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Second Announcement: X-Ray Timing 2003: Rossi and Beyond

Second announcement for:

                 "X-Ray Timing 2003: Rossi and Beyond"

to be held in Cambridge, MA, USA, on November 3-5, 2003.

Registration and abstract submission via the conference website:


is now active.  The deadline for registration and abstract submission
is September 19, 2003.

Invited Speakers (all confirmed):
Marek Abramowicz, Didier Barret, Lars Bildsten, Jay Bookbinder, Deepto
Chakrabarty, Paolo Coppi, Stephane Corbel, Andrew Cumming, Stephen
Eikenberry, Paul Gorenstein,  Biff Heindl, Philip Kaaret, Vicky Kaspi,
Chryssa Kouveliotou, Fred Lamb, Craig Markwardt, Alan Marscher, Chris
Mauche, Ian McHardy, David Meier, Cole Miller, Michael Muno, Michael
Nowak, Dimitrios Psaltis, Ron Remillard, Chris Reynolds, Tod
Strohmayer, Jean Swank, Chris Thompson, John Tomsick, Michiel van der
Klis, Will Zhang

Additional details regarding the sessions and invited talks are
available on the "Program" page of the web site.
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