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Second International Conference on Particle and Fundamental Physics in Space

SpacePart '03 Bulletin No. 2

This is the second announcement of the Second International Conference
on Particle and Fundamental Physics in Space (SpacePart), to be held
in Washington, D.C. from December 10th to December 12th 2003.

The purpose of SpacePart '03 is to explore possibilities for the next
20 years for doing fundamental physics in space.  The conference will
be jointly hosted by Stanford's Kavli Institute for Particle
Astrophysics and Cosmology, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology,
and the Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN).
This is the second conference in a series which started in 2002
at Elba Island, Italy.

We aim to bring together researchers from diverse subfields of physics
and astrophysics, having in common an interest in cosmology,
gravitation, and elementary particle physics.  Theoretical as well as
experimental aspects will be explored. The primary focus will be on
science rather than technology; however one session will be devoted to
new technologies, and exploration of innovative ideas for space-based
experiments.  We anticipate good participation by representatives from
the US and international funding agencies as well as a keynote address
by the Presidential Science Advisor, Dr. John H. Marburger.

The conference will be organized as a series of plenary
sessions, including Particle Physics in Space,
Gravitation, Cosmic Microwave Background, New Technologies, and Policy &
Missions for the Next 20 Years.  We are also planning a special event
sponsored by the Italian Embassy, to celebrate the recent Nobel Prize
of Riccardo Giacconi, on the evening of December 11.

A detailed preliminary program can be found on the conference web
page, http://www-lns.mit.edu/SpacePart03/program.html

Registration and Accommodation
The deadline for registration is November 14, 2003.
The conference fee will be $250, and will cover the cost of
the coffee breaks, reception, and proceedings.  Students and
young people are encouraged to attend; therefore, we
will provide a discounted conference fee of $150 for students
and persons within three years of obtaining their Ph.D degree.
Registrations will be accepted after November 14, but
for a fee of $350.

The conference hotel will be the Marriott Wardman Park Hotel,
2660 Woodley Road, NW, Washington, DC 20008.  Rates will be $172 per
night including taxes.

Reservations and registration may be done via the conference web page.

Conference Proceedings

The SpacePart 03 proceedings will be published after referee evaluation as
a special issue of Nuclear Physics B. Instructions for the manuscripts
submission will be sent to the authors.

Important Dates

Deadline for reserving rooms at the Marriott Wardman Park at 
conference rate: November 9, 2003
Deadline for returning registration form: November 14st, 2003
Meeting sessions: December 10-12, 2003


Organizing Committee

Roberto Battiston,  Universita' and INFN, Perugia
Roger Blandford, Kavli Institute for Particle Astrophysics and Cosmology
Franco Cervelli, INFN-Pisa
Erik Katsavounidis, MIT
Kate Scholberg, MIT

International Advisory Committee

Barry C. Barish, Caltech
Giovanni Bignami, CESR
Elliott Bloom, SLAC
Thibault Damour, IHES
John Ellis, CERN
Sheldon L. Glashow, Boston U.
Craig Hogan, U. of Washington
Enzo Iarocci, INFN
Robert L. Jaffe, MIT
Rocky Kolb, U. of Chicago/FNAL
Lawrence Krauss, Case Western Reserve University
Mikhail Panasyuk, Moscow State University
Piergiorgio Picozza, U. of Rome
Livio Scarsi, U. of Palermo
David Spergel, Princeton U.
Samuel C. C. Ting, MIT
Stefano Vitale, U. of Trento
Steven Weinberg, U. of Texas
Bruce Winstein, U. of Chicago
Akira Yamamoto, KEK

Conference Web Page

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