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GSFC XMM-Newton GOF Status Report #230: XMM-NEWTON NEWS #132

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_/           XMM-NEWTON NEWS #132    ---    10-Feb-2012           _/
_/                                                                _/

             XMM-Newton Science Operations Centre at
              ESA's European Space Astronomy Centre,
P.O. Box - Apdo. 78, 28691 Villanueva de la Canada, Madrid, Spain


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News Mailing List:



- 12th XMM-Newton SAS Workshop

- "Galaxy Clusters as Giant Cosmic Laboratories":
   Deadline for abstract submission

- Workshop Announcement: "Tidal Disruption events and AGN outbursts"

- ASTRO-H Session at the European Week of Astronomy and Space Science

12th XMM-Newton SAS Workshop

The XMM-Newton SOC announces the 12th SAS Workshop, which will be held
at the European Space Astronomy  Centre of ESA, Madrid, Spain, between
the 11th and the 15th of June 2012.

SAS Workshops aim at providing  XMM users with a basic introduction to
the  procedures  and techniques  to  successfully  reduce and  analyse
XMM-Newton data. The 5-day workshop is organised around 5 half-days of
presentations  and 5  half-days  of practical  training sessions.  The
sessions cover all aspects of data reduction and data analysis for all
the X-ray cameras and the Optical Monitor on-board XMM-Newton.

Interested  persons  should  send  an  email  through  the  XMM-Newton


         not later than the 30th of April 2012.

Please specify in the subject line: "Interest in participating in the
12th XMM-Newton SAS Workshop"

and provide the following information:

Name                :
Organisation        :
Address             :
Country             :
Phone               :
E-mail              :
Main Research Field :

Need means of transportation between pre-booked
accommodation at Madrid and Venue at ESAC ?         : YES/NO
Bring your own laptop ?                             : YES/NO

No fee is required to attend the Workshop.

Full details are given at the Workshop Website:


"Galaxy Clusters as  Giant  Cosmic  Laboratories":
Deadline for abstract submission

This is a reminder on the approaching deadline for abstract submission
for the Workshop "Galaxy  Clusters as Giant Cosmic Laboratories", that
will take  place from 21st  to 23rd May  2012 at ESA's  European Space
Astronomy Centre, Madrid, Spain.

Please submit your  abstracts by Friday, the 2nd  of March through the
Workshop Web page:


Workshop Announcement: Tidal Disruption events and AGN outbursts

The ESA Faculty at ESAC is pleased to announce the Workshop

           Tidal Disruption events and AGN outbursts

                   25th-27th June 2012

              European Space Astronomy Centre, Madrid, Spain

Over  the next  few years,  sensitive, large-area,  surveys  will come
on-line and  likely detect extragalactic flares in  large numbers. The
recent  detection   of  a  high  luminosity   tidal  disruption  event
candidate, with  the SWIFT satellite,  has given fresh impetus  to the
field and now is an opportune moment for a workshop dedicated to these
enigmatic objects.

The aim of  the workshop is to bring  together theorists and observers
for a review of previous and current observations and state-of-the-art
modelling, and help  to develop a strategy for  the identification and
follow-up of future events.

Deadline for registration and abstract submission is 15th April 2012.

More information can be found at the Workshop Web page:


ASTRO-H Session at the European Week of Astronomy and Space Science

The ASTRO-H  mission will be launched  in 2014 by  the Japan Aerospace
eXploration  Agency  (JAXA).   It  will  carry  several  revolutionary
instruments, like  a focusing-optics hard  X-ray imager and  the first
calorimeter  on an  X-ray satellite.  ASTRO-H will  be  an observatory
mission,  with  some  fraction  of  the  time  available  to  European

A one-day Special Session will be  devoted to ASTRO-H on 3rd July 2012
at the European  Week of Astronomy and Space  Science (EWASS) in Rome,

The goal  of this session  is to promote  the mission in  the European
community  and  to  start   preparing  European  astronomers  for  the
successful use of ASTRO-H.

Abstracts  for contributed talks  and posters  can be  submitted until
30th March 2012 on the following web page:


Information regarding the EWASS 2012 meeting can be found at:


Yours sincerely,

XMM-Newton SOC

XMM-NEWS mailing list

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