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XTENEWS#1: XTE Technical Appendix and software tools available
XTE Technical Appendix and software tools available
XTENEWS#1 15th December 1994
The XTE Guest Observer Facility would like to announce the
availability of technical information and a number of software
resources which will be of interest to potential XTE proposers. The
official NASA Research Announcement for XTE will be issued by NASA HQ
in January, with a proposal due date in April 1995.
The Technical Appendix to the XTE NRA, Appendix F, can be downloaded
from the anonymous FTP account at
in PostScript format. The Technical Appendix contains a complete
description of the XTE mission and instruments, and a guide to how to
choose observing configurations and perform feasibility calculations.
A brief summary of the mission, data rights, proposal submission
information etc can be found in /xte/nra/announcement. Note that this
information is _unofficial_ and will be superceded by the official
Appendices A-E when these are approved by NASA HQ.
Directories in /xte/nra/software contain useful software tools, namely
PIMMS, Recommd, Hextemporize, and Viewing. Details of how to use these
packages may be found in Appendix F, and in the README files. A set of
sample response matrices for the PCA and HEXTE instruments may be
found in /xte/nra/responses. The XTE GOF itself is described in
Information about XTE, the GOF, anonFTP access etc, is also available
on the WWW at http://heasarc.gsfc.nasa.gov/docs/xte/xte_1st.html.
Hardcopies of Appendix F may be requested by sending Email to
xtenra@ascasrv.gsfc.nasa.gov; any questions about the XTE proposal
process or software should also be directed to this Email
address. Appendix F can also be requested by sending papermail to
Dr. Alan Smale
XTE Guest Observer Facility
Code 668
NASA-Goddard Space Flight Center
Greenbelt, MD 20771, USA
(FAX: USA-301-286-1682)
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