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SWIFT NOI/Proposal Information

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in the interests of a community wide distribution, it is being sent
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Swift Guest Investigator Program --- Cycle 1

Notices of Intent due: October 6, 2003
Proposal due date:     December 1, 2003

     The Call for Proposals for Cycle 1 of the Swift Guest
Investigator Program has been released as part of the NASA
Research Opportunities in Space Science (ROSS) 2003.  Cycle 1 will begin
approximately 4.5 months after the launch of Swift, will last for one
year, and is open to all scientists at U.S. institutions.  The Guest
Investigator program will only award funding in Cycle 1.  No
proprietary observing time will be granted.  

Proposers are being asked to consider investigations that:

*) undertake new gamma-ray burst projects that do not require
   user-specified pointings of Swift and do not duplicate the Swift
   Key Projects,

*) obtain correlative observations of gamma-ray bursts with non-Swift
   instruments and observatories, or

*) perform theoretical investigations relevant to Swift's mission
   (understanding gamma ray bursts).

     Details about how to submit a proposal, as well as software,
response matrices, spectral and count-rate simulators for Swift's
detectors, and a list of the Swift Key Projects are available online
from the Swift mission Web-site <http://swift.gsfc.nasa.gov/>
or from the Swift Science Center at <http://swiftsc.gsfc.nasa.gov/>.
General and technical descriptions of the Swift mission and the
Swift instruments can be found on the Web sites as well.

Notices of Intent are due on October 6, 2003.  The deadline for
submitting a proposal is December 1, 2003.  
Please contact the Swift Science Center's Help Desk at
<http://swiftsc.gsfc.nasa.gov/docs/swift/helpdesk.html> if you
have questions about the Swift Guest Investigator Program.

Please forward this message to colleagues who may be interested
in the Swift Guest Investigator program. Also, please let us know
if you would like to be removed from the list of Swift news

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