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HEASARC News: NuSTAR Public Data Release; HEASoft 6.15; NuSTAR CALDB 20131007; RXTE AGN Timing & Spectral Database

   The HEASARC is pleased to announce the following new high-energy astronomy resources and updates:

   1) New NuSTAR Public Data Release
   2) HEASoft 6.15 released
   3) NuSTAR CALDB Updated
   4) The RXTE AGN Timing & Spectral Database


   1) New NuSTAR Public Data Release
   New NuSTAR data comprising 72 observation IDs were released to the
   public NuSTAR archive
   http://heasarc.gsfc.nasa.gov/docs/nustar/index.html on November 25,
   bringing the total number of public observation IDs to 101. NuSTAR data
   are accessible via the usual HEASARC archive interfaces, i.e., Xamin
   (http://heasarc.gsfc.nasa.gov/xamin/xamin.jsp) and Browse
   specifically by querying the NuSTAR master table (numaster). NuSTAR
   data can also be accessed directly from the HEASARC FTP site at


   2) HEASoft 6.15 released
   HEASoft 6.15 was released on November 25, 2013. The primary changes are
   updates to the NuSTAR mission software (nustardas v1.3.0), but there
   are changes to other packages. Note that nustardas v1.3.0 requires
   version 20131007 of the NuSTAR CALDB. Please see
   for more information.


   3) NuSTAR CALDB Updated
   The NuSTAR CALibration DataBase was updated on November 25, 2013 to
   CALDB version 20131007. Because of the large size of some calibration
   files, for NuSTAR data processing and analysis we recommend downloading
   the NuSTAR CALDB and installing it locally, rather than accessing the
   NuSTAR CALDB at the HEASARC remotely. Please see
   for more information.

   4) The RXTE AGN Timing & Spectral Database
   This database, available at http://cass.ucsd.edu/~rxteagn/, is
   provided for the community by the UCSD/CASS X-ray Group (R.E.
   Rothschild, A.G. Markowitz, E.S. Rivers, and B.A. McKim). It contains
   systematically-analyzed light curves and spectra for all AGN observed
   by RXTE during its entire 16 year mission. The flux per observation in
   4 energy bands and XSPEC-compatible spectral data can be downloaded for
   any source directly from the website. Information such as long-term
   average fluxes and the typical ranges in variations of flux or photon
   index for a given source should be useful in future observing programs.

A service of the High Energy Astrophysics Science Archive Research Center (HEASARC)

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