Thread Index for xtenews Mailing List
Last updated: Sun Mar 25 15:37:49 2012
111 messages
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[HEASARC Mailing List Archives]
[XTEnews]: Final Reminder: Buy your RXTE Banquet tickets by TUESDAY, March 27, and register for Symposium,
News for users of the Rossi X-ray Timing Explorer \(RXTE\).
[XTEnews]: Agenda for RXTE Symposium and Deadline Reminder,
News for users of the Rossi X-ray Timing Explorer \(RXTE\).
[XTEnews]: Updates on RXTE Symposium and Banquet: Deadlines are soon!,
News for users of the Rossi X-ray Timing Explorer \(RXTE\).
[XTEnews]: Obtaining Visitor Badges and Submitting Poster Abstracts for 16 Years of Discovery with RXTE Symposium,
News for users of the Rossi X-ray Timing Explorer \(RXTE\).
[XTEnews]: RXTE celebration announcement,
News for users of the Rossi X-ray Timing Explorer \(RXTE\).
[XTEnews]: RXTE end of mission - AAS special session,
News for users of the Rossi X-ray Timing Explorer \(RXTE\).
[XTEnews]: Status of Continued Operations of RXTE,
News for users of the Rossi X-ray Timing Explorer \(RXTE\).
[XTEnews]: Update on RXTE Consortium Possibility,
News for users of the Rossi X-ray Timing Explorer \(RXTE\).
[XTEnews]: RXTE Consortium Option,
News for users of the Rossi X-ray Timing Explorer \(RXTE\).
[XTEnews]: Large Observatory For X-ray Timing (LOFT) Science Meeting - October 26-28 2011,
News for users of the Rossi X-ray Timing Explorer \(RXTE\).
[XTEnews]: RXTE special session at the 219th AAS meeting,
News for users of the Rossi X-ray Timing Explorer \(RXTE\).
[XTEnews]: Update on the Status and Future of RXTE,
News for users of the Rossi X-ray Timing Explorer \(RXTE\).
[XTEnews]: 2011 Meeting of the High Energy Astrophysics Division (HEAD) of the AAS,
News for users of the Rossi X-ray Timing Explorer \(RXTE\).
[XTEnews]: RXTE status update,
News for users of the Rossi X-ray Timing Explorer \(RXTE\).
[XTEnews]: E-mail address to use for RXTE TOO requests while Web service is down,
[XTEnews]: (no subject),
[XTEnews]: RXTE Cycle 15 Accepted Program on Web, and other updates,
[XTEnews]: RXTE Cycle 15 Dear Colleague Letter,
[XTEnews]: HEXTE Cluster B Update,
[XTEnews]: Improved PCA Background software and RXTE Workshop Presentations Available,
[XTEnews]: RXTE Cycle 14 Accepted Program Now Available on the Web,
[XTEnews]: Location of Thursday's RXTE Workshop (at Fermi conference hotel),
[XTEnews]: RXTE Workshop to follow Fermi Symposium (Nov. 5, 2009),
[XTEnews]: RXTE Returns to Normal Operations,
[XTEnews]: RXTE in Inertial Hold on IGR J17511-3057 due to Spacecraft Anomaly,
[XTEnews]: PCA Calibration Info/Peer Reviewer Request,
[XTEnews]: RXTE Cycle 14 proposals due August 13, 2009,
[XTEnews]: RXTE Cycle 14 Information for Proposers,
[XTEnews]: RXTE Mission Extended Through Sept. 2010,
[XTEnews]: Clarification for cycle 13 websites,
[XTEnews]: Cycle 13 Info/PCA Recipes/Timing data fixed,
[XTEnews]: REMINDER: RXTE Cycle 13 Proposal Deadline is Thurs., Oct. 30, 17:00 EDT,
[XTEnews]: Correction: RXTE Cycle 13 proposal due date,
[XTEnews]: RXTE Cycle 13,
[XTEnews]: ATTENTION: RXTE Realtime Data Area Has Moved,
XTENEWS migration: you must subscribe to continue getting xtenews!,
New RXTE Science & Products/XTENews E-mail Transition,
IMPORTANT: Problems and Corrections to RXTE PCA Background,
No Subject,
XTENEWS: AO-12, new software and background models, HEXTE cluster A,
RXTE Cycle 12!,
RXTE Birthday Plans,
10th birthday of RXTE!,
IMPORTANT: RXTE Cycle 11 NSPIRES Guidance (Deadline September 19, 2005),
Michael Arida
RXTE Cycle 11: Important Details Regarding Cover Page Submission,
HEASOFT 6.0 released,
Bryan Irby
Subject: RXTE Web services DOWNTIME: 5pm Sept. 10 - 6pm Sept. 12,
IGNORE previous message re: RXTE Lost Data,
RXTE lost data from 2004 July 25 (day 207),
RXTE Cycle 10 deadline extended to Sept 20, 2004; RXTE GO fundingmay increase!,
RXTE Cycle 10 and Astro-E2 Cycle 1 Peer Review Request,
HEASARC down-time and RXTE TOO request (fwd),
Rossi XTE Cycle 10 Call for Proposals as Part of NASA's ROSS-04,
HEASOFT 5.3.1 released,
Bryan Irby
New Email Addresses to Contact the RXTE SOF,
Joint Chandra/RXTE Proposals,
Terri Greenberg
MEETING: X-ray Timing 2003: Rossi and Beyond,
Patricia Boyd
RXTE Cycle 9 Released,
Patricia Boyd
RXTE Stage 2 Budget Proposal Information,
Patricia Boyd
RXTE Proposals Due: Nov 21st,
Alan Smale
Reminder! - Registration Deadline Next Week for X-ray Binaries/ToO Workshop,
Alan Smale
RXTE Guest Observer Program - Cycle 8,
Alan Smale
XTENEWS: HEASoft 5.2 released,
Alan Smale
RXTE Cycle 7 Deadline Extended,
Alan Smale
Request for Reviewers: RXTE Cycle 7,
Alan Smale
RXTE Cycle 7 Announcement Released,
Alan Smale
Improved RXTE Analysis Tools in HEAsoft5.0.4 Patch,
Alan Smale
Reminder: RXTE proposals due August 4th,
Alan Smale
RXTE Cycle 6 Released: Proposals Due Aug 4, 2000,
Alan Smale
Rossi2000 3rd Announcement: Final Program,
Alan Smale
RXTE News: HEAsoft 5.0; Processing Resumes; ObsID Names,
Alan Smale
Reminder: ROSSI 2000 Deadlines Approaching!,
Alan Smale
ROSSI 2000: 2nd Announcement,
Alan Smale
RXTE News: Cycle 5, E-data, HEXTE tools, PCA backgrounds,
Alan Smale
First Announcement: ROSSI 2000 Meeting,
Alan Smale
RXTE proposals due Fri 30th July,
Alan Smale
Amendment to the RXTE Cycle 5 Announcement,
Alan Smale
RXTE Cycle 5 Released,
Alan Smale
XTENEWS: PCA Gain Epoch 4, and other items,
Alan Smale
RXTE Cycle 4 release,
Alan Smale
EUVE Archive,
Alan Smale
SAX AO2 Program Available - Budget Submission via ADP Program,
Alan Smale
XTENEWS: RXTE GO Archive Opens,
Alan Smale
RXTE AO-3 deadline; Online proposal preparation resources,
Alan Smale
HEASARC downtime,
Alan Smale
Coordinated RXTE/EUVE Observing Proposals,
Alan Smale
RXTE AO-3 Announced,
Alan Smale
Beppo-SAX Mirror Site at the HEASARC,
Alan Smale
XTENEWS: New tapes, data rights, AO-3 etc,
Alan Smale
June AAS "Topical Sessions" - Announcement & Solicitation,
Alan Smale
"X-ray Surveys" Workshop Announcement,
Alan Smale
HTXS Workshop Notice - Erratum,
Alan Smale
HTXS Workshop: Final announcement, hotel deadline extension,
Alan Smale
Workshop on HTXS - Sept 30-Oct 1, 1996 - Preliminary Announcement,
Alan Smale
XTENEWS#12: AO-2 Proposals Due 1st July: Software/Info Summary,
Alan Smale
RXTE Archive Opens,
Alan Smale
Second RXTE NRA Released: Proposals Due 1st July, 1996,
Alan Smale
XTENEWS#9: Launch Delay for XTE,
Jim Lochner, GSFC (OGIP-XTE)
HEAD meeting, Apr 30 - May 3 1996: First Announcement,
Alan Smale
XTENEWS#8: AO-1 Target List Available,
Alan Smale
XTENEWS#7: The XTE GOF requests user feedback,
Alan Smale
The XTE Deadline Passes,
Alan Smale
XTENEWS#5: XTE telemetry, and other frequently-asked questions,
Alan Smale
XTENEWS#4: Updates to XTE PCA response matrices,
Alan Smale
Changes and updates to XTE NRA software,
Alan Smale
XTENEWS#2: XTE NRA officially released,
Alan Smale
XTENEWS#1: XTE Technical Appendix and software tools available,
Alan Smale
XTE Survey,
Alan Smale
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