; URL:
This page has links to appropriate data, documentation & software areas.
Much of the documentation is available online in both postscript and HTML
.. All significant posts on the ASCACALDB exploder are also flaged
on the HEASARC CALDB's "Whats New" page on the WWW; URL:
4c) Information regarding the ASCA GOF at NASA/GSFC
.. The best starting point for information regarding the ASCA GOF
at NASA/GSFC is the ASCA GOFs "Home Page" on the WWW; URL:
This page provides numerous links to documentation, status reports,
observation timelines etc
4d) Related (CALDB) exploders
.. Information concerning other e-mail exploders maintained by the
HEASARC CALDB is available on the WWW; URL:
Ian M George, HEASARC CALDB 1996 Apr 03