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The Suzaku X-ray Universe Meeting Announcement
The Suzaku X-ray Universe
We are pleased to announce the conference: "The Suzaku X-ray Universe"
to be held Dec 10-12, 2007 in San Diego.
This conference will highlight results from the 5th Japanese satellite
Suzaku (Astro-EII) <http://www.isas.jaxa.jp/e/enterp/missions/suzaku/index.shtml>
which was launched on July 10, 2005. It will be the first to present
the results of both the performance verification phase and guest
observer program. The conference topics will cover all aspects of the
mission science, from stellar astrophysics to the most distant
quasars. The conference is hosted by the University of California, San
Diego, with the conference located at the Catamaran Resort Hotel,
located on Mission Bay in San Diego.
To register for the meeting please go to the conference web site:
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