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6 April 2016 FIRST ANNOUNCEMENT Chandra Science for the Next Decade The Chandra X-ray Observatory continues to provide stunning and revolutionary insights into the high energy Universe and almost all branches of astrophysics. Following a very positive outcome from recent engineering studies, the Chandra mission is planning and looking forward to at least ten more years of operations. This workshop will draw on the depth and breadth of community expertise to envisage the future of Chandra science. Topics and themes will emphasize the major advances yet to be achieved, the multi-wavelength opportunities future ground-based and space-based facilities will offer, and the perspectives on a "big data" archive expected to accumulate more than two decades' worth of exquisite X-ray imaging and spectroscopy. Meeting Dates: August 16-19, 2016 Meeting Place: Cambridge, MA USA Scientific Organizing Committee: Jeremy Drake (co-Chair) Chryssa Kouveliotou (co-Chair) Akos Bogdan Francesca Civano Nathalie Degenaar Ann Hornschemeier Koji Mukai Lidia Oskinowa Dan Patnaude Luigi Piro Scott Randall Doug Swartz Local Organizing Committee: Rodolfo Montez (Chair) Lauren Bortolami Jason Conry Tara Gokas Karla Guardado Aldo Solares For more information and updates please visit: http://cxc.harvard.edu/cdo/next_decade2016/ or contact us at: nextdecade16@cfa.harvard.edu -- A service of the High Energy Astrophysics Science Archive Research Center (HEASARC) NASA/GSFC Please do not reply to this message. Questions or comments should go to: http://heasarc.gsfc.nasa.gov/cgi-bin/Feedback