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GSFC XMM-Newton GOF Status Report #229: XMM-NEWTON NEWS #131
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_/ XMM-NEWTON NEWS #131 --- 23-Jan-2012 _/
_/ _/
XMM-Newton Science Operations Centre at
ESA's European Space Astronomy Centre,
P.O. Box - Apdo. 78, 28691 Villanueva de la Canada, Madrid, Spain
SOC Home Page:
Helpdesk Web interface:
Helpdesk email address:
News Mailing List:
- Anticipated timeline for next XMM-Newton Announcement of
Opportunity: AO-12
- EPIC-pn Fast Modes Calibration Status Document
- RGS Line Spread Function Update
- Conference Announcement: "Half a Century of X-Ray Astronomy"
Anticipated timeline for next XMM-Newton Announcement of Opportunity: AO-12
The planned key milestones for the twelfth XMM-Newton "Announcement of
Opportunity" have been established. Within this AO-12 a new call to
submit proposals for observations to be performed with the XMM-Newton
observatory will be issued.
To be prepared for this, please find below the anticipated timeline:
Announcement of Opportunity .............. 21 August 2012
Due date for proposals ................... 5 October 2012 (12:00 UT)
Final OTAC approved programme ............ mid December 2012
For approved proposals only:
Start of phase II proposal submission .... 8 January 2013
Closure of phase II proposal submission .. 1 February 2013
Start of AO-12 observations .............. May 2013
The official "Announcement of Opportunity" will be made public in the
XMM-Newton News and on the XMM-Newton Science Operations Centre home
EPIC-pn Fast Modes Calibration Status Document
A new version of the document: "Evaluation of the spectral calibration
accuracy in EPIC-pn fast modes" is available from the XMM-Newton
calibration portal at
This document is intended to provide XMM-Newton users with a
systematic assessment of the quality of the spectral calibration for
EPIC-pn spectra taken in Burst and Timing Modes.
The new version includes:
* the discussion of a recently discovered systematic X-ray loading
affecting the majority of the EPIC-pn fast modes exposures in the
XMM Science Archive, as well as of the measures put in place to
mitigate/correct it.
* an evaluation of the performance and limitations of the
rate-dependent CTI correction embedded in the SAS task "epfast".
* the results of recent experiments aimed at evaluating the
redistribution in Timing mode vis-a-vis other instrumental modes.
RGS Line Spread Function Update
Measurements as accurate as possible of the positions and widths of
lines are an important requirement of the high-resolution RGS.
Improvements to the RGS line-spread function (LSF) were recently made
available in the new CCF components RGS[12]_LINESPREADFUNC_0005.CCF.
The accompanying release note
gives full details of the modifications that were made, and shows
examples of narrow emission lines compared to models derived with the
old and new LSFs.
Conference Announcement:
"Half a Century of X-Ray Astronomy"
The Conference
"Half a Century of X-Ray Astronomy"
will be held on 17-21 September 2012, in Mykonos Island, Greece.
X-ray Astronomy celebrates in 2012 its 50th birthday. This year finds
the XMM-Newton and Chandra missions quite mature after twelve years in
orbit. They have produced a wealth of exciting results ranging from
accretion physics to cosmology. In 2012, the first results from the
long awaited Nustar mission will be presented, while the final
preparations for the launch of SRG/eROSITA are taking place.
The topics of this conference will cover the full range of X-ray
Astronomy, from X-ray surveys, AGN and clusters, to galaxies and
accreting objects in our Galaxy, as well as instrumentation and new
Deadline for abstract submission and early registration is 15th June 2012.
Full details are given in the Conference Web Page:
Yours sincerely,
XMM-Newton SOC
XMM-NEWS mailing list
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