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INTEGRAL AO-5 Key Programs/Deadline
April 10, 2007
Dear Colleague,
We would like to call to your attention to the upcoming April 20, 2007
deadline for INTEGRAL AO-5 proposals and an important new feature of
this observing cycle. In addition to the 12.8 Msec of available General
Observer Program time, there are three previously selected observing
programs that constitute the AO-5 Key Programs. These programs consist
of deep 2 Msec observations of the Galactic Center, the Cygnus region,
and the North Ecliptic Pole. Details of the Key Programs including the
exposure maps and science objectives of each program can be found at this
Potential US guest investigators are encouraged to maximize the scientific
potential of these previously approved Key Program observations. Investigations
utilizing the same data but with complementary scientific objectives
may be proposed to ESA in what the ESA AO categorizes as "observations
associated with Key Programs." Since these observations will be made in
any case, ESA is highly interested in such proposals. They can focus on
any science goals involving sources contained within the Key Program fields
provided they do not duplicate the objectives of the Key Programs themselves.
This of course does not preclude proposals for observations which are entirely
independent of the Key Program, within the 12.8 Msec General Observer Program
time allotment.
NASA intends to make funding available for a Guest Observer (GO) program to
support the analysis, interpretation, and publication of data obtained by U.S.
scientists with successful AO-5 proposals including those associated with Key
Programs. More information about NASAÕs intention of funding successful US
proposers can be found here:
For additional technical or programmatic information regarding U.S. participation
in the INTEGRAL mission, please contact
Technical Information:
Dr. Steven Sturner
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
Code 661
Greenbelt, MD 20771
Tel: (301) 286-8447
Fax: (301) 286-1684
Programmatic Information
Dr. Neil Gehrels
US INTEGRAL Project Scientist
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
Code 661
Greenbelt, MD 20771
Tel: (301) 286-6546
Fax: (301) 286-1684
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High Energy Astrophysics Science Archive Research Center (HEASARC)
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